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Need help with trigger-casting a custom ability

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Level 5
May 31, 2009
A lot of the other posts say that if I want to trigger-cast a custom ability, i use the same ability that shares the "order-string". I tried this with some abilties, and it works.

However, i'm working on a custom bladestorm (which is basically just bladestorm with longer duration and damage), but when i order it to cast, it doesn't work. I've also tried changing the order-string and making the unit cast that string, but it still doesnt work.

Does anyone know how to fix this??

Any help is greatly appreciated; thanks in advance!

Also, does anyone know how to get a blademaster bladestorm model, so that the blademaster is always in bladestorm-mode?? If I could get that, then i could write a trigger and solve the problem that way.

Again, thanks for your help in advance.
Level 5
May 31, 2009
Thanks aia_djinn. I just recently figured out what you were talking about; adding an animation. Ya, that way it works, and i can put a trigger that will deal damage. Thanks (+rep)

Oops change - I figured out how to make the blademaster actually cast bladestorm now. For future reference, you have to change the "order string - activate". The "order string - use/turn on" doesnt work for some reason; just change the aforementioned to "whirlwind", and when you trigger to "blademaster - cast bladestorm", it should work.
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