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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Its a Night Elf Slayer a great warrior fast and usefull. Path : textures\satyr.blp

NightElfSlayer (Texture)

THE_END: A Night Elf would NEVER look even remotely like a Satyr, especially a recolored one




THE_END: A Night Elf would NEVER look even remotely like a Satyr, especially a recolored one
Level 6
Apr 15, 2004
If thats one of falco's sarcastic jokes, I must say its getting old...

Its pretty hard turning the satyr into an elf, he got hooves, horns (with teamcolor that makes it hard to change since they go beyond alpha channels), and the hair on his arms does not convince as hair on gloves here... But its still an ok skin.
Level 6
Mar 2, 2006
i don't like it. it's not very good, but my primary reason is that it doesn't look right. sorry... :?

Nice. Could be a pretty nice half breed of Night Elf and Satyr.
wolfmanarc, that was kinda heresy. no night elf would ever conceive such a half-breed. and certainly wouldn't let it live!