[Campaign] One map campaign

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I'm making an 256x256 barrens Orc Campaign starring: Thrall Hellscream, Cairne Bloodhoof, Vol'Jin, Gar'Thok and Naz'grel.
Roughly 45% of the map has already been filled with beautiful valleys, Canyons, Chaotic Crevasses slicing true the desert, The grassy landscapes of Mulgore, Former Ogrimmar (You'll establish your base in a Valley occupied by Cairne after the Razormane's attack in order to Claim the resourceful valley for there own.), A beautiful Desert coast all the way true the map, and just some mountains (Stonetalon Peak, and former Thunderbluff), Dragon liar.
The map so far has 3 Main Quests, and 1 optional Quest.

But the reason I'm here is for Advice...
I've made every unit (excluding buildings) 20% smaller. Not only scale, but also Collision size, MOVspeed, selection scale, and even there shadows. I did this because the barrens is really, really big, and also because building in WC3 are somewhat to big. Do you prefer this or not.

Also, I've added tons of custom units: Quilbeasts lv2, Aggressive Boar lv1, Mottled Boar lv2, Enraged Quilbeasts lv3, Razormane Champion lv5, Quilboar Hunter lv5, Centaur Marauder lv6, Centaur sharpshooter lv6, Quilbeast Alpha Male lv4, Azure Dragon lv11 (Miniboss), and Elder Wildkin (A.K.A Bear God) lv9 (Miniboss). Tell me what skills/abilities I should give these units. * ALL OF THESE UNITS ARE ALLREADY 20% SMALLER *

I also have changed some traditional types of Armour; Heavy = metal, Light = Cloth, Medium = Beast, Unarmoured = Skin, all of these new defence types are fully custom, have custom icons, have custom resistances and weaknesses, but the description won't show up properly... Like only showing 2 sentences of text while I've successfully added 4. (I checked it)

But so far, this project is going great and the all units 20% smaller method really works and I also regularly compare sizes of units to grunts to keep it as realistic as possible.

Want some Pictures, show support, give suggestions or more information regarding this huge project, please comment below.


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