Need help with player settings and victory/defeat conditions/triggers

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Level 15
Sep 6, 2015
I want to create victory/defeat conditions/triggers and player settings on a newly created 4 player map so that players can choose teams 1-4 for 1v1v1v1, but also to be able to play 2v2 or 3v1 or w/e, but with a fixed race and a fixed start location for everyone, and it's not a melee game, although it has some starting units, but not the melee ones, and it has customized units. So far I've only been able to set the conditions/triggers and settings to support either 1v1v1v1 or 2v2, but not both. The victory conditions should be when all enemy units and buildings are dead, and the defeat conditions for a player when all the player's units and buildings die.
How to do this?
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
With the team choice you group the players up. Defeat you said is for the individual player, so I guess you do not have a problem there. The game is over when there is only one team with remaining units. So to check for this you have to iterate over all teams and see if only 1 (or maybe none) of the teams have units left or you track lifespan of teams directly (put them in an alive group initially, when their player is defeated, exclude it and by the time there is no more than 1 team left in the group, terminate it).
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