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no editor i legacy of the void beta

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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
for some reason it came without an editor.
Because it clearly says so?

the other betas of starcraft 2 had an editor.
Only WoL had an editor shortly before release as far as I am aware. HotS beta, like LotV beta, focused on melee and balance rather than the editor.

what is going on?
They are testing melee balance, which is important because in places like South Korea SC2 tournaments are worth dozens of millions of dollars.

The editor will come out as part of Version 3 update. It is basically the same editor we have now in Heart of the Swarm except it includes many new features and bug fixes which were made for the development of LotV as well as Heroes of the Storm (which uses the SC2 3.0 engine).
Hmn probably they are working on the new features still.

The once I have datamined look very interesting:
  • Wizards: Automize Data Creation. --best feature so far.
  • Custom Campaigns.
  • Edit/change/add/glaze materials to models.
  • Lots of new natives, including user made events with event parameters.
  • The possibility to export/import balance data.
  • Shared Libraries.
  • Lots of new actor messages.
  • More advanced effects for cinematics.
  • Version Controlling. (only Diff tool seen, not sure if it has some svn/git).
  • A better GUI Editor.
Level 6
Mar 31, 2012
The start of the beta wasn't available for anyone but high-level SCBW players and big youtubers at the time, and was mostly there to generate hype. I actually completely forgot about that. Hard for the Swarm had it from the get-go but it crashed all the time (I remember that vividly).
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
Hard for the Swarm. well i guess you can sexualize everything :-D still, I wouldnt see it as a sign that it wont come for lotv. at least when the game is released. My guess is they are holding it back either because it has so many changes that its still too broken to release or it barely has any changes that its not necessary to test. would be highly illogical to not release it ever with the way they are trying to promote the arcade.
Level 6
Mar 31, 2012
Unfortunately it came too little too late, since when they did all their promotional shit with HotS and the free Arcade and whatnot most of the playerbase had already died of brain cancer. Hopefully, the changes they make this time will streamline the processes of actually making a map outside of terrain.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
most of the playerbase had already died of brain cancer
I think the problem is that people do not want to play games like WC3 and SC2 anymore. WC3 is only so alive because it has a huge pirate following from developing countries which generate a lot of traffic. Such people cannot play SC2 because their computers are very old or low performance.
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
SC2 arcade is for free, bur barely promoted. I think blizzard should release their own maps once a month, same way they do with F2P-games.

I believe it also has to do with that people generelly seem to like Fantasy more than SciFi. When WC3 was released everyone was hyped about Lord of the Rings and now we still have WoW, which is reflected in the mod scene. There is no companion media for SC2. Star Wars Episode 7 might be a new hope (pun intended :D)
Level 18
Feb 9, 2008
I remember having the WoL Editor in beta very clearly. It was buggy as fuuuuuuuck. It's what turned me away from mapping ontop of how messy the editor felt to me.

But yeah, they said they refuse to give us mappers an editor for legacy because of spoilers as well as a shitton of features they haven't finished yet. Access to the editor means we'd be able to post everything Blizz is working on (like the UI overhaul, campaign models, which have been mined already, wizards) and they don't want that.

A friend of mine who goes by the name nice__username datamined a ton of shit and showed me, he then asked Zoevia and Psione if he could show it on reddit, and they politely asked it not to be released.

It has been found out from Heroes that wizards are likely going to be map templates that set things up for you, such as "hero editors", if you want to make a map containing heroes (like dota clones).

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
But yeah, they said they refuse to give us mappers an editor for legacy because of spoilers as well as a shitton of features they haven't finished yet. Access to the editor means we'd be able to post everything Blizz is working on (like the UI overhaul, campaign models, which have been mined already, wizards) and they don't want that.
That is not a problem since the campaign mods are not part of the beta (like with WoL). What is a problem is that there are no mods other than melee LotV so most existing maps will not work and making a map is very hard. Additionally functionality such as talents is likely in a developer only state since they were created for Heroes of the Storm and not designed for normal users. They also probably are finishing the new art tools with support for Heroes of the Storm model features such as cloth physics among many things.
Level 18
Feb 9, 2008
That is not a problem since the campaign mods are not part of the beta (like with WoL). What is a problem is that there are no mods other than melee LotV so most existing maps will not work and making a map is very hard. Additionally functionality such as talents is likely in a developer only state since they were created for Heroes of the Storm and not designed for normal users. They also probably are finishing the new art tools with support for Heroes of the Storm model features such as cloth physics among many things.

You can access the campaign data in the current beta, such as models, textures, etc. You won't get cinematics or missions or voice/text.
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