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Northrend Bound v1.85

Northrend Bound
Brought to you by: Wark
Discord: https://discord.gg/pq5xEJYVPk

The old kingdom has fallen into disarray.
It is broken and divided, but not all is lost.
The people seek a new leader to face the trials of the North.
Will you rise to the cause?
There will be many challenges and choices. Allies and enemies.
To be a tyrant or a hero, the decision is yours.

Need info? Check out this item reference chart by Insanity_AI:
Northrend Bound Spreadsheets

Requires the latest version of Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne


Races and Strategies

Development Info




Northrend Bound is a strategy-RPG game.
It is based in an alternate Warcraft universe where something happened to the human kingdom of Northrend.
You are a lowly wanderer (of varying races) determined to become the next king. How you do it? That's completely up to you.
My goal is to make something that's as fun as possible, with many different ways to go about playing the game.

The old kingdom is all but gone.
A decade ago, dark magic washed over these lands and exacted a terrible price.
The forests, are dying.
The mountains, are in perpetual frost.
The animals become more aggressive day by day.
Undead roam the coasts,
and the Queen has shut out her people. She hasn't been seen since that day.
What do you hope to accomplish, wanderer?

Features include but are not limited to:

  • Single player OR co-op OR free-for-all. Can add computer players.
  • Hunting, fishing, mining, farming, lumber gathering, digging, trading, base building
  • Crafting with over 200 items
  • Multiple ways to develop your characters
  • "QWER - DFG" hotkeys for skills
  • "-help" and other in-game commands with game modes
  • Kick-ass backpack system
  • Semi-balanced races; they have strengths and weaknesses
  • Unit ranking system
  • Morality system based on reputation with the townsfolk
  • Naval combat
  • Espionage through direct and indirect means
  • A focus on town building, hero development, or a combination of the two
  • Different ways to win: conquest victory (destroy all other players or capture all towns), heroic victory (kill all bosses), economic victory (have "x" gold, players vote)

To pick your race:
Select your race at the start the game!
Human: (starting stats: 8 Str, 8 Agi, 8 Int)
- Round-all race, armored infantry, strong casters, no air units, more diplomatic options

Orc: (starting stats: 9 Str, 8 Agi, 7 Int)
- Units have higher health and damage, but cost more food. Better at conventional warfare. Upgrades make units level up faster (more experience in battle)

Undead: (starting stats: 8 Str, 7 Agi, 9 Int)
- Weaker yet cheaper units, more options to harass players.

Elf: (starting stats: 7 Str, 9 Agi, 8 Int)
- Units have less armor but are more mobile. Ideal for hit and run tactics. Significant advantages at night.

Dwarf: (starting stats: 9 Str, 7 Agi, 8 Int)
- Units are more costly, but more hardy. More mechanical and siege units available.

Unit Counters:
Different units will prove much more effective against their counters.
It's like rock-paper-scissors-water-dynamite:

- Cavalry are good at rushing infantry, archers, and siege units
- Polearm units impale cavalry units
- Archers and towers can pick off polearm units, flying units and casters
- Infantry with shields slaughter archers and are good fodder to siege base towers . . . if they can get close!
- Casters generally counter infantry, but are better used as support.
- Siege units demolish buildings and have no counters to their damage type, but are slow and vulnerable . . . usually
- Air units are strong against most ground units, except archers or towers
- Battleships demolish ground units, buildings and other ships
- Frigates destroy air units

Example Starting Strategies:
1) Start as a hunter, build a tent somewhere for a "lumber base", hire some Thugs from a tavern to harvest your lumber, go hunting for gold, build up from there.

2) Start as a fisherman, find a fisherman's guild for a shovel, go to the corner of the map somewhere, dig and fish for gold, sell accumulated riches, buy lumber, start a base.

3) Say sod building, talk to villagers, gain the "silver tongue" achievement, trade goods between markets for gold, gear up, go do dungeon quests to level up, kill armies with your hero.


The current progress of the map is as follows:

Dungeons: 100%
Lore: 99%
Races: 100%
Terrain: 100%

Systems: 98%
Tutorial: 100%
Unit Data: 100%

To Do:
- Introduction and ending cinematics
- Add info on elites and bosses

Deadline for next update:

Map Release: August 25, 2017 (version 1.0)
  • Version 1.68: Conquest victory through controlling neutral towns now has a 4 minute timer so other players can react. Adjusted some spell mana costs. Corrected some in game messages. Moved around some lore objects to make them more visible (bottles, signs, graves, books, and spirits).
  • Version 1.69: Updated colour schemes for the lastest version of WC3. Made some minor terrain palette changes. Did prepwork for a major ocean/calamity event update.
  • Version 1.74: Increased player limit to 12. Adjusted zombie AI drastically. Fixed the multiboard and added a clock. Changed the UI to something more appropriate. Added a "-friend" game mode so all players can start off allied. Magic offhands can now be combined. Fixed bugs with game modes. Fixed a zombie problem. Fixed player numbers for dug up units. Fixed a problem with bosses and defeat.
  • Version 1.75: Pickaxes now deal double damage to structures and can mine ores from deposits. Axes now can chop trees. Fixed some text in quest dialogues. Added the Demon Invasion calamity. Added the Nature's Wrath miracle. Items can now stack in full inventories (does not apply to buying items), and right clicking stacks now split them equally. Computer players will now have different scripting and random start locations.
  • Version 1.76: Fixed a bug with despawning the Shrine of Chaos. Turtles no longer give bounty. Fixed a bug with the 3 moons key.
  • Version 1.79: Changes to lighting and map limits! Player limits will be reduced to 8 once again, and the file size will be maintained at below 8 MB. Changed the Cavalry Charge ability for some cavalry type units. Vaults now provide 6 food for the Hero techtree. Reduced experience scaling from crafting. Buffed Fenris. Touched up some terrain. Fixed some lighting. Tweaked again for backwards compatibility.
  • Version 1.80: Bug fixes for the dungeon entrances.
  • Version 1.82: Summoned unit and content update! Added a new mercenary camp in the south by the ruined village. Reverted lighting back to normal, for now. Buffed Tinker summons and removed the bomb ability. Increased tree health and regrowth rates. The backpack now has a toggle option to force summoned units to follow the Hero that summoned them. Changed the AI script completely for the Forces of Chaos. Removed animals that spawn in base locations. Adjusted the formulas for item market values to have a longer recovery time. Added inventory to Orc units. Fixed the "Green Thumb" perk. Added a Troll Hero to the Frost Gate mercenary camp. Limited Dry Docks to 2 and Naval Batteries to 5 per player. Fixed a graphical glitch with green stuff everywhere. Zombies now decay in sunlight during the day.
  • Version 1.84: Hotfixes to the blood moon event, Gnoll Poacher, and troll arena. Tweaked summons AI a bit and limited zombie populations. Added the "-give" command to give selected units to different player numbers.
  • Version 1.85: Skeletal pirates now roam and attack bases. Worn Chain and Bandit Leather can now be used for crafting tier 2 armor. Buffed Nimble Gloves. Increased boss hit points while reducing some of their spell damage. New craftable accessory: Safeguard Amulet. Buffed tentacles. Fixed the item duping bug. Increased zeppelin cost. Increased Bloodmoon cost. Added the Naga, which becomes unlockable through a quest (hint: requires fishing). Added some reefs and shallow waters for possible aquatic bases.


The custom models and icons in this map are not my own.
A special thanks to the following people for making some awesome models and icons, or otherwise helping me in the making of this map:

- Special Thanks -
monkeyboy15, for testing my map
TC_Firestar, for the shoulderpads
steamgirl.arisu, for the loading screen
ShadeGabriel and Sifonseal, for the inspiration
Insanity_AI, for his spreadsheet

- Coding Help -
Maker, Laercio, ColdBone, NFWar, Paladon, Svetli, Spinnaker, Fruit Forest, Bribe

- Models and Icons-
Sin'dorei300, Sunchips, Blood Raven, AndrewOverload519, Wandering Soul, skrab, Ket, communist_orc, Illidan(Evil)X, HerrDave, Minimage, Ergius, CRAZYRUSSIAN, HappyTauren, graystuff111, Mythic, LoDown, !!GORO!!, Stanakin, Ujimasa Hojo, Kitabatake, Muoteck, JollyD, Eagle XI, Mr.Goblin, Elenai, Direfury, Tranquil, General Frank, -Grendel, epsilon, Tenebrae, Kuhneghetz, Laercio, CoLd Bon3, KILLCIDE, Em!, ~Nightmare, San, inhuman89, Mr. Bob, Deolrin, darkdeathknight, Lockheart, The Weird Human, stan0033, 00110000, Chriz, Uncle Fester and Blizzard Entertainment

See below for samples of gameplay, terrain, and features!


Northrend Bound v1.85 (Map)

Avoid playing music through the sound channel. Use the other Play Music trigger. And stop playing it every time the day/night starts or does it just play from time to time? Why fade to black and out when night/rain comes? Did you credit the original...
Level 1
Dec 4, 2018
Love your map. I just dont find the last treasure.
I tracked the treasure maps till MapX, which says the treasure is in the pirates den and the x marks the spot but i havent found any x even if i went there with a torch. I also dug everything up. Any idea what i am doing wrong?

Ps: i assumed the pirates den was the dungeon where the Admiral spawns
Level 13
Oct 12, 2016
Yup, the pirate's den is where the "X" treasure be.
If you're still having problems:
It's in the water in the last room. You'll find an "x" there.

For those wondering if I plan to update the map,
I've mostly been playing Skyrim over the past few months, but have been making a list of bug reports.
I plan to release a new version before Christmas this year, and possibly with another "treasure hunt."
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Level 2
Dec 12, 2018
Great map, superior to Founders in every technical way :) . It may feel weird that you have orcs and elves and undead, which dilutes the medieval atmosphere of FotN, but this is the only negative for me.

Some problems I found:
1. map is explored from the beginning - i can see the dungeons :/
2. Some models (elves have human blacksmith) are weird
3. Zeppelins are way too useful for their price. It's like 30 sec teleport. Throws things off.
2. when the dog (dog whistle) has picked up some items and gets resummoned, the items disappear and the new dog's inventory is empty.

But, on the whole, it is 10/10
Level 13
Oct 12, 2016
I've been trying to figure out how to black out the dungeons for some time while still revealing the whole map.
I never found a good solution for that.
However, I do agree Zeppelins could use a price increase to make them more comparable to the requirements for mages and teleport scrolls.

Dogs losing their inventory is surprising. If that's the case, there's something wrong there. I'll check it out.

Next update is out, will post the changelog tomorrow.
Major update, added the Naga race with various other item and terrain changes.
Fixed reported bugs. Happy New Year!
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Level 13
Oct 12, 2016
Ever since the changes, the updates to battle.net's platform, and the announcement of Warcraft: Reforged, this map will now always use the latest version of WC3.
I plan to take it all the way into Reforged.
Level 2
Dec 12, 2018
So, I tried bandit gameplay and it's great fun, but I have some remarks:

1. I started building a base without enough resources to build the Thieves Hall (shop building) and I was stuck for 15 minutes because I couldn't otherwise make money through NPC towns. After choosing bandit path, they stop trading with me.

2. After conquering a city, the endless spawn of guards and civilians quickly becomes redundant. The worst third world dictatorship cannot compare to life in my settlements :D. But really, it's silly.

WC3ScrnShot_123018_005959_01.jpg WC3ScrnShot_123018_010008_02.jpg

3. When hiring a shipwright or a Tinker hero I had to make a quick exfil with a zeppelin, not sure if that's how it is intended. Otherwise he won't leave the town alive.

4. In pub games people almost never declare wars on each other. Too risky, I guess, because acting as a conqueror turns you into a lightning rod. If you intend to encourage more conflicts, you may allow stronger defenses, or some kind of early game security, or impose a cost on maintaining large armies.

5. It seems that mistakes early on are more painful than mistakes after you have a base. I once died on my way back to town with a backpack full of pelts, and I fell far behind. This could be discouraging to newbies.

6. Demons at the demon gate just sit there and do nothing.

7. Give more calamities, zombies are great!

Good luck with the next version
Level 1
Jan 7, 2019
Hi, I've been playing this a lot lately in single player mode and absolutely love. I've also been scanning this forum for comments regarding the frequent late-game crashes.

With the regard to the AI being the most likely cause:

Is it a pathfinding issue? You have quite narrow paths in some areas and travel time between bases is quite long, are the AIs consuming too many resources trying to plot a path? I know I've frequently found AI squads sat doing nothing in random areas, seemingly and it appears that some of their members have become stuck whilst trying to regroup.
Would it be worth while reducing the population cap for the AI and giving them a boost in some other way to compensate? Perhaps a set of levelling 'not-self' auras on the hero to boost their 'now reduced' squad sizes? I'm thinking 2% attack damage/armour per hero level. It would simulate the way that bandits often rally around a powerful ,charismatic leader and often become significantly weaker once that leader is taken from them.

Could it also be a target priority issue? AI squads in your map spend a lot more time wandering than AIs in melee maps. Is the AI repeatedly updating its target list and thereby constantly changing where its sending its units (thereby flooding the RAM with pathfinding requests).

At any rate, it could be interesting to face smaller, tougher bandit squads (as much as love my huge army battles).

Just some thoughts I've had regarding the issue, since you've said that you will be continually updating this project.

Edit: So I've just had a series of crashes with no AIs present. All memory error related. I'd been running around with just my hero and a couple of thugs for a while (4 hours) and had just decided to start building a base and forces.

Edit 2: I've just had a series of crashes playing through the guild hall route. Everything was fine while I was just fishing/farming/mining/cooking/alchemy, but when I started questing, everything bugged out. Is there an issue with the radiant system?

I'm also starting to think that it might be related to the ranking system. Once bigger battles start, there are more ranked units dying and being trained. Are there too many for the map to handle?
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Level 13
Oct 12, 2016
You know, it has come to a point of balancing things out.
As for the demons not attacking anything though, I can't seem to replicate that bug for some reason...
As for the random crash, can you tell me what exactly was happening at the time?
And, where there any zombie hordes on the map at any point?

Anyways, after discussing it with others, the next update may include:
  • A "no flying unit" game mode. I know flying units can be an issue sometimes, so that can be an option.
  • I also may change bandits to be unable to take over towns. To compensate, I'll try to make the "Spy" units more effective/enticing to use, and bandits can "decap" towns from other players.
  • The hero techtree is kind of underpowered. To balance it out with changes to bandit mechanics, I may just make racial techtrees a little more expensive so they can't build up as fast (like, more expensive structures, upgrades, and/or units).
  • In addition, to make boss fights less of a unit spam, I'll change damage types of bosses to do more damage to units and less damage to Heroes.
What do you guys think?
Level 1
Jan 7, 2019
I wanted to check whether the ranking system was at fault and, not being a particularly prolific coder, I simply went through your map and removed any triggers/abilities/buffs/variables that referenced ranks to see how long I could run the game for before it crashed.

It just crashed, so, unless I've missed some part of the ranking system when I went through cutting it, its not the ranking system. So I think I'm going to redownload 1.85 to restore ranking.

My crash happened several in game days after the bloodmoon event. There were hordes of zombies all over the map that couldn't be cleared by myself, the AIs or the patrolling soldiers. I didn't have a chance to use 'iseedeadpeople' to check how many zombies there were, but given how many I could already see, I assume it was a lot.

I was playing a Guildhall playthrough and had built a vault shortly before triggering bloodmoon.

I had 7 AIs, 2 had been defeated, 1 by another AI and 1 by a zombie swarm.

I don't know if it makes any difference, but my base was on the island SW of the mainland. I've been using this base a lot recently, could the AI be trying and failing to path there?

Edit: Just made it through Bloodmoon without crashing. Though I did, quite significantly, buff the 'Sunlight' aura to kill off all the Zombies after the night.
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Level 2
May 15, 2018
Anyone know where the murloc effigies are located I just found the Naga temple so where are the murloc's found?????
Level 2
Sep 14, 2017
Anyone know where the murloc effigies are located I just found the Naga temple so where are the murloc's found?????

You have a chance to fish up murlocs with a fishing rod. They drop the effigies.

Edit: Make sure you have the quest first otherwise they wont drop them.
Level 1
Apr 15, 2018
Checking back after months, the progress is staggering great job! I saw a new event as a demon invasion in the changelog, how do I start it and what does it do?

Alright I found how to start it, however the demons seem to stay where they are. When should we expect a fix for this?
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Huh, this fell off my alerts. Dunno if this has been addressed since 1.68, but some events overlap with each other: bandits and pirate skeletons will accumulate in the same locations if their events happen, but the minotaur/spider doesn't spawn if the spider/minotaur is already there and hasn't been killed yet.

So I finally found the place Treasure Map 5 points to. You should really change the text to northwest, because the place where the river starts in the center north corresponds.
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Level 1
Apr 28, 2019
Hello, I have some trouble trying to host this map and play it with my friends.
When the loading of the map reaches 80% my Warcraft 3 application crashes with the following error:

This application has encountered a critical error:


Program: f:\download\Warcraft III\war3.exe
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0023:6F4DE1E0

The instruction at '0x6F4DE1E0' referenced memory at '0x0000000C'.
The memory could not be 'read'.

This is only happening with the 1.85 version of the map :/

I'm using patch 1.26, perhaps it is necessary to have patch 1.29 installed?

PS. the error also happens on my friends PCs.
Level 1
Jun 3, 2019
I am unaware if this is still being updated, However, I have found a game crashing bug.

If you equip the Musket (T2) weapon, and use its Explosive Shot, the Warcraft 3 clients of all players in the game will crash.
Level 1
Jun 3, 2019
I was unaware there was a T1 Musket, When i originally found the issue, I went from the T1 Crossbow, to the Musket instead of Upgrading my Crossbow using materials. Yes this was with the latest version of Warcraft, so it could be an issue with the new update.

I also did not attempt with the Muskets upgrade, as I avoided using its tree all together since Explosive Shot was causing the crash.
Level 1
Jun 16, 2019
Heyho, good map. Only problem I see are the vampire spawns. Either they should come later, should be nerfed or should only spawn in a smaller area around the castel. As it is you just should not ever build or settle in the North-East at all. One vamp is easily capable of destroying any early base, army and fun. 1100 HP + Lifeleech and enough dmg to never run dry and it can just pop up in the middle of your settlement.



Level 1
Sep 16, 2019
I really like the map. Time to time I got back to W3 custom maps and this one is great :)
But I have some questions. I play the map for 7 hours and still dont know some features.
Manly about quests and Bosses. I dont know how many features are there. For example dungeons are clear, but I dont know about other bosses. How many are there? How summon them?
I read about vampire queen, leviathan... dont know who can i find them. Also dont got any good unique item (pirate hat, rabbit leg, etc quit weak..)
Also curious about the 3 red circles at ruined harbour. I cant find out these without helps...
I found books in the mine, what are they for? Are the headstones in the graveyard have any meaning?
Really love this game, but It is frustrating that I can miss many great things.
I simple written guide or info map for this places would be great :)

Level 13
Oct 12, 2016
One of my students inspired me today.
I may try to update this once more, and help people wanting to translate the game.
For those who are curious, this is still an open source project.

I wonder how this will work with the new world editor...
Level 2
Mar 5, 2017
Hi there! I love this map so much! If you don't mind me saying, there is something I would like to add about important balance matters i think this map deserves:

1. Main hero Agility builds really needs a buff.
2. Bandits really needs a buff

Let me make some simple maths for you here about why I am saying this:
- Agility: Every point of agility grants +1% evasion and +1% chance to critical hit (double damage) (and 1 ms)
- Strenght: Every point of Strength grants +o.5 damage points and +10 hp (and 0.5 health regen)
- Inteligence: Every point of Inteligence grants +1% resistance to magic (+10 mana and 0.5 mana regen)

This means that in overall, if every hero start with 10 points of Agi, Str and Int and decide to max one of them, they get something like (after weapons and armor):
- Max Agi: +50% overall damage and total of 250% health against physical attacks (still poor against spell nukes)
- Max Int: total of 250% health against spell attacks (no bonus damage and no bonus health against physical attacks, but ranged nukers don't need this)
- Max Str: +50% overall damage and total of 225% health against BOTH physical and spell attacks (+the regen)
(I am not considering other items that provide bonus stats)

Hybrid builds:
- If someone decides to go a balanced build they get about +40% damage, and total of 166% health (agaisnt both physical and spells) and poor spells.
- If someone decides to go Agi and Str, they get about +50% damage, total 250% Health against physical and 162.5% health against spells
- If someone decides to go Str and Int, they get about +25% damage, 250% HP agaings spells and 162% against physical
- if someone decides to go Agi and Int, they get about +25% damage, 150% HP against both spells and physical

As you can see, when it comes to brute force/damage the Str builds are overpowering the other builds
The only downside of strength builds is that they are not high mobile and don't have ranged attacks other than their nukes

The only builds that match the Melle Strength ones are the ranged Inteligence ones that provide nukes and control.

Inteligence builds with the walking stick are incredibly powerfull right now, because the walking stick grants blink and a series of nukes/control if using a orb at offhand (my prefered is air and holy orb, because I can both cure and nuke from very great distances since I can easilly blink in and out). Just by using it against bots, for example, I am able to destroy the entire Bantit army only using my main hero (and a spy to give vision of area, principally at night)

- Melle inteligence builds are lacking and can improve too (because of all the physical damage they need to suffer in order to play their melle damage)

- Agility builds, however, are the ones that most easilly die even to the very first spell nukes (such as area damage from shockwave, or even simply focused hammer throws) - and because of how random can be the evasion of a hero, an agility hero can both withstand waaay a lot of damage/time in a fight (meaning it will take more damage from spells/cooldown), or die easilly with a few blows, making it, even with all its buffs, still unpredictable and inefficient, and always forcing the player to keep and eye on saving his hero in a big fight (instead of micro managing other units)
- Agility melle builds then lack even more because the nature of their skills.

So, if you want any suggestions, my suggestions are:
- For Bandits you can add things such as more stealth, poison, teleportations between Hideouts and regen to fit their role as more shaddy evasive individuals that rely on "guerrilla" fights.

- For Heroes, remove blink from Int ranged Builds/weapons and add it to Agility Melee builds
- Give Spell resistance to Agility points too.
- For Melee Int builds, make skills take in consideration some of the points in Strength and/or Agility too.
- You might also want to add an automatic 1 point of every stat for every 10 levels (or 1 point of all stats for every 10 stats in one certain stat).

If you apply this suggestions, Agility heroes will indeed become more reliable solo assassins; Strenght Heroes will still remain the stallwarts/supports to their troops that they are; and Int Heroes will still be great support/utility, however now properly nerfed as heroes that require good positioning (instead of blink abusing them as solo mass murderers).
Also, Agility builds will never be really op since the nature of their skills (most are not area damage) and they still get the most of their efficiency only when getting at latter levels (50+ with other items that provide agility too) - while Strength and Inteligence builds still provide a more reliable health growth or mana for early game spells and control.
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Level 2
Mar 5, 2017
Hi there again! If you don't mind, I would like to add some more contribution about some gameplay issues.

- Cooking and alcheming take too long and require the player to keep pressing a single buttom for way too long in order to mass produce (time they could be using to chat or micromanage other things)
- Empty vial requirement makes alchemy recipes way too hard to produce to offset the time and effort put into making them. (alchemy itself is way too time and focus consuming to offset the effort and money put into it)

- Reduce cooking and alchemy recipes cooldown from the cooking stand and allow the recipes to autocast;
- Remove empty vial requirement OR greatly increase the number of alchemical solutions (production) from a single vial usage.

I also think that cooking food and creating alchemy recipes before selling should make the goods value more (and not less as it is right now), and 12.5% of its total buy cost should apply to East and South markets, while 50% to North Market (as it already is with all other non consumable items).

Other ideas/sugestions:
Maybe you could add a new profession "inn manager", in which the player can build an inn/restaurant that automatically sells stored food to villagers that pass through nearby (1 food per villager, each villager have a cooldown) and collects a small amount of gold (without food requirement). The player themselves can also play a "food delivery" role in which they sell cooked food and drinks manually and directly to the villagers (without the inn requirement).
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Level 2
Mar 5, 2017
Hi there again! I went a little ahead and after some testing, I applied some of the changes I listed above on the map I play myself. If you guys allow me, I would like to share here, in case anyone else find it interesting.

@Wark , please feel free to add these changes to the next official update release of the map if you want. (I would appreciate receiving a little credit for my contribution (as Inseerlink) if that is the case ^^)

Balance updates applied:

Main Changes:

Agility Heroes are now a thing!
- Agility stats grant spell resistance (just as Int stats);
- Agility stats grant attackspeed once again (o.o1 per level);
- Starting Heroes get 1.2 bonus Stat of Int, Str and Agi every 10 levels; different races have different distribution (for example, Orcs get 1.6 Str, 1.2 Agi and 0.8 Int); Total of 18 Distributed Points of Stats at max level (6 of each) (Affects only main heroes/founders);
- Agility and Int grant their evasion/resistance in a manner that always add effective 2% of hero max hp as health against physical/spell attacks per Stat point.

Chemistry is now a thing!
- Removed the water and empty vial requirements from alchemy and cook recipes;
- Increased the number of alchemy solutions by 3 for each brew, and reduced their price accordingly (times 3);
- Greatly reduced the cooldown from cooking and alchemy recipes (removed);
- Changed Alchemy recipe requirements from Medicinal Powder to Ginseng;
- Made the total of Cooked goods and Alchemy solutions worth a total of 10% more gold than the goods original price;
- Applied the bonus local money from sold items from Cooked goods and Alchemy solution goods to NORTH market (all worth 50% of total buy price);
- The South Market (isle city) no longer get bonuses from alchemical solutions;
- Improved the "Baker Terbakar" perk to equally affect recipes that reward multiple items (more items per cook and brew);
- Bombs no longer need strings;
- Molotov coctail no longer needs sulfur;
- Changed texts to reflect the changes applied to alchemy recipes.

Farming, using the land better:
- Weath and Corn seeds max market stack from 6 to 12, resplenish time from 15 to 5.

Version 1.85a - Hotfix
- Updated text to reflect that cooked and alchemical goods now apply their bonus price only at the North;
- Agility and Inteligence info panel now shows information properly.

Version 1.85b - Who Buffed the Buff?
- Seeds now are purchased in packs of 5 (price of pack of seeds adjusted proportionally);- Water from the well resplenish time from 30s to 5s;
- Removed Meat from North Market and added it to East Market;
- Removed Medicinal Powder bonus price to South and East Market;
- Added Medicinal Powder bonus price to NORTH Market;
- Removed Medicinal Powder from North Market.

To do list:
- Remove coal requirement from melting ingots recipes (add cost of coal instead, maybe?);
- Add something funny to do with coal;
- Add some other 2 goods to North Market that matches its abundance (or leave it like this for balance sake because North Market is now already the center of commerce anyway);
- Increase the number of wells one can make and rebalance the resplenish time of water after some testing;
- Increase the time it takes for crops to grow;
- Add a small price bonus from all goods to all Markets (something like 12,5% of buy price when it is not the main Market);
- Buff Hunt - Improve the number and respawn of animals, and add a totally new dedicated gear to hunters that can be unlocked via perk.


I appreciate any positive feedback (or negative, if that is the case);
I am new to the forums, so if I am violating any rules with this post, please let me know! I would be mostly glad to correct myself; thanks in advance!


  • MyNorthrendBound_v1.85a.w3x
    8.7 MB · Views: 73
  • MyNorthrendBound_v1.85b.w3x
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HD Model Reviewer
Level 33
Jun 22, 2013
Hi there again! I went a little ahead and after some testing, I applied some of the changes I listed above on the map I play myself. If you guys allow me, I would like to share here, in case anyone else find it interesting.

@Wark , please feel free to add these changes to the next official update release of the map if you want. (I would appreciate receiving a little credit for my contribution if that is the case ^^)

Balance updates applied:

Main Changes:

Agility Heroes are now a thing!
- Agility stats grant spell resistance (just as Int stats);
- Agility stats grant attackspeed once again (o.o1 per level);
- Starting Heroes get 1.2 bonus Stat of Int, Str and Agi every 10 levels; different races have different distribution (for example, Orcs get 1.6 Str, 1.2 Agi and 0.8 Int); Total of 18 Distributed Points of Stats at max level (6 of each) (Affects only main heroes/founders).

Chemistry is now a thing!
- Removed the water and empty vial requirements from alchemy and cook recipes;
- Increased the number of alchemy solutions by 3 for each brew, and reduced their price accordingly (times 3);
- Greatly reduced the cooldown from cooking and alchemy recipes (removed);
- Changed Alchemy recipe requirements from Medicinal Power to Ginseng (before only founders could get the best out of alchemy);
- Made the total of Cooked goods and Alchemy solutions worth a total of 10% more gold than the goods original price;
- Applied the bonus local money from sold items from Cooked goods and Alchemy solution goods to NORTH market (all worth 50% of total buy price);
- For balance sake, since alchemical solutions do not require empty vials anymore, the South Market (isle city) does not get bonuses from alchemical solutions;
- Improved the "Baker Terbakar" perk to equally affect recipes that reward multiple items (more items per cook and brew);
- Bombs no longer need strings;
- Molotov coctail no longer needs sulfur;
- Changed texts to reflect the changes applied to alchemy recipes.

To do:
- Add a description at the hero Interface Agility Stat to reflect the changes applied to Agility


I appreciate any positive feedback (or negative, if that is the case);
I am new to the forums, so if I am violating any rules with this post, please let me know! I would be mostly glad to correct myself; thanks in advance!

those are nice suggestions but if I'm not mistaken this map is kinda open source now so you may as well make your own edition of this map
Level 2
Mar 5, 2017
those are nice suggestions but if I'm not mistaken this map is kinda open source now so you may as well make your own edition of this map

Oh, wow, so, what do you mean? Anyone can edit this map and post the new one here?
How does that work, sorry I am a little confused XD