Here is what I am trying to do. In my map, creeps spawn periodically in a certain location for each team. Throughout the game, a random hero (neutral-hostile)will appear in the map. For the team that kills the hero, I want their creeps to permanently be more powerful, more dmg by X amount and more Hit points by X amount. nothing should change for the other team.
Also, in the area that the hero appears (it will always be the same circle) while he is alive, I want both teams to be able to see invisible units. I don't want a team to work on killing the hero, then one guy from the other team hides then sneaks up and gets the last hit for the kill.
Also, in the area that the hero appears (it will always be the same circle) while he is alive, I want both teams to be able to see invisible units. I don't want a team to work on killing the hero, then one guy from the other team hides then sneaks up and gets the last hit for the kill.