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New Class Visuals

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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Since Magni Bronzebeard is now confirmed as an alternative warrior hero. (visual change only) I thought it could be interesting to guess which other character that will be chosen for the other classes.

SOURCE: http://www.hearthpwn.com/news/911-new-heroes-are-coming-magni-bronzebeard-confirmed

My Predictions:
Warrior: Magni Bronzebeard
Warlock: Darkmaster Gandling
Mage: Azshara (WRONG)
Hunter: Veressa Wildrunner (Kind of Correct)
Rogue: Garona
Priest: Talonpriest Ishaal
Druid: Hamuul Runetotem
Paladin: Lady Liadrin
Shaman: Nobundo
Last edited:
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Warrior: Blackhand
Warlock: Cho'Gall
Priest: Dont know
Mage: Kael'Thas Sunstrider
Rogue: Dont Know
Hunter: Sylvanas Windrunner
Paladin: Tirion Fordring
Shaman: Ner'Zhul
Also more classes that dont exist (these are just some i made up):
Monk: Chen Stormstout
Death Knight: Arthas Menethil
Dragonlord: Deathwing
Warlord: Grommash Hellscream


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
They will never make a character that already exist as a card a hero. They are unlikely to make it the same faction either. Same goes for encounters in adventures.

With that said, I think every prediction you made but Blackhand is pretty much invalid :p

edit: Kael'thas is borderline. The thing is, they added him in Heroes of the Storm not too long ago so I doubt they will feature him again so soon.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
Dont play much HS, but I remember wanting this on account of including more major lore characters without flooding the game with legendaries.
As for predictions, "any major hero from the opposite faction of the current one" is quite a safe bet.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Something none of you have taken to mind is the fact that all the alternative heroes will probably be of the opposite faction. Let me show you scrubs how a real loremaster does it. :D

Warrior: Magni Bronzebeard (pretty obvious...)
Rogue: Vanessa VanCleef
Paladin: Lady Liadrin
Hunter: Vereesa Windrunner
Shaman: Farseer Nobundo
Druid: Hamuul Runetotem
Mage: Aethas Sunreaver
Priest: Sen'Jin
Warlock: (This one's difficult...) Wilfred Fizzlebang maybe.

Warlock: Darkmaster Gandling

He's a necromancer...

Hunter: Vanessa Wildrunner

Did you even try to spell this one correctly? :D Vereesa Windrunner.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
They are pretty close, use the same magic schools if you ignore the demons. Alliance got no really known Warlocks so I would seriously prefer Gandling over some almost unknown Warlock. Sounds so unlikely when I read your post -.-

And no, I do not. To me she's just a boring version of Sylvanas (which is a card sadly). But yeah, I have never written a post about Veressa either, I guess I just read it Vanessa in my head because it sounds better. (according to me :p)
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Yeah it's hard to know how Blizzard would see it as both points of view are correct in their own way. I do think that Blizzard will try to avoid using the same character twice though.
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Warrior:Magni Bronzebeard(Alliance Counterpart)
Rogue:Garona(Neutral-Horde Counterpart)
Paladin:Lady Liadrin(Horde Counterpart)
Hunter:Vereesa Windrunner(Alliance Counterpart)
Druid:Hamuul Runetotem(Horde Counterpart)
Mage:Kael'thas Sunstrider("Horde" Counterpart)
Priest:Sen'jin(Horde Counterpart)

And Death Knight may be introduced so...
Koltira Deathweaver(Horde)

And Monk may have...
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Warrior:Magni Bronzebeard(Alliance Counterpart)
Rogue:Garona(Neutral-Horde Counterpart)
Paladin:Lady Liadrin(Horde Counterpart)
Hunter:Vereesa Windrunner(Alliance Counterpart)
Druid:Hamuul Runetotem(Horde Counterpart)
Mage:Kael'thas Sunstrider("Horde" Counterpart)
Priest:Sen'jin(Horde Counterpart)

And Death Knight may be introduced so...
Koltira Deathweaver(Horde)

And Monk may have...

Medivh was a mage not a warlock and Valeera Sanguinar is a blood elf. And before you say "technically she helps out Varian the most" let me also bring to your attention that you wanted Keal'Thas as the Horde counterpart even though he has never been a part of the Horde.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
To be technical that could be Alleria though I'm cheering for Vereesa. We've seen enough Blizzard art to know that can't possibly be Sylvanas. (At least not as a forsaken, might be her as a quel'dorei though.) As for Medivh color me disappointed if they weren't going to go with a Horde character couldn't they have gone with Aegwynn? And I stand by my statement that Aethas would have been the best choice.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
To be fair we will probably get a second Warlock character as there's none of huge fame in the Alliance ranks. We'll probably end up getting Ner'Zhul. Still though I never really liked Medivh so now there are two mages one that I hate and one that I don't give 2 sh!ts about. :D
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Welcome to the priest class. I fucking hate Anduin (not even sure if that's how you spell it). There are no perfect replacements either.

Sen'Jin... Imagine someone looking like this. :)

Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Looks like a witch doctor to me D:

Same with Vol'jin. He is a shadow hunter not a priest..

So is Vol'Jin yet he qualified as a priest card. :D

He is a shadow hunter not a priest.. it feels like blizzard got desperate because of the lack of famous priests.

I wouldn't really call it desperate rather the fact that voodoo doctors are most similar to priests, they can heal and have some shadowy spells which is very similar to priests. If you go to wowpedia and look at a list of priests you will even see Sen'Jin on the list. And you can't claim they're desperate to find a priest character to serve as a card if they haven't used Tyrande yet. :D
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Medivh was a mage not a warlock and Valeera Sanguinar is a blood elf. And before you say "technically she helps out Varian the most" let me also bring to your attention that you wanted Keal'Thas as the Horde counterpart even though he has never been a part of the Horde.

Medivh is a mage but is also classified as a warlock, he summon demons and has demonic powers, but it seems confirmed he is the alt for mage though so it is unlikely.

And also the alts don't need to be a faction counterpart, like Medivh who is not even affliated that much. So, Garona and Kael may be possible
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Medivh is a mage but is also classified as a warlock, he summon demons and has demonic powers, but it seems confirmed he is the alt for mage though so it is unlikely.

And also the alts don't need to be a faction counterpart, like Medivh who is not even affliated that much. So, Garona and Kael may be possible

To be honest I think Medivh is just compensation as we probably will be getting another Horde Warlock as there's no alliance warlock of any fame. And making Medivh a warlock even though he technically dabbled in the art is a bit like making Thrall the warrior character since he fought mainly with his hammer.

Keal is not possible as the mage character has already been decided. :D And the reason I reacted was not because I believe that they have to be counterparts I simply think they aught to be. The reason I reacted was because you said this. At the same time you classified Valeera a blood elf as an Alliance character. :D

Mage:Kael'thas Sunstrider("Horde" Counterpart)


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Perhaps warlock, but maybe it will be someone more, i would like someone that is less evil but no one in the lore would fit that, BTW Alleria looks too badass!

I think it's more or less impossible for a warlock to become a good guy. Firstly we got the fel corruption, using fel corrupts the body (and mind? not 100% sure)
Secondly we got the public view on Warlocks. I think it was in Tides of War where someone were forced to use the Warlocks but he/she really didn't want to. Warlocks are commonly hated, good lucking trying to help those who hate you.

I would not want to act kind when everyone hate me, that's for sure. F*ck y'all :p
Level 25
Jun 3, 2008
Here are my guesses:

Rogue: Either Garona or Maiev

Shaman: Nobundo

Priest: Tyrande (I'd like to see Sen'jin, but Tyrande just makes a bit more sense to me)

Paladin: Maraad

Druid: Hamuul

Warlock: This one's a bit difficult. Arugal, maybe? Or Blizz might decide to classify Kael'thas as a Warlock.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Too bad Vol'jin is just a Card, same as Sylvanas making it impossible to be alternate heroes. I would gladly pay just for Vol'jin Priest.

As for priests we still have Sen'Jin and high priestess Tyrande Whisperwind. ;)
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