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Need Smart AI for Shoot-based Map

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Level 4
Aug 9, 2012
This request is no easy one, but I've been working on this map for 5 yrs, mostly alone with little partnership here on Hive other than testing the game online, and now I need a nice AI for my map so it can be played single player, and so that if players leave they are replaced with AI BOTS, etc. during online playing.

If I'm to compete with some of the other games here, I need a pretty good AI put in. My knowledge is thin in coding, especially something like this. When asked if possible to a few people in the Chat here, they said yes, but that it would take some time. That's OK with me. I already know that . . .

I already have triggers made via my REMATCH system to be elaborated on, leaving players and FFA / TEAMS Multiboard and Leaderboard made. I just don't know how to edit them in such a way to get them to work with what I already have laid out.

Anyway, I wrote this a lot like simple GUI language is spoken in steps so it's easier to understand. Whatever sounds like a repeat is merely elaboration:

1. Event: Players Playing Offline / Player is the only one playing Online -- Condition(s): IF Special Dialogs FFA or TEAMS appears for triggering player via the ONLY player playing AND IF button chosen for number of BOTS is clicked equal to (an integer looped, possibly) THEN: Make AI BOT(S) GET / BE a RANDOM Hero from the Archer Recruitment Center or Marine Recruitment Center.

2. Event: Online Players Playing (game) -- Condition(s): IF player in Single Player OR IF the only player left playing the game online AND IF FFA Mode is chosen -- THEN: create dialog box (relate to Screenshot for the FFA dialog box) -- ELSE: IF TEAMS Mode is chosen, create dialog box (relate to Screenshot for the TEAMS dialog box)

3. Event: Online Players Playing (game) -- Condition(s): IF Players Playing equal to only ONE player playing -- THEN: Trigger Special Dialog boxes in these two Screenshot links FOR only player playing (be it they are any color).

The two screenshots are here:

IF TEAMS Mode Voted for in Single Player by the only player playing http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/pastebin_data/8gtqdi/EXAMPLE 1 of TEAMS VOTE SYSTEM PROCESS 3.jpg

And here IF FFA Mode Voted for is chosen in Single Player by the only player playing, no matter their color! http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/pastebin_data/kuo0ll/SINGLE PLAYER IF VOTED FFA.jpg

4. Event: Online Players Playing (game) -- Condition(s): IF RED leaves equal to TRUE -- THEN: Have REMATCH trigger for all players (not just RED anymore at this point) to cast their VOTE on whether to REMATCH or not via YES or NO.

If majority votes YES, the game continues. If by majority votes NO the game ENDS (and I already have a text message set for when the game ends.)

(This sounds like a repeat but it's not. This is regarding IF RED leaves the game, and the only player left is of another color.)
5. Event: Online Players Playing (game) -- Condition(s): IF only ONE player remains in the game, be it they're single playing offline, or if the game recognizes they're the only player left playing in an online game -- THEN: Prompt the special dialog boxes for triggering player via the only player playing NO MATTER THE COLOR.

The special dialog boxes are what the TEAMS and FFA dialog boxes look like when there is only ONE player, be it they're playing offline for Single Player, OR if the game recognizes online they're the only player left.

6. Event: Online Players Playing (game) -- Condition(s): IF TEAMS become uneven due to players leaving the game, or uneven to begin with at the START -- THEN: Replace leaving player(s) with AI BOT(S) OF an equivalent NUMBER to the players playing, inheriting their UNIT/the Hero they were, Death Counts, Kill Counts, Gold, Lumber, Experience Gained, Items (everything they owned).

IF the FFA board is being played on, then their 'Levels' too would be preserved on the FFA Leaderboard. This DOES NOT apply to the TEAMS 5v5 Multiboard where the level of heroes is NOT recorded.


In other words, if there are only 2 players playing, and only one person is on the East Team, that would be a 2v1, not a fair 2v2. Therefore, only one AI BOT would be applied to the East Team lacking a second player. If the TEAMS are already even, this does not have to happen. But so long as in every REMATCH triggered the TEAMS are going to be uneven via 2 on the West Team and only 1 on the East Team, AI BOTS will always have to make up for that missing player OR players if more than one BOT is required.

The same applies to if the game has 5 players on the East Team, and 3 players only on the West Team, two AI BOTS would have to account for the two missing players on the East Team so it's a 5v5.

THE IDEA is to always keep everything at a balance, not imbalance. Step 6 is probably the trickiest of all of this.

7. Event: Online Players Playing (game) -- Condition(s): IF RED never leaves game -- THEN: DO NOT authorize at any time REMATCH to be voted on, that as long as RED remains in the game, RED is the one who determines whether to REMATCH or not. -- ELSE -- Condition(s): IF RED leaves the game, give everyone else the option to vote on whether to REMATCH or not.

8. Event: Player(s) choose to REMATCH (be it RED chooses it or not) -- Condition(s): IF leaving players equal to no longer playing OR IF REMATCH equal to YES (voted on) -- THEN: what should always happen is their units via Spy Units from the shop, mines, their hero, etc. are removed from the game, leaving NO LEAKS. -- ELSE; IF REMATCH Mode equal to NO (voted on) end the game, which a game message I already have set for when the game ENDS (consult the Rematch trigger.)

NOTES: AI Bots are not to be given any dialog boxes at any time.

If the game is to be any good, the AI BOTS need to be made to use the items in my map effectively through random choice of what they'd buy or based on their gold they have, when to dodge attacks, when not to, when to attack and seeking out enemies, not waiting idly around, always moving and doing something.

Items are not to be removed from leaving players. Choosing to REMATCH automatically does this.

Thank You in advance to anyone who can help or come close to this.
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