Mmm, well I can help you, but I won't create the code for you. You must learn.
Mad Stomp: I t seems that you want the caster in the middle of the triangle. Well, creating a triangle is just like creating any geometric figure using GUI.
Download the Shapes map i attach here. It shows you how to create several geometric figures.
To make the units get stunned, i suggest you use a colision size event.
High Jump: Well, you can use one of the spells of the spells section we have. I attached a jumping spell, and a link to a search with many jump spells, so you can create your own.
I advise you to have a look on them.
Shell Top: ALtazen is correct. However if you don't like them, you can always look for a skin for those models in THW section.
Feast: It is easy. You should familiarize yourself better with the WE. The Wracrfat Orc Kodo Devour is a dummy ability. The real ability is in the Devour Cargo Ability. A unit that has a Devour Ability, mas have a
Devour Cargo Ability as well. IN the Devour Cargo, you can change the damage dealt, as well as the time.
This ability can be found inWE regular abilities, Orcs, Units, and then change devour and Devour Cargo.