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New map - Causing Fatal Error - plx test

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Level 9
Dec 17, 2007
Heya all Workshoppers :hohum:

My map keeps returning me the following error

Program: c:\program files\warcraft iii\war3.exe
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:6F46B1C1

The instruction at '0x6F46B1C1' referenced memory at '0x0000000C'.
The memory could not be 'read'.

If any of you would take the time to test this map, then PLEASE! If you wan't to experiance the error by yourself, just add full bots, then it should occure fast!

I dunno, if it's an error in the AI triggers, or if it's an abillity-trigger, since AI use them too. I have messed around some of the triggers to see if there was any loops or something, fixed those who might harm, but it did not fix the problem.

Please take a play and please see if you can find anything that could cause the problem, ty..

And be nice on the map, it's not done :grin:


PS: The error occure random, and I have no idea what triggers the error!

PS2: Here's a link to the map - Download link -
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
There are a lot of leaks, which are known to cause lag, server splits and crashes.
I wouldn't use "Unit - a unit is attacked" for the damage system, but create an actual damage system (which isn't hard, actually).

I didn't check the triggers for infinite loops, or impossible actions, because you've said it appears at random times.
Fix all those leaks (download the leak checker in the tools-section), then try it again.
If it still crashes, then I will try to check the triggers more thoroughly.



Level 4
Feb 27, 2009
These are the two most possible reasons why it occurred:
Reason Number 1: I upgraded too damn much. The most probable since your trigger leaves room for leaks.
Reason Number 2: Green's AI fucked up and overloaded the memory. Probably not because AI rarely would crash game, if at all.

Now here are some other things you must look at, because your game so far is..well, anyways:

~Your gold gain from kills is not equal to the true gold gain (It says 50k gold when I only gain 300 gold).
~Your gold amount doesn't decrease upon death.
~Your game is way to slow, and way to imbalance. For instance, the warlock can harm a wide AOE of people and nearly kill them AND gain a minion, while the giant can harm a small AOE of people and barely tap onto their HPs.
~Your tooltips are screwed up, you have for Seismic Stomp or whatever it was called, you had the words "Mountain King" when he was a Giant.
~The creeps can easily overspawn and lag the server as well as be overpowering to the heroes. Remember, in AoSes, you want to make it HERO based NOT UNIT based.
~The game is way too slow, you have them moving so slow. Please, for the sake of the small map, make it more face paced.
~Finally, your game is way too small. I mean, its all right, but it will get way to redundant way too fast. I can play AoM solo but I cannot play DotA multiplayer, that kinda says something. Remember, visuals also draw in a crowd as well as a long game.

Well anyway, that's just a little bit of help. Just ask around if you need anymore help. And check your triggers, its probably your unit upgrade. I am checking it one more time...give me 5 minutes...
Level 9
Dec 17, 2007
There are a lot of leaks, which are known to cause lag, server splits and crashes.
I wouldn't use "Unit - a unit is attacked" for the damage system, but create an actual damage system (which isn't hard, actually).

What is an actual damage system?

Since I dunno how WC3:III is coded, I'm not sure how much an event with conditions is causing lag?

I'm not going to fix all my triggers to be perfect and cause no lag at all, for now .. Just wan't to fix the FATAL ERROR problem :hohum:

Ty anyways guys, I hope to get some more opinions on the problem



Level 4
Feb 27, 2009
Okay I checked, it is NOT AI nor Upgrade Trigger...
its when...oh..I think I know.
Nevermind...its something to do with time...after like 12 minutes, it crashes
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Level 4
Feb 27, 2009
Just this:
~Your gold gain from kills is not equal to the true gold gain (It says 50k gold when I only gain 300 gold).
~Your gold amount doesn't decrease upon death.
~Your game is way to slow, and way to imbalance. For instance, the warlock can harm a wide AOE of people and nearly kill them AND gain a minion, while the giant can harm a small AOE of people and barely tap onto their HPs.
~Your tooltips are screwed up, you have for Seismic Stomp or whatever it was called, you had the words "Mountain King" when he was a Giant.
~The creeps can easily overspawn and lag the server as well as be overpowering to the heroes. Remember, in AoSes, you want to make it HERO based NOT UNIT based.
~The game is way too slow, you have them moving so slow. Please, for the sake of the small map, make it more face paced.
~Finally, your game is way too small. I mean, its all right, but it will get way to redundant way too fast. I can play AoM solo but I cannot play DotA multiplayer, that kinda says something. Remember, visuals also draw in a crowd as well as a long game.

PS Fix your damn spelling.
Level 9
Dec 17, 2007
Just this:
~Your gold gain from kills is not equal to the true gold gain (It says 50k gold when I only gain 300 gold).
~Your gold amount doesn't decrease upon death.
~Your game is way to slow, and way to imbalance. For instance, the warlock can harm a wide AOE of people and nearly kill them AND gain a minion, while the giant can harm a small AOE of people and barely tap onto their HPs.
~Your tooltips are screwed up, you have for Seismic Stomp or whatever it was called, you had the words "Mountain King" when he was a Giant.
~The creeps can easily overspawn and lag the server as well as be overpowering to the heroes. Remember, in AoSes, you want to make it HERO based NOT UNIT based.
~The game is way too slow, you have them moving so slow. Please, for the sake of the small map, make it more face paced.
~Finally, your game is way too small. I mean, its all right, but it will get way to redundant way too fast. I can play AoM solo but I cannot play DotA multiplayer, that kinda says something. Remember, visuals also draw in a crowd as well as a long game.

PS Fix your damn spelling.

Acturly since yesterday, most of those bugs are fixed, and I will fix the rest right now .. Thank you for your critism.. For the spelling, I can only say that most of the map was made years ago when I did not have very much experiance with coding nor' English ..

My way to work is to add a lot of stuff and afterwards fix it, so I know of a lot more bugs than you posted, even though, some of yours is completely new to me, thank you :thumbs_up: I will update the map fast, and post it here for you or anyone else to fix.. Hopefully non' will see a FATAL ERROR :smile:

PS: remember to buy items! Sounds like you have not seen em' :hohum: And only from the 'Various Items' shop, since they are the only ones updated to work with the damage-system ;) This should fix the week hero-problem :cool:

EDIT: Feel a little sad over you choosed the Giant :p So please there are only three hero's with spells fitting the new Spell-system, so choose either the 'Forest Spirit', 'Ent(Only one test-spell)' or the 'Summoner' :) Thank you ..

A new version with bug-fixes, I might use this thread as a beta test page :thumbs_up: or create a new one since the FATAL ERROR seems to be gone :thumbs_up:

Anywho, please check out the latest version, a lot of important bug is fixed and everything seems to be running bette ..

the giant can harm a small AOE of people and barely tap onto their HPs.

Check it now, new effect and he is way more ballanced, and the Summoners 'Fire Strike' Abillity is also more balanced ..

PS: here is the download link :p Download
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Level 4
Feb 27, 2009
Make a new thread, your in the wrong forums. Anyway, I am American, so if you need help with English, just ask me. And if you need anything else, just ask Hive. :p
PS Remove the AI part of the computer. AI Computer (Easy/Normal/Insane) will glitch it in other maps.

Spelling Mistakes
Minior Infernal is misspelled, change that to Minor Infernal
Consumeable is misspelled, change that to Consumable
Tallisman is misspelled, change that to Talisman
Enemie is misspelled, change that to Enemy
Frindly is misspelled, change that to Friendly
Aditional is misspelled, change that to additional
Transparentcy is misspelled, change that to transparency
Leaveing is misspelled, change that to leaving
Adredelin is misspelled, change that to adrenaline
Incresses is misspelled, change that to increases
Abilitie is misspelled, change that to ability
Strenght is misspelled, change that to strength

Overall, the terrain is quite boring, and very small. You have random units which adds to the effect of you being lazy. Please, if you really need them, make them hidden, and at least fix those spelling mistakes. Yes, spelling mistakes can drop your rating, and yes, you do have grammar mistakes, but they aren't that bad, so I will not be picky with that. And finally, do not use the exclamation mark for your tool tips. They express mood, and when you make a map/game, you should NEVER express your mood about something. Maybe while in game, then go ahead :p.

Use the optimizer, leak checker, and any other tools that would help you to reduce lag and prevent a problem like this from occurring again.
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Level 9
Dec 17, 2007
Thank you very much EPW :) I think, if I just use a little time, and stop being so lazy, then I might be able to fix those gramma mistakes myself. I was 14-15 years when I wrote some of those tooltips and messages..

I have opened a new thread for beta-testing located -->here<-- So that anyone who would like to test the latest version, please follow the link and tell me what you think of the newest version .. ty
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