- Joined
- Jul 1, 2005
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Original email:
Subject: Gas Prices
Gas Prices
I hear we are going to hit close to $3.00 a gallon by
the end of summer and it might go higher!!
Want gasoline prices to come down? We need to take
some intelligent, united action.
Phillip Hollsworth, offered this good idea:
This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy gas on
a certain day" campaign that was going around last
April or May!
The oil companies just laughed at that because they
knew we wouldn't continue to "hurt" ourselves by
refusing to buy gas.
It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a
problem for them.
BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a
plan that can really work. Please read it and join
with us! By now you're probably thinking gasoline
priced at about $1.50 is super cheap. Me too! It is
currently $2.43 for regular unleaded in my town. Now
that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have
conditioned us to think that the cost of a gallon of
gas is CHEAP at $1.50- $1.75, we need to take
aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control
the market place.... not sellers. With the price of
gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need to
take action.
The only way we are going to see the price of gas come
down is if we hit someone in the pocketbook by not
purchasing their gas! And we can do that WITHOUT
hurting ourselves.
Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop
buying gas. But we CAN have an impact on gas prices if
we all act together to force a price war.
Here's the idea:
For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY gasoline
from the TWO BIGGEST COMPANIES (which now are one),
EXXON and MOBIL. If they are not selling any
gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If
they reduce their prices, the other companies will
have to follow suit.
But to have an impact, we need to reach literally
millions of Exxon and Mobil gas buyers.
It's really simple to do!!
Now, don't whimp out on me at this point... keep
reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach
millions of people!!
I am sending this note to about thirty people. If each
of you send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)
... and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x
10 = 3,000)... and so on, by the time the message
reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have
reached over THREE MILLION consumers. If those three
million get excited and pass this on to
ten friends each, then 30 million people will have
been contacted!
If it goes one level further, you guessed it.....
Again, all You have to do is send this to 10 people.
That's all.
How long would all that take? If each of us sends this
e-mail out to ten more people within one day of
receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be
contacted within the next 8 days!!!
I'll bet you didn't think you and I had that much
potential, did you! Acting together we can make a
If this makes sense to you, please pass this message
Yours Tru-Lee
ERA Professional Realty Group
Toll Free: 1-866-ERA-3100
SilverSong's Response: (and yes I emailed everyone who got forwarded too)
Is this really the right thing to do?
Mobile-Exxon is one of the few oil companies that are
in the process of building hydrogen fuel stations.
It seems to me that we would all be better served if
we supported only those oil companies that are
involved in opening new hydrogen & electric fuel
stations around the world instead of trying to maim
them when their in the middle of building new
technologies that will eventually bring gas prices
Perhaps even more importantly, shouldn't we be
petitioning our own local governments to switch from
gasoline-burning power stations to power our
electricity needs to cheaper and ultimately cleaner
wood, coal, wind, solar, hydrogen, nuclear and water
energy diverting the needs away from burning gasoline
for populace electricity could alone drive the prices
back down to under $2.00 a gallon.
Is it really even Mobile-Exxon's fault that gas prices
are so high? Compared to Hess and Shell which are both
rising into the $3.00 range they're one of the lowest
competetively priced gas companies in the state.
I'd actually welcome a nuclear power plant into my
neighborhood because of all the new advances that
Japan has done in nuclear power plant technology in
the past 10 years.
There's an article in Mechanics Engineering magazine
about this very topic.
The Japanese have completely re-engineering the old 1970's
nuclear technology to entirely contain all the nuclear
waste and uranium in one large internalized tank with
a specialized water flow system which keeps it cool
internally. This has completely eliminated the
possibility of a nuclear meltdown, since the coolant
system is powered by -and a part of- the nuclear core itself.
They've also successfully decreased the amounts of uranium
needed to under 22 ounces (that's a bottle of soda)
while increasing the energy output enough to power up
both New York City and Boston.
If we all switched to Electric-powered cars or hybrids, that are plugged in at home and recharged with nuclear energy that would almost completely eliminate the need for gasoline within the US, dropping it down to around .50c a gallon.
At this era in time, I think it's just the perception of people that needs to be changed. Everyone in the country equates nuclear reactor with an A-Bomb going off in the middle of the neighborhood and the possibility of a home-made Hiroshima, nothing is being done here to change peoples fears or beliefs in that.
Even those politicians who open their mouths, and start talking about perhaps getting nuclear power, are quickly silenced by a fearful populace of homeowners and families. The US has turned into a fearful country, afraid and terrified of change. We've held dearly onto the old english system of measure, and the old belief that a nuclear power plant is a bad idea.
"Spread the truth, and think about what you hear
people say or write."
Subject: Gas Prices
Gas Prices
I hear we are going to hit close to $3.00 a gallon by
the end of summer and it might go higher!!
Want gasoline prices to come down? We need to take
some intelligent, united action.
Phillip Hollsworth, offered this good idea:
This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the "don't buy gas on
a certain day" campaign that was going around last
April or May!
The oil companies just laughed at that because they
knew we wouldn't continue to "hurt" ourselves by
refusing to buy gas.
It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a
problem for them.
BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a
plan that can really work. Please read it and join
with us! By now you're probably thinking gasoline
priced at about $1.50 is super cheap. Me too! It is
currently $2.43 for regular unleaded in my town. Now
that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have
conditioned us to think that the cost of a gallon of
gas is CHEAP at $1.50- $1.75, we need to take
aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control
the market place.... not sellers. With the price of
gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need to
take action.
The only way we are going to see the price of gas come
down is if we hit someone in the pocketbook by not
purchasing their gas! And we can do that WITHOUT
hurting ourselves.
Since we all rely on our cars, we can't just stop
buying gas. But we CAN have an impact on gas prices if
we all act together to force a price war.
Here's the idea:
For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY gasoline
from the TWO BIGGEST COMPANIES (which now are one),
EXXON and MOBIL. If they are not selling any
gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If
they reduce their prices, the other companies will
have to follow suit.
But to have an impact, we need to reach literally
millions of Exxon and Mobil gas buyers.
It's really simple to do!!
Now, don't whimp out on me at this point... keep
reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach
millions of people!!
I am sending this note to about thirty people. If each
of you send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)
... and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x
10 = 3,000)... and so on, by the time the message
reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have
reached over THREE MILLION consumers. If those three
million get excited and pass this on to
ten friends each, then 30 million people will have
been contacted!
If it goes one level further, you guessed it.....
Again, all You have to do is send this to 10 people.
That's all.
How long would all that take? If each of us sends this
e-mail out to ten more people within one day of
receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be
contacted within the next 8 days!!!
I'll bet you didn't think you and I had that much
potential, did you! Acting together we can make a
If this makes sense to you, please pass this message
Yours Tru-Lee
ERA Professional Realty Group
Toll Free: 1-866-ERA-3100
SilverSong's Response: (and yes I emailed everyone who got forwarded too)
Is this really the right thing to do?
Mobile-Exxon is one of the few oil companies that are
in the process of building hydrogen fuel stations.
It seems to me that we would all be better served if
we supported only those oil companies that are
involved in opening new hydrogen & electric fuel
stations around the world instead of trying to maim
them when their in the middle of building new
technologies that will eventually bring gas prices
Perhaps even more importantly, shouldn't we be
petitioning our own local governments to switch from
gasoline-burning power stations to power our
electricity needs to cheaper and ultimately cleaner
wood, coal, wind, solar, hydrogen, nuclear and water
energy diverting the needs away from burning gasoline
for populace electricity could alone drive the prices
back down to under $2.00 a gallon.
Is it really even Mobile-Exxon's fault that gas prices
are so high? Compared to Hess and Shell which are both
rising into the $3.00 range they're one of the lowest
competetively priced gas companies in the state.
I'd actually welcome a nuclear power plant into my
neighborhood because of all the new advances that
Japan has done in nuclear power plant technology in
the past 10 years.
There's an article in Mechanics Engineering magazine
about this very topic.
The Japanese have completely re-engineering the old 1970's
nuclear technology to entirely contain all the nuclear
waste and uranium in one large internalized tank with
a specialized water flow system which keeps it cool
internally. This has completely eliminated the
possibility of a nuclear meltdown, since the coolant
system is powered by -and a part of- the nuclear core itself.
They've also successfully decreased the amounts of uranium
needed to under 22 ounces (that's a bottle of soda)
while increasing the energy output enough to power up
both New York City and Boston.
If we all switched to Electric-powered cars or hybrids, that are plugged in at home and recharged with nuclear energy that would almost completely eliminate the need for gasoline within the US, dropping it down to around .50c a gallon.
At this era in time, I think it's just the perception of people that needs to be changed. Everyone in the country equates nuclear reactor with an A-Bomb going off in the middle of the neighborhood and the possibility of a home-made Hiroshima, nothing is being done here to change peoples fears or beliefs in that.
Even those politicians who open their mouths, and start talking about perhaps getting nuclear power, are quickly silenced by a fearful populace of homeowners and families. The US has turned into a fearful country, afraid and terrified of change. We've held dearly onto the old english system of measure, and the old belief that a nuclear power plant is a bad idea.
"Spread the truth, and think about what you hear
people say or write."