Warcraft Three Vuewer for Frozen Throne?

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Level 13
Jun 21, 2007
Hi Hive!

I was looking around, and found the application WC3 Viewer, and I must say I was surrprised, as I am a user of WoW Model Viewer, and saw startling similarities between the two. I love the models in WC3, and I'm planing on useing them for artwork and such. I have but one question:

How can I view models from WC3:FT? I'm a big Illidan fan, and I hate the new model they have in WoW. I can see just the demon hunter model, but no Demon Illidan. Yes I have FT installed. Is there another version, or do I have to load in the FT? Any replies would help (I hope). Cheers!

Level 13
Jun 21, 2007
Thanks for the fast response! =]

I fallowed the link you posted, but I already had the viewer. I want to be able to see Frozen Throne models in the viewer, but I can't. I attached two pics (I hope it worked). One is a pic of the viewer, with no FT models, the second is just a funny lttle pic I made that I want to show off.

Am I looking in the wrong place for the models, or do I need to load in the FT files?


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  • screenshot_244.jpg
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