[Hero Arena] New Heroes Arena [PvP] Map Coming Soon!!

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Level 4
Jan 5, 2018
Hello Guys,

I'm currently working on an Arena Battle Map! It may take a few months, but the first beta version may still be out this year! I'm sorry but at the moment I can not upload any screenshots from the map as it still has a lot of work!

Upcoming Features:

  • New Models/Heroes/Units
  • New Spells
  • Heroes Selection
  • New Items
  • Different Arenas to fight
  • Bosses you get strong Items!
  • And Much More

It will be able to enter a maximum of 6 players!


  1. Do not hack/cheat
  2. Do not insult etc.
  3. Not teaming!
  4. always play fair!


All Models/Items/Spells that was imported are not mine!
I will do credits in Map!

Upcoming Beta 1.0.0 Versions:

Beta 1.0.0 - [COMING SOON]
Beta 1.0.1 - [COMING SOON]
Beta 1.0.2 - [COMING SOON]
Beta 1.0.3 - [COMING SOON]

I will link all beta versions here!
Everyone can join!

And you can still write ideas and bugs here!

I hope you are interested!
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