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newbie questions, Modding its just for Frozen Throne?

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Level 2
Apr 24, 2005
hi i've see some great models in model section, but in the tutorial they say to use the 'model importer' i have just the 'reing of caos' (no expansion), in my version i can import models? how?
another thing, War Craft its possible to change the models for campaingas also?
Level 2
Apr 24, 2005
thanks huys, i'm geting some money to buy TFT right now (so maybe in two weeks..) but i love modeling, i work mostly only 2D games (Diablo2, StarCraft, Fallout2, AoE, Star Wars Galact Battlegrouns...) so i i know a bit about winMpq, but in D2 we use the '-direct' and '-direct-txt' and subpastes since its a bit hard compile the MPQ's, Warcraft use shortcuts too?

i've downloaded some files in file center, i've get '125_warcraft3viewerOpenGl','mpqediten', i've tried to download 'W3ZMEv10.zip' but the zip was corrupted (many files come that way, i try to follow the tips, but the erros aways appear).
and i dont know how to replace a mdx AND the textures inside the MPQ (i dont know if this is possible also).

to make the job easer, i'll say what i want to do:
i'm a huge fan of Star Wars series, so i want replace the animations/icons of some units in game to play single player campaing as jedi(and try others models also). its possible? since i cant edit campaings files i want add the changes to game by MPQ or 'direct' shortcut.
what i need its a little help to start since this forum its huge! and have a lot of information, so im a bit confuse right now...
Level 2
Apr 24, 2005
orcfan32 said:
What Daelin is saying is:

• Open your map in a MPQ program
• Add a model file to it (.mdx format)
• Add its skins with the correct paths
• Go into it with World Edit
• Find your custom unit and change it's model file to yours

Simple eh?
thanks, at start i have some bad efects (the bad 'grid box' instead of the model, hehehe) but now i think i get the point:
i create a folder inside a civ (orcs,undead) add the portaits and model, then open the texture folder and add the texture. in editor i use the option that alow me to write the path (orcs\Jedi\JediFemale...).
i'll try now get some ICONS, and try to find where i add them ,hehehe and how make these new units show in units tool palets.

now i'll try to change the graphics of the units INSIDE the Campaings, but as i can see i Can extract the campaings files, so i'll extract, edit import :)

thanks all for the patience.

and im trying now to find a way to change the weapons graphics of a model (there are good lightsaber files, so i want to use them in the normal sword units).
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