New Project: A Game of Thrones

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Level 6
Aug 29, 2004
Hey guys
In a previous thread i posted a whole list of stuff which i had yet to complete. Well, I've decided to finish the footman wars as its the most realistic, but my idea for "A Game of Thrones" seemed to attract the most intrest.
This map is still in the most basic stages of terraining (which means i just started), but here are the features down on the drawing board:

This map will probably be 6 player, to give each player 200 units.
At the beginning of the game, each player is randomly allocated one of 6 realms, being Winter, Mountain, Valley, Plain, Island and River. Each has its own special bonusses: for example, the Valley realm is extra fertile, whereas the River gives interesting trade opportunities.
Players start with a basic town in the centre of which is a circle of power. This is your life! If an enemy unit steps into the circle of power, you are dead. You can fortify your town, adding more buildings like armouries, barracks, markets, farms etc.
A major part of the game will be treaties... and breaking them! You can send messengers to other players to ally with them, and you can ally to various extents, even to shared-unit control to coordinate attacks. However you can be very very sneaky like and backstab your allies, so don't draw them too close unless you're sure theyre trustworthy.. and even then, dont be too friendly.

Another interesting aspect of the game will be the foot costing of units: Instead of lumber, you have food, and your current army size drains that much food every 30 seconds or so. If you're not gaining any food, you're in very dire straights... this means then that you can besiege towns, or blockade rivers, starving them into surrender. The ability to take certain enemy heroes hostage will also hold people under your sway. Armies will need supply trains though, so armies cannot lay seige forever without their supply lines being ambushed.
New tactics will be introduced with units as well, for example a 'volley fire' ability for archers which does AOE damage, or a 'cavalry charge' which lets your knights trample enemy units.
At the start there will probably only be Humans playable, however i will change and adapt to at least all 4 races.

So, hows it sound? Interesting/fun, too difficult to play, a waste of time to make, or totally impossible?
=][= Bort
Level 1
Aug 11, 2005

Hey! It's a very good idea, but i think that 200 starting units for every of 6 players are so many! (220x6=1320 units - it will be stunned...)

Let's make 20-50 starting units and some of walls to protect the town from quick attacks. And make some differents for every player: for example, snowland-people have more MAXhealth then other and field-ones have more high speed then other etc.

And forgive me for my bad English (I'm from russia)

The Storm will be started at midNIGHT (when ANgeL come...)
Level 6
Aug 29, 2004
woops, i didn't mean 200 starting units, i meant MAX of 200 units each.
And yeah, each realm would be having different abilities, the Valley being extra-fertile means that the player gains food quicker, and the River would let the player hire trade barges to bring stuff upriver. I was thinking of things to do for the other ones tho, so i might use triggered upgrades to give higher health/defence etc.
ATM i'm trying to implement the Supply train / food idea. I think i need to have every unit have a mana value of 1 or 2, with a decay rate, and the food deposits be like Moon Wells so that if you come near your food store is replenished... trouble is then to convert the lumber to mana in carriages to take to these moon wells. any ideas?
Hmm i could add in scout units who have inventories, allowing them to have food supplies with them... interesting, interesting... and units could sleep at night to make dawn attacks viable :O. difficult!!
=][= Bort
Level 6
Mar 25, 2005
you might think about making a "squadron" type thing. where you create a custom model and fuse like 3 or 4 of the units together into one model. Ex: like 4 marines into one model. that way, you can limit the size of the units to about 50 or so, and still have the same effect. of course you do have to get the custom model...

or if that doesnt work, make the unit's mana the remaining unit left in the squad. like if the unit takes a certain damage, one mana falls, and when all the mana has fallen, the squad breaks and the unit dies... something like that, or just simply reduce the max unit number.

*EDIT: and each "death" of the squad member reduces the ability of the squad, such as reducing the attack speed, sight, etc.
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