Defence map; old school or modern?

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Level 12
Dec 10, 2008
Ok, so latley I've had 2 copies of the exact same map (terrain and basic trigger wise). One is a more modern warfare map with 3 triggered spells, and the other is an old school warcraft map, that has a few of my spells in it, and is farther from completion. I'm wondering though, what would be easier to pull off? I know that the warcraft version would be more flexable for ideas, and wouldnt have to to stick to relalistic weaponery, but the modern one is something that you dont see every day in warcraft.

The background on it is a zombie map, with wave after wave of an ever-growing, stronger zombies, abominations, spitters, etc etc. The modern one has a nice system based off mana shield that would be a great way to trigger a AI. But the warcraft one has more importated meterial, more flexablility, and is generally easier to pull off, as theres many resources I can use to make it.

So which one sounds more interesting? Old school or modern?
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
it really depends on how you does it. if you do lots of cool effects and custom doodads to make it appear realistic, i'd take the modern one, else the warcraft one.

so its as you said, the WC one is easier to pull.
Level 2
Jun 25, 2009
I think modern to... I am bored by the old school maps because I have play and play and play them again. I want to see something new !!!! :\
But I love the old school maps to .... what did you think if you combine the style of an old map with the stile of a moedern map ???

Combine the mana shield ideea with thosands of zombie , abominations and other monstosity. :fp: good ideea
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