[Strategy / Risk] Game of thrones: Origins

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Level 4
Aug 22, 2014
Hello everyone! I've been working on this Game of Thrones remake for almost a month. I made this map after coming up with the concept that the popular Game of Thrones map, by 2happy4u, would be a lot more fun in the play style of Azeroth Wars.

While I enjoy playing the popular Game of Thrones map by 2happy4u, it's map is extremely inaccurate, compared to the actual map of Westeros, and utilizes a spawn-based limited pool of units which is boring because most players get the same units- there is also a lack of variety in units for more complex strategies.

In producing the map, I started from scratch, modeling the map after an actual map of Westeros. The result was a more realistic continent of Westeros, roughly the same size as 2happy4u's map, except my map is a square shape, instead of a narrow strip, so I used the free space by adding the western portion of Essos and the free cities, once colonies of Valyria. The world also takes place in-between the Age of Heroes and the Age of Conquest. All the legendary heroes and creatures of legend will be in this map, like The Grey King, his mermaid wife, Brann the Builder, Durran Godsgrief, his goddess wife, Aegon I, his sisters & their dragons along with the children of the forest.

Each culture will have 4 unique units, along with about 40-50 different units depending on what race the culture in represented by, example, Valyrian Freehold (Dragon Stone) will be represented by high elves/blood elves while the Free Folk (True name of the Wildlings, as they never called themselves that...) will be represented by orcs/trolls. Here's a list of all cultures (Players: 11... possibly a 12th, but am unsure which culture to choose) and their races.

Winter- Undead
Free Folk- Orc/Trolls
The North- Human/Dwarf
Riverlands- Human
Ironborne- Naga/Murloc/Misc Aquatic units
The Vale- Human/High Elf
Westerlands- Human
High Garden- Human/High Elf
Stormlands- Human
Dorne- Fel Orc/Night Elf
Dragon Stone- High Elf/Blood Elf
Specific Free City of Essos (to contend with Dragon Stone?) or the Children of the Forest (Wildcard in Westeros to help balance fighting between the northern kingdoms of westeros ?) I'm open to suggestions.

Moving onto game mechanics, the map utilizes an Azeroth Wars style control point system and capturable buidlings across the map, for bonus unique units to whomever controls it. In terms of play style, this map is very similar to Azeroth Wars.

Wrapping up with updates and issues, this is my first map, so if any map makers out there wanna offer a critique, help work on the map, or help teach me to better make the map, I'll gladly accept it and put you in the credits... The map is 95% done, for a beta/test version... all that's left is balancing attack values and naming some units... The map file will be posted sometime this weekend. Please feel free to leave comments and questions.

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Level 2
Feb 20, 2010
I can help with triggers, and balancing, and beta testing. Just send me a PM and we'll go from there.
Level 4
Aug 22, 2014
since it's GoT, every faction will die at the end?

If you want to stereotype... The books are better because less charactrs get murked + lady stoneheart, robb stark's mom comes back to life in the books, not the show.

But honestly everyone's gonna get murked by the Targaryian Freehold- dragons...

Also this map will be ready for Christmas.
Level 4
Aug 22, 2014
Wow, it's almost been a year since I started working on this map. It's almost done- having restarted the imported units and map- good thing I did, its better than ever and will rival 2happy4u's spawn based Game of Thrones map.

I'm wrapping up and I need help on a few things- most importantly though- for some reason the editor wont let me apply deep water. I started the map off in shallow water, is that why? Please don't tell me I'll have to restart the map creation again. :(
Level 4
Aug 22, 2014
In the long run- I need a modeler, need to merge Aegon and his sisters with their dragons so that they can have a mount dragon ability and maybe even create some better units that are more culture (example, Andals) specific, instead of finding random hive models, which would make up a culture and don't work all that well together.
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