This is the Site Discussion forum.
As has already already stated, we can't control Blizzard's creation, just try to learn and understand it the best that we can.
I will move this thread and rename it. The Hive's best JASS coders can then help you learn and use that powerful programming language.
~ Thread moved and renamed.
JASS is an [B][I]advanced [/I][/B]scripting language to n00bs who don't know it.
How about:
Not to be mean to n00bs or anything, it is just all so true. :emote_grin: (Except for some people and others who are willing to learn JASS)Code:JASS is an [B][I]advanced [/I][/B]scripting language to n00bs who don't know it.
roflmao...And sure i think P.Poot is right soz u can't make enough good map without jass etc.
function UnitCircleLoc_Child takes nothing returns nothing
local timer this = GetExpiredTimer()
local unit whichUnit = H2U(GetHandleHandle(this, "whichUnit"))
local location where = Handle2Loc(GetHandleHandle(this, "where"))
local real radius = GetHandleReal(this, "radius")
local real currentAngle = GetHandleReal(this, "currentAngle")
local boolean clockwise = GetHandleBoolean(whichUnit, "clockwise")
local location tempLoc = null
local boolean stopCircling = GetHandleBoolean(whichUnit, "stopCircling")
if(stopCircling) then
call PauseTimer(this)
call FlushHandleVars(this)
call DestroyTimer(this)
if(clockwise) then
set currentAngle = currentAngle - 1
set currentAngle = currentAngle + 1
set tempLoc = PolarProjectionBJ(where, radius, currentAngle)
call SetUnitPositionLoc(whichUnit, tempLoc)
call RemoveLocation(tempLoc)
call SetHandleReal(this, "currentAngle", currentAngle)
function UnitCircleLoc takes unit whichUnit, location where, real radius, real speed, boolean clockwise returns nothing
local timer t = CreateTimer()
call SetHandleHandle(t, "whichUnit", whichUnit)
call SetHandleHandle(t, "where", where)
call SetHandleReal(t, "radius", radius)
call SetHandleReal(t, "currentAngle", GetRandomReal(0,360))
call SetHandleBoolean(whichUnit, "clockwise", clockwise)
call SetHandleBoolean(whichUnit, "stopCircling", false)
call TimerStart(t, 1/speed, true, function UnitCircleLoc_Child)
You have forums here. The Hive is a huge community with good JASS Scripters such as DrSG, PurplePoot and wyrmlord. I'm sure they will be able to answer any questions you have.
And you weren't expecting to create great systems after reading a tutorial, did you? You need to first create lesser scripts before you advance to glorious systems.
Explain to me what;
A Function is (mandatory)
A Local Variable is (mandatory)
A Timer is (mandatory)
What the Local Handle Vars are (optional)
and I'll explain that.
(If you have no idea what the first 3 things are, you're not gonna understand that anyways, and should start with something WAY easier)