"On a planet called Camelot, war is brewing as a monstrous threat has arrived upon the planet. Join the great warriors of the Kingdom, the Terror-invoking Beast-riders of the Blood Packs, the Vile Murderous Ghosts of the Shadow, the Powerful Machines of the Guilds, and Agile Protectors of the Wild as you venture forth into Camelot as it's darkest hour approaches."
Precursor to an AU of an Epic World.
"On a planet called Camelot, war is brewing as a monstrous threat has arrived upon the planet. Join the great warriors of the Kingdom, the Terror-invoking Beast-riders of the Blood Packs, the Vile Murderous Ghosts of the Shadow, the Powerful Machines of the Guilds, and Agile Protectors of the Wild as you venture forth into Camelot as it's darkest hour approaches."
Precursor to an AU of an Epic World.