macs were made to be design computers, they have better music software, better photo software and better modeling software. however when it comes to games its more hassle than its worth i think. and seeing as games is all i play then windows is where its at for me. also all the people bitching about windows being shit, yeh ok NT and ME sucked ass but xp is showing some real class and vista, which is like xp advanced, will surely improve on an already firm base. and since the followers of mac "unhackble" system have been proved wrong i think windows is now i good, firm, and stable system; it may have taken 15 years, a few peoples sanity and a hell load of hackers to get there, but at least we are here eh?
as for macs unhackability, well i think that now more people are actually taking intrest in macs (helped by the ipod boom) i think more hackers are trying there hand to the mac system. this is obvious causing a problem for macs because there have been numerous viruses that have been circling especially for them. so do consider what you're doing when you buy a mac because its "safe". the only safe system now is linux because very few people are intrested in it.