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New to hero making need help on spells

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Level 1
Feb 22, 2008
alright as of right now my main problem is that im trying to create a spell that moves the hero to a target location and also dmgs anything in the path but im not getting how to do both the move hero and the dmg i can do one or the other but idk how to do both
Level 5
Aug 23, 2007
I'd help out sum1 I don't know. lol...

The most basic is a triggered impale that works so that when you cast it, you are automatically moved to the maximum distance of the wave.

Hide your unit when you cast the ability, and move it instantly to the same position with offset by the distance in X and Y from your point to the max wave distance you're facing.
Level 5
Aug 23, 2007
Or, you can search in the spells section and find an ability that does exactly that.

There are spells there that do what you want, you just need to look and there first.

Yeah, you can search there. But it's the thrill of creating something by yourself that feels more rewarding, don't you think?

ANyway, there's an action called:

Unit - Hide/Unhide

Make use of the action with the event:

Unit - Starts the effect of an ability.
Level 5
Aug 23, 2007
Creating is good. But having a bibliography to create is even better. I would still search in the forum. You can always create your own spell, but with the good stuff of all the others, thus creating a master piece.

Amen to that. I've done bibliographies before, and that does make sense :p
Level 1
Feb 22, 2008
alright thank you, but i have another question

alright im just gonna break down and give you the jist of it, im trying to create a hero unit and use some unique spells that i've come up with but i dont exactly understand how to do most of this, mostley becuase im used to the simplicity of SC and W3 just made things to complicated for me

but anyways the abilities im trying to come up with are

Mad Stomp-basicly an impalement move, but when its activated instead of just shooting out 1 line i want it to shoot out 3 or 4 lines in a triangular shape in front of the hero and i want the impale instead of looking like the usual impale i wanted it to be rocks, as if the hero itself were shaking the ground, all i need for this one is to figure out the 3 or 4 lines instead of 1.

High Jump- if anyone has ever played dota before its sorta like tiny's toss ability, except instead of throwing someone else he throws himself, this one i havn't started yet and frankley i have no idea what to do with it.

Shell Top- basicly it's a blade storm that slows, the only problem i have with this one is figureing out how to make the unit spin, i havn't tested to see if it the ability will automaticly make the unit spin.

Feast- a basic devour with i thought would be simple except for some reason i can't for the life of me find the dmg ratio, i can edit the time the unit is devoured but i cant find the dmg/sec ratio that i need, because i wanted this to be his ultimate.

If anyone helps me out, ill give credit to the design and technical support to whoever does so, and as some of you may have guessed, yes, i do want to try and get this hero on dota. Dont really know why just wanted my own little peice i guess...
Level 5
Aug 23, 2007
Mad Stomp: Ask a spellmaker who has sufficient JASS knowledge, then ask for the code.

High Jump: Same thing. It's possible in GUI, but it would probably leak. But if the spell just makes you jump, and fall back on the same spot, the you can do it by changing unit height
via the Animation Actions in the trigger editor. It's easy to find.

Shell Top: Only specific units have a Spin animation. Blademaster, Blademaster Chaos, Grom, and Grom Chaos model files all have spin animations.

Feast: Dunno. I can't find the DPS ratio either.
Mmm, well I can help you, but I won't create the code for you. You must learn.

Mad Stomp: I t seems that you want the caster in the middle of the triangle. Well, creating a triangle is just like creating any geometric figure using GUI.
Download the Shapes map i attach here. It shows you how to create several geometric figures.
To make the units get stunned, i suggest you use a colision size event.

High Jump: Well, you can use one of the spells of the spells section we have. I attached a jumping spell, and a link to a search with many jump spells, so you can create your own.
I advise you to have a look on them.

Shell Top: ALtazen is correct. However if you don't like them, you can always look for a skin for those models in THW section.

Feast: It is easy. You should familiarize yourself better with the WE. The Wracrfat Orc Kodo Devour is a dummy ability. The real ability is in the Devour Cargo Ability. A unit that has a Devour Ability, mas have a
Devour Cargo Ability as well. IN the Devour Cargo, you can change the damage dealt, as well as the time.
This ability can be found inWE regular abilities, Orcs, Units, and then change devour and Devour Cargo.


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Level 5
Aug 23, 2007
Hmm. So Blizzard was forced to make use of dummy abilities even if they already programmed the game themselves? Geez. Why do they have to do that when they can just program the fields so they could be edited in the same spell? Anyway, that probably means that Immolation's damage intervals are also in a dummy ability? if so, which one?
About immolation, I don't think it uses a dummy ability. Immolation is basically 2 abilities, I that does nothing, and the other that damages and drains mana.
However it is impossible to say which is the dummy ability. I believe that in this case, they are both main abilities.

The Devour Cargo is considered a dummy ability, because it is hidden form the player while playing.

Because in Immolation you can see both abilities, therefore you can't consider a dummy one.
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