New Score System

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Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
So I noticed nobody cared much for the score system. Yes?
Probably because its very buggy, it tends to erase your work, and theres no reward at the end of it all.

Well, with the new score system I hope to change this!

Its similar to before, but
'Extra Score' is going to be replaced with an Achievement.
Each level has an Achievement which you can optionally complete.
For a lot of these its just going to be a perfect extra score.
But anyway, it'll be like SC2 campaign achievements, but theres only one per map.

You also get score for finding the unit I have hidden in the map!
I've not decided exactly what unit this will be, maybe Zeus (my turtle), myself, or something from the campaign.

Theres also rewards at the end of the campaign, 3 different types actually:
Minor Award A: Complete the campaign on normal difficulty with atleast a onverall Grade C
Minor Award B: Complete the campaign with every achievement completed
Minor Award C: Find the hidden character in every level.
Major Award: Complete the campaign on insane difficulty with atleast an overall Grade C.

At the end of every map you will be given two codes.
The first code contains purely the hero data needed. (So it will be shorter than before!)
The second code contains your score information. If you collect them all from all the maps you can open the special award map and redeem your prizes!

These are the sort of prizes I'm thinking you can attain:
- A unique item
- A spell replacement
- A fun cheat (eg. replace all trees with carrots)

Not 100% certain I'll do this yet.
Thoughts/opinions? : >
Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
Okay, Achievement, Score, Awards, then you get the prizes respectively, got it.

So this will replace the old score system on all your campaigns, right?

I like the prize ideas (except for the carrots one =P) and have some thoughts regarding them.

For the "unique item" prize, do you intend on giving the current campaign heroes items that they can replay the campaign with or will you give the next campaign heroes the items?
Also, I hope by unique item you mean a custom unique lore item for each hero, not a Helm of the Deathlord or something =P.

Same question goes for the spell replacement prize, as for this prize, it would be awesome to give the main heroes (Arthas, Skel'li, Thrall, Grom) a completely revamped spellset and maybe a new skin/model...
Since this requires the most work, It would be fair to make this the Major Award's prize.
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