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Old School Point-and-Click Adventure

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Level 3
Nov 4, 2004
I've always wanted to create a point-and-click adventure in Warcraft III, like the old LucasArts and Sierra adventure games: Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, Indiana Jones, Space Quest... These kinds of games have also seen more recent revivals in Zak & Wiki, Strong Bad's Cool Game, and in a more literal sense, Sam & Max. When I first started mapmaking with the World Editor, I knew that the powerful cinematics and advanced effects possible through triggers would be conducive to this sort of game, but I never got around to testing the concept.

It's been years since I've visited the world of WC3 custom maps, and would like to know if this idea has already been explored by someone else—and if possible, where I could download their work so I could see what they've done with the concept!

I'd also like to hear if anyone else has ideas for new kinds of game mechanics that could be added to this kind of game using WC3's expansive triggers.
Level 3
Aug 23, 2008
I, as well had a similar idea for a map. Even started banging out a small storyline and possible features for it. :)

If you're up to making a map of this type let me know... We could do something together. :)
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