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Noobs or not?

  • I hate noobs!!! >:(

    Votes: 8 20.5%
  • OMG NOOBS <3

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • I don't care...

    Votes: 26 66.7%

  • Total voters
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Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Do you like having new people in your games, or are you one of those hosts that says "NO DL" in the game name?
I personally don't care, but I hate people who ask for commands in RP games or especially joiners who ask for them in games I host, and I also hate noobs that ask 2000 questions that they could figure out themselves.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
i agree w/ offspring. also i don't care though except the ppl who take 4X as much time as the average dler, i kick them, then they rejoin, and i kick them, and they rejoin, and then I say "kiss kiss baby" and I boot them. just to make them mad
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
Hu guess my post was deleted for some reason..

There is no difference between noob, n00b, newb!!! Theres no difference! its the exact same thing, they just spell it differently to be meant as a insult.

To say someone is a noob, newb, n00b is just saying they either suck or a begginer. No difference stop acting like there is
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
Yet again, someone who doesnt know.... They mean the exact same thing... People use the word noob as a insult, meaning they suck or something.... But its the same thing

"Newbie" can be used as a term to identify newcomers to a game, place, or organization. The variant spellings of "newbie" are also used, especially in online games, as a catch-all insult regardless of the recipient's actual skill or experience. Someone who acts like a "newbie," but isn't one would be referred to as one of the variant spellings. The variant "noob" has become common in spoken English by juveniles. Alternate spellings include "newb", "n00b", "noob", "nooblet", "nub", and the recently popular "nublet." These alternate spellings of the term, other than "newb," inherit the definition of "newbie" but are generally used in a derogatory manner to indicate uselessness because of the ignorance associated with being a newcomer.

In online games, mainly MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft or Lineage 2, a greater distinction may be made between a "newb" and a "noob." The common consensus is that a "newb" is someone who through their very nature of being a new player is inexperienced and naive to particular gaming mechanics or etiquette, whereas a "noob" is a player that is generally considered to be experienced, yet often makes mistakes or solecisms that would more likely be attributed to a "newb." The term "noob" can also be applied to someone who is experienced, but blatantly disregards rules and etiquette.

Despite what people believe it still means the same thing... They just use the word to refer that player that they suck or dont know how to play...
Saying there is a difference is just ignorance...
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Now gtfo of a dictionary and go online.
People call others noobs when they aren't necessarily new to the game, just when they are idiotic, or as a general insult.
And read your own article.
inherit the definition of "newbie" but are generally used in a derogatory manner to indicate uselessness because of the ignorance
Key words: Derogatory Manner.
It is still derived from newbie, but it isn't used in the same context.
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
You didnt listen did you? lol i said people refer witht he word "noob" as to saying they suck or something. But it means the same thing
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
Noob wont be in every dictionary...

I doubt newbie will either(if it was it would be listed as newbie or newb)

Every word wont show up in a dictionary.

It didn't sprung from internet communities. the different uses for newbie(like noob) was created by communities.

Newbie isn't a made up word. The word "Newbie" is just abused
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
lol... Besides that first part i already said that... Only noob is Newbie, just the abused version people call others as a insult, saying they suck and such.

Same concept with panzy. panzy is a flower. Some people don't realize that but it is, calling someone a panzy is calling them a flower, saying they are weak, or afraid.

Exact same concept. Like lot of people dont know noob just means newbie, just spelled different to sound more insulting or someone had poor spelling, saying they suck, being idiotic, inexperienced. Etc

See what I'm saying?
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Look, you're using evidence which contradicts your point to support your point. Try carefully rereading those definitions.

That's like saying "handicapped" means the same thing as "weakling" because they both imply someone who is deficient physically. One is obviously a verbal assault, the other is simply a technical term. Also, notice how they say that it implies general ignorance: a noob can be someone who has played the game many times before, but continues to suck for whatever reason.
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
Contridicting? no not really.... He first said theres huge differences then suddenly he starts to argue towards me what ive been trying to tell him....

Newb is short for Newbie, which just means a person new to something.
Noob is another random insult, typically meaning idiot.

People call others noobs when they aren't necessarily new to the game, just when they are idiotic, or as a general insult.
And read your own article.
inherit the definition of "newbie" but are generally used in a derogatory manner to indicate uselessness because of the ignorance
Key words: Derogatory Manner.
It is still derived from newbie, but it isn't used in the same context.

It's still the same thing. You dont listen to my posts, you are just repeating what I'm pretty much saying and trying to make me lose..

Actually Newb comes from Newbie not the other way around.
My point was Noob and Newbie mean the exact same thing, the only difference is the alternate spelling, and of course the ignorant people which only know "noob" as saying someone sucks at something, being a idiot, inexperienced etc... But its the same thing... So saying

newbies i dont mind, noob i hate, that is greatly contradicting yourself, because there both the same, only people who dont know what noob means generally uses it for insults.... Or people use it anyway like insults, ive seen people say noob,nub,newb,newbie totally different, like using them to seperate different catergories of players... which makes me laugh...
Level 27
May 30, 2007
My point was Noob and Newbie mean the exact same thing, the only difference is the alternate spelling, and of course the ignorant people which only know "noob" as saying someone sucks at something, being a idiot, inexperienced etc...
The definition of "noob" explicitly states that it is an insulting term.
Words can change meaning over time, so while "noob" originally was another spelling of "newbie", this is no longer the case.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
It's still the same thing. You dont listen to my posts, you are just repeating what I'm pretty much saying and trying to make me lose..

Actually Newb comes from Newbie not the other way around.
My point was Noob and Newbie mean the exact same thing, the only difference is the alternate spelling, and of course the ignorant people which only know "noob" as saying someone sucks at something, being a idiot, inexperienced etc... But its the same thing... So saying

newbies i dont mind, noob i hate, that is greatly contradicting yourself, because there both the same, only people who dont know what noob means generally uses it for insults.... Or people use it anyway like insults, ive seen people say noob,nub,newb,newbie totally different, like using them to seperate different catergories of players... which makes me laugh...
We are listening to your posts, you are just not listening to the technical definitions and repeating yourself, so we have to repeat the fact that you should reread your definition. Here is the quote bolded in appropriate spots to demonstrate our point (italicized text are comments by me):

"Newbie" can be used as a term to identify newcomers to a game, place, or organization. Just the opening definition The variant spellings of "newbie" are also used, especially in online games, as a catch-all insult regardless of the recipient's actual skill or experience. Someone who acts like a "newbie," but isn't one would be referred to as one of the variant spellings. The variant "noob" has become common in spoken English by juveniles. Introduction of "noob" Alternate spellings include "newb", "n00b", "noob", "nooblet", "nub", and the recently popular "nublet." These alternate spellings of the term, other than "newb," inherit the definition of "newbie" but are generally used in a derogatory manner to indicate uselessness because of the ignorance associated with being a newcomer. Used in a derogatory manner. There you go.

In online games, mainly MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft or Lineage 2, a greater distinction may be made between a "newb" and a "noob." The common consensus is that a "newb" is someone who through their very nature of being a new player is inexperienced and naive to particular gaming mechanics or etiquette, whereas a "noob" is a player that is generally considered to be experienced, yet often makes mistakes or solecisms that would more likely be attributed to a "newb." Noobs are players who should be good but suck anyways The term "noob" can also be applied to someone who is experienced, but blatantly disregards rules and etiquette.

Refute me. And don't say that definition is BS; you provided it.
Level 4
Aug 31, 2007
Hi, I've been reading your posts, and I think your very close to the gamer's meaning for newb and noob.

Newb is exactly what you said, A new person who isn't generally good at the game, doesn't know much, and usually asks a few (hundred) questions.

Noob means they aren't willing to learn, that you suck over and over again, and you ruin the game to make people mad.

(Newbs don't mean harm)
(Noobs generally play the game to ruin it)
You can use all three meanings in the same time, but usually its 1 or 2 meanings (number 2 the most)
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
noobs in td is worse, because new ppl constantly join and they quit next game, and it requires alot of strategy specially if its a td where the noobs are fucking massing cheapest tower that has little use after lv 5 and doesn't relise it also can be upgraded. I mean is that really beyond common sense, cmon?
Level 7
Mar 6, 2007
Noobs, what can I say?
I like versing them in bnet for easy wins
Hate having them on my team (usually) bcause they sometimes have no clue.
In a custom game I do not care, as it does not really matter to me.
What ever happened to the words like "IDIOT", "Tard"(retard), "Wetod" ive noticed all i see online now is NOOB, and im guilty of saying it to.. (for both meanings)
But in general I Think:
Newb= NEW

The reason Noob is used is its less keys that are also closer together than newbie which takes so long to type... thats the major reason for internet slang.. but anyone can understand NOOB because 7% of internet slang is phonic and can be understood if u sound it out ( only exceptions i can think of are anagrams and short parts of the word)

As for newb's i dont mind them in game because they can atleast follow directions or are willing to share control so u can help them. but as my definetion of NOOB they are normally ignorant, will leave game randomly without even giveing resources away, base kill (or hurt team purposely), get the riggest hero in the game, Use absolutely any Exploit they find to their full advantage, and still will suck.

unlike a newb a NOOB can and likely drag a team down with him.
There are also Ass's which are normally pretty good. sometimes exploit. If they are loosing will do gay last ditch efforts (go straight for your main(foots)) Theese are the people i think are more likely to use custom kickers or map hacks to win. They will also harrass and call other people noobs if they dont get what they want, or leave if theyre host.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
There is a difference between new players and noobs. Noobs are total retards about everything, and don't take the right approach to learning new things at all, they just expect to become totally pro after 5 minutes of whatever it may be, modding, skinning, gaming, etc. They're idiots and all they do is piss everyone off.

New players, I can handle, with ease. They may not be pro, but they're bound to get there FAR faster than the noobs. These are pro's-in-training if you ask me, they have all the potential to be pro, they just need the time and experience.
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