Need someone to make a terrain for my RPG

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Level 10
Jun 7, 2008
Any help appreciated, its a EPICABLY HUGE map.

Its a battleships RPG, so everything is very naval centric. This makes it even more important to have beautiful islands.

Any help appreciated, as you can see, I just suck.



Allright maybe not suck but it just scraps a pass. Sure better than many out there, but nothing compared to Hive's terrainers.
Level 4
Feb 16, 2010
Maybe add big cliffs from rocks (spires) or maybe add a waterfall with river if the island is on the end of the map. I can't think of anything else right now.
Level 4
Feb 16, 2010
Ok if you want the map to be unrealistic you can add a fountain of mana / hp (only the model) and add river from it.
Also add birds on the palm island.. Also you can make troll tribes with huts..but as I told you this can be used for non-realistic map (except the birds)
Or add farmers with fields where maybe if you want they can add more food for the navy but that's your choice.
Level 10
Jun 7, 2008
There will be farms but due to scale, there won't be people. Well except for the marines storming islands. They will capture buildings on islands (not pictured) which speed up spawn for that island's shipyard. That shipyard will send resource ships back to the main island, which is the way resources are obtained.

Interesting concept I'm trying to explore.
Birds and live animals will be added later (final stage) and its ment to be realistic-fantassy. There will be magic use etc etc but no gryphon the size of a steamroller kinda crap we see in retail wc3. Magic is trying to be kept believable.
Level 4
Feb 16, 2010
Well I can give you suggestions if I have more but I can't take the map..I just don't have the free time and I don't have many experience in terraining playable maps such as RPGs.
Well it's just supposed to be art.

Most people who do terrain like that are well capable of making playable terrain, but they just don't have the time or desire to terrain actual maps. Don't get discouraged though, there's plenty of people who are more then willing to make terrain for your map (I'm not one of them though sorry, have too many other projects and school work).
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