New Project:Recruiting

What name do you want for the map?

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The map has been released!
I've created a castle defense map,it is finished,yet it hasnt turned out that good.Ive called it 8 Heroes Defense but im probably gonna change it.
EDIT:Vote for a new name in the poll above!

Defenders Race:Orcs
Attackers Race(AI):Night Elves
Castle Location:Map center
Heroes:21 selectable Heroes
Players:8 Max,but 4 Players recommended.
Just tell me if you want to help and i will give you more details on the map!

The Map will soon be posted here,for testing.But note that its in alpha stage and still requires alot of work.Edit:The Map is now available for alpha testing.Do not publish it or steal it!Thank you^^

Jobes left:
Jobs taken:
-Spells(Taken:MultiGod,redscores)Edit:MultiGod and redscores have retired from spellmaking!DONE
-Skinner(Taken:psychoNerdial)EDIT:psychoNerdial has left the team,i am not looking for another skinner!
-An artist,who will create the loading screen.(Taken:Boneknight)DONE

Heroes/Items/Units: IIIIIIIIII
Yes the Map is generally done,yet im going to work on some of the things for a few days and then upload a Beta version in the maps section,no longer here!
Things that need to be done:
-A new balance system

Hero names(required for the Name inventor job):
1.Killing Hunter(Shaman model)Screenshot 15
2.Dark Lord(Custom archimonde model)Screenshot 5Edit:Name changed to "Exxoharus"
3.Summoner of Doom(custom tauren model)Screenshot 19Edit:Name changed to "Galashmephistus"
4.Dark Ranger(Drow ranger model)Screenshot 6Edit:Name changed to "Raia Fallenarrow"
5.Wizard of Doom(custom acolyte model)Screenshot 20Edit:Name changed to "Zephyrus"
6.Poisoned Unit(Hydralisk model)Screenshot 16Edit:Name changed to "Killer Mantis"
7.Blademaster(custom blademaster model)Screenshot 2Edit:Name changed to "Sin Skyreaper"
8.Fire Mage( model)Screenshot 10Edit:Name changed to "Helios"
9.Ancient Healer(orc healer hero model)Screenshot 1Edit:Name changed to "Jin'Kul"
10.Sorceress of Lightning(Sorceress model)Screenshot 18Edit:Name changed to "Friddales"
11.Forsaken Caster(banshee model)Screenshot 12Edit:Name changed to "Unshalla the Forgotten"
12.Dead Walker(custom death knight model)Screenshot 7Edit:Name changed to "Necroeidos"
13.Corrupted Cavalry(custom orc chevalier model)Screenshot 4Edit:Name changed to "Hellrider"
14.BladeSong(custom grom hellscream model)Screenshot 3Edit:BladeSong's name will not be changed.
15.Doom Thrower(custom Headhunter model)Screenshot 9Edit:Name changed to "Warliner" (suggestion by MultiGod)
16.Ghost of a Bird(orc wyvern spirit model)Screenshot 13Edit:Name changed to "Spirit Wyvern" (suggestion by MultiGod)
17.Ice Mage(custom.....watery model)Screenshot 14
18.Dead Wizard(custom necromancer model)Screenshot 8
19.Skeleton Archer(undead skeleton archer model)Screenshot 17
20.Flying Killer(orc batrider model)Screenshot 11Edit:Name changed to "Sky Ripper" (suggestion by MultiGod)
21.New Hero(No Name yet)(custom "sorceress model")Screenshot 26Edit:Name changed to "Mystical One" (suggested by MultiGod)

Screenshots are also available!Edit:Terrain edited by Hiruty.Edit 2:Terrain reedited by Multigod(no new pics yet.)


  • Ancient Healer Hero.PNG
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Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
hmm i don't get it, why do night elfs attack orcs? O_O should it be the oposate way? but your the map creator you decide. :D

some map ideas :
Defence of the Warchief
Bloodlust of the Horde
Strike from the Shadow
Bloodlust Orcs vs Shadowy Elfs

other ideas :
-do some events on your map, like every X minutes a unit will die or a unit will be a lucker and recieve X gold, or stuff like that.
*the "X" is for you to replace with wich numbers you want.
Level 9
Apr 11, 2008
hmm i don't get it, why do night elfs attack orcs? O_O should it be the oposate way? but your the map creator you decide. :D

some map ideas :
Defence of the Warchief
Bloodlust of the Horde
Strike from the Shadow
Bloodlust Orcs vs Shadowy Elfs

other ideas :
-do some events on your map, like every X minutes a unit will die or a unit will be a lucker and recieve X gold, or stuff like that.
*the "X" is for you to replace with wich numbers you want.
Orc Campaign: the nelfs attack the orcs. Nelf Campaign: the nelf attacks orcs also humans too
What kind of ideas do you need?
Any:Like massive attacks and etc.,the things that are on your mind^^(things that fit in defense maps^^)
-do some events on your map, like every X minutes a unit will die or a unit will be a lucker and recieve X gold, or stuff like that.
*the "X" is for you to replace with wich numbers you want.
Thx but i had already done your idea in my map^^
And i am also looking for a skinner!Cuz i need a skin for Grom^^
6 new screenshots!Check above!
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Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
Na, i am not so interested in this kind of map, but i think you need also another guy, for terrain :s
It don´t look good, its flat and empty.

Anyway, good luck x)

(200th Post wohoo!)
Here is a example of mine. A very old map, but I think... well, see it by yourself.

And just btw, i am better as spellmaker.
I just tested your spells and well their cool too,so your a spellmaker too^^ and Multigod i did test your spell before posting.
What spells i need to be created:aoe healing spells(just make different ones and ill put some of them in the map),a no target lightning ability that damages nearby units with some nice effects,target needed and aoe dark magic spells.
Thats it for now!If you 2 manage to create such spells then well continue^^
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Level 11
Jan 17, 2009
Shit, guys. i think the spells gonna take a long time, my computer just crashed and all my works were deleted.
EDIT 1 : The lightning thingy is finished. it's basically a nova. I'll update this ASAP that it will contain the two remaining aoe dark magix


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Shit, guys. i think the spells gonna take a long time, my computer just crashed and all my works were deleted.
EDIT 1 : The lightning thingy is finished. it's basically a nova. I'll update this ASAP that it will contain the two remaining aoe dark magix
I will check your spell now and yes you can create those spells.
Edit 1:MultiGod i checked your lightning spell and its perfect.^^^Gonna import it now.
Edit 2:I just imported the spell and its working,so good job^^
Hiruty i see your good at terraining,but can you do an outland terrain?
What spells i need updated:Now i need a lvl 6 ability for a sorceress,so a lightning ability,that jumps from target to target(thats easy),but it never ends until a targeted unit dies.And thanks to MultiGod who created the no target lightning ability^^
i can just about anything terrain i did make a barrens terrain map WITH BETTER terrain for a mapand if not i am good learner from just looksing at pictures and imetating and learning from em xD
So yah ima good
Alright....hmmm i will give you the map and you are only going to change the terrain and nothing else!And DONT give it to anyone else!When your finished,then tell me!
Edit:Removed the file and will reupload it when your there.
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ask the other spellmaker(I forgot the name) to do that. I dont know how to do it sry :(
Alright no problem.Just create the lightning ulti,check the last post in page 3^^
Edit:Heres my last post so you dont need to find it^^:"What spells i need updated:Now i need a lvl 6 ability for a sorceress,so a lightning ability,that jumps from target to target(thats easy),but it never ends until a targeted unit dies.And thanks to MultiGod who created the no target lightning ability^^"
Did I just say that i cant do the lightning aoe and 2 dark magix aoe?
Alright gonna check it now^^
And whaddya mean by the lightning ulti?
I mean,a spell just like chain lightning,yet it never stops jumping from target to target,until one of the units that has been hit by lightning dies.
well, i think you need to make the killing unit boolean to is a hero aswell
No i did something else^^
ask redscores to do the lightning ulti. I think hes pro
alright then.If you dont have anything to do right now then just do some custom fire and ice spells^^doesnt matter if its aoe or target needed.
Edit:Good job mate^^
Edit 2:Imported the spells and they work^^Your spells are really cool MultiGod^^
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