Need to boost the frame to the skies

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Level 2
Jul 21, 2012
Hello guys!
I recently re-installed Warcraft 3 and started playing some custom maps. The odd thing I experienced is that my frame rate drops so hard when there are many units fighting on the screen.

I checked my fps rate when playing a standard 1v1 map in single player, it is around 40-45. Then I checked my fps rate when playing A Song of Ice and fire 4.7, which is a really big map with a huge amount of units, and I had around 20 fps with a small fight on the screen.

My notebook has an NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 2gb, and I have 8 gb RAM and 33 gb SSD, and a quad core processor so I am pretty sure that it should kill Wc3. I turned Vsync off in the NVDIA control panel, and I changed that number in the regedit from "1" to "0". Still nothing happened.

Do you have any idea? What to do?

Oh, and also it cannot be the map, because I asked other people (and watched some VOD's too), and they don't have the frame drop.
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