Need some help getting started on Mod Editor

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Level 1
Aug 1, 2010
I've been wanting to create a simple mod that lets you use the campaign units in the skirmish mode for any map you play on. So I guess I will just list out my questions and hope for the best. (Take note that this is in the mod maker not the map maker portion of the editor.)

1. I've noticed that many units and structures in the data editor have multiple entries one editable one not editable. What's this about and why is it when I edit one it creates it a seperate file? (Making the unit have three entries.) So I'm not even sure its reading off the file I want it to for the mod.

2. When I clicked test document it told me I needed to pick a default map to test it on. I typed the name of several skirmish maps in and it can never find anything so I don't know if I need to include a file extension or something or not.

3. When I save my mod, it goes to a default SC2 directory in my documents folder not in the games directory folder. I guess this question is where do I place the mod file for the game to pick it up? Do I have to publish it in order to play my own mod? This question applies to custom maps also.

4. Noticing the possibility of having to publish the mod first I tried to do just that. It gave me several errors all but one I managed to get rid of. In the mod program it told me that my mod name had unacceptable words (Starcraft) LOCALE. I changed the name from "Just another Starcraft Mod" in the section to the right of it to my mod name but that error is still there. I've searched everywhere in the options to find out where its reading from but I can't find it.

Thanks in advance for any and all help. It will be very much appreciated.
Level 4
Aug 30, 2009
to 1.
By default those entries have different colors:
grey and blue are entries done in the default game/made by blizzard.
If you change them, they become green inside of the map/mod you changed them in. And if you use a custom mod inside your maps, you will have another color for all the entries you changed inside the mod, which is orange.
If you change those orange entries you also get green entries.

So with the colors you can see, which of those entries is the newest, with
grey->blue->orange->green (left: old, right: new).
If you have multiple entries for one thing, you only can edit in the newest one and on starting the game, the game will always use the newest ones.

to 2 and 3.
A mod is basically a Database to store stuff in for use in your maps, so you have to add a mod to your maps in order to use them.
To do so, copy them into your SC2/mods folder if they arent there already, or publish them on bnet.
Then go to file->dependencies of your map and add your mod there (use "add other") and make sure your mod is on top of the others, which you can change with the blue arrows on the bottom of the window.

If you want to publish your map, all your dependencies also must be published on bnet.

to 4.
Did you use another name, that doens't include the words the publisher doesn't like? Or maybe someone else published a mod or map with the same name.
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