Need Terrainer for WmW Chao[s]

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Now that all of the bugs have been removed from the map, it's time to improve the terrain.

Looking for a terrainer to spruce up the map. The 6 rects with the squares under them should be marked so that players know where to build around. Please do not move any of the rects or change the dimensions of the map in any way or add obstructions to the lanes.

I need the center areas where the sending shrines are to be nicely decorated. If you want to add in new models, you may. I'd also like the lanes to look much nicer.

The entire map should have a very dark feeling about it as it is called WmW Chao.

Please show me your past work and let me know before you do anything. The only thing you should be messing with are unit icon/model changes on the sending shrines and new doodads/destructables as well as the terrain on the map : ).

Thanks, thanks.
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