the colour and change to the face is nice, the bodie lacks contrast a bit, could use darkr tones around the rib cage.
the freehand scribble gives it texture and its what makes pins skins pins. pins do you have adobephoto shop, if so go into it and go to sharpen, press unssharp mask move the top bar slightly along and the middle bar further along, this will enhance the lines and image making the textures and image stand out much more. then go to image, adjustments, gradient map. click on the greyscale until another barscreen loads up. click on the arrows at the bottom were the blacktowhite bar is and move the white one across a bit and move the black one across a bit, then close it and go to edit (edit is at the top) click fade gradient map, it will bring up another bar, go down and select softlight and that will enhance the image once again, if it apears too dark then u can lighten it with the same bar moving it across. if you do this for your skins your skins will increase in quality by 2%