Need Help with Map, multiple issues.

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Level 2
Jul 22, 2015
Hello! I'm trying to make a new kind of game within World of Warcraft akin to DOTA, TD, and Legion TD... but different. I'm having a lot of problems with this as I'm rather new to the advanced mechanics of the World Editor, my maps before were just melee maps with custom races.

What I'm stuck on:
I'm trying to make heroes who have different specializations. For example: you start with a Warrior but you can choose between three different kinds of warriors once you have the basic unit. Immortal (defense) Berserker (Offense) or Gladiator (Balanced.)

I'm trying to use a different unit for each kind. A non-hero unit known as Warrior has three abilities, using one of them turns the non-hero Warrior into a Hero Immortal, Berserker, or Gladiator. These heroes cannot turn back into their non-hero form.

What I've tried:
I've tried accomplishing this using the Troll Berserker upgrade ability. Worked but when the non-hero turned into a hero, said hero was not relivable by an alter. Or when a hero learned the ability they turned into the other form... but didn't get the new form's different abilities. So I went to using the Mount Hippogryph ability coupled with a new unit, Warrior Spirit. The Warrior had three altered versions of the Archer's Mount ability and the Spirit had three altered versions of the Pick Up Archer ability. This worked and I was able to turn a non-hero unit into one of the three hero units and have that hero be relivable. However! Which hero the non-hero turned into was random as having the three abilities on the same spirit proved... problematic. SO! I made Immortal, Gladiator, and Berserker Spirits, each with one of the three different altered pick up archer abilities... This worked perfectly! Okay, not perfectly. When one Warrior has the three Spirits nearby and uses any of the three abilities, the Gladiator Spirit will ALWAYS activate first. SO I have it to where the Berserker Ability joins with the Berserker Spirit to make a Berserker... I use it and the Gladiator Spirit always moves and joins and makes a Gladiator. Help?

If you want to help my Skype is Ellisar.Atranimus
The issue you're describing might have to do with conflicting base order ID's. Each spell object has an internal "base order ID" which is supposed to be unique in a particular unit's skill set. If you have two abilities based off the same ability, then they will both be cast at the same time, which can lead to weird bugs.

Sadly, most abilities do not allow you to change the base order ID. But there is one ability that will allow you to change that ID: Channel. Here is a quick guide that you can read through to learn more about basing your spells off 'Channel':

Back to the question: once you have your spells based off channel, you can trigger the result by following this tutorial:
If you're unsure how to set-up the trigger, you would have something along these lines:
  • Spell Transformation
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to <Your Transformation Ability>
    • Actions
      • Unit - Add Transformation 1->2 to (Triggering unit)
      • Unit - Remove Transformation 1->2 from (Triggering unit)
Let me know if this suits your needs!
Level 2
Jul 22, 2015
What is the 1 -> 2 to Triggering Unit variable? I don't know the coding language.

I can't find the action for transforming a unit... is it a custom one?

Okay, so I made my new ability from Channel, it's not a hero ability, has one level. I gave it t o the Warrior and made the trigger for it... but I go to test the map and the Warrior doesn't have the ability? It doesn't show up in his commands.
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I've merged your posts--try not to post consecutively. Just use "edit".

As for your question, make sure you set the properties of the ability as mentioned in the guide I linked above:

For the "Channel" ability, you'll want to be sure that you set the "Options" field to "Visible" (in the object editor). Otherwise it will not show up.
Level 2
Jul 22, 2015
You know I didn't see that link and now that I did, I feel stupid. Also, the reason I posted more than once is I don't know how these forums work, some if you just edit a person seeing the forum won't see the changes until a time after and I didn't want you just seeing one question. Thank you for answering and the link.

Thanks! It works perfectly now.

For those who follow:
The Action I used was Unit - Replace.
Unit - Replace (Triggering Unit) with a (Desired Unit) using the old unit's relative health and mana.
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