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Night Elf Ranger

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
Few days ago I saw a Blood Elven Ranger model and I had an idea to make a Night Elven skin version for Jennala Deemspring cause for some reason there isn't one here yet, then later I thought about making separate models cause I was never a fan of replacing skins in first place, so here you have the 2 versions to choose from - Hunched and Upright postures so feel free to use whichever you like better.

Also to apply the skins properly you must set every single of them to the following path (except icons of course):
Also I added only one portrait, because it's the same model either way. Just set the name of the portrait to the version you want to use for example:
from "NightElfRanger_Portrait" to "NightElfRangerUpright_Portrait" or "NightElfRangerHunched_Portrait"

Also special thanks to Retera for providing beta version with fixed animations.

Enjoy :peasant-smile:

Update: Added Green Haircolor option.
Update 29.10.2021 - Changed the color of armor from teal to gray. The model should look a lot more natural with other Night Elves.

BTNNightElfRanger (Icon)

BTNNightElfRanger (Green Hair) (Icon)

Green Hair Color (Optional) (Texture)

Night Elf Ranger (Hunched) (Model)

Night Elf Ranger (Upright) (Model)

Night Elf Ranger Portrait (Model)

I believe it could be more interesting if the model has some night elf details such as feathers on the pauldrons and leaves on the cloak

I'm not skilled at model editor, so it'd be a bit difficult cause I don't know where to start and which program would be the best for use and Reteras Model Studio was kinda buggy last time I've used it for example, but I don't deny that I kinda wanna do more beyond that and it kinda frustrates me that I can't do much at the moment.
I really like your suggestion of using feathers though, what I really think is that model itself needs some minor additions/tweaks cause it mostly fits with the Night Elven theme.