Need help with making team structures and towers like in Dota

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Level 2
Jul 8, 2011
Hello everyone, I'm a bit new to this forum and already some people have helped me a lot. I just need a bit more help on how to build towers and structures for each team like in DotA so that it doesn't belong to only one person/player?. How to change tower's defense, hp, attack power... How do make a target or building invulnerable unless the building before that is destroyed like in DotA? And I just want to know that when buildings or structures or creeps are killed or destroyed, they drop gold. How do we customize how much gold they drop?
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Level 5
Sep 1, 2010
Free DotA Template
Should include some basic regions and triggers you'll, need, I believe.
As for gold, it's simple:
Use a trigger:
event - map initialisation
condition -none
actions - pick every player in (all players) and do multiple action
-turn (picked player gives bounty) on

In addition, don't forget to give every unit you use in your map in the unit editor a bounty :)
And for towers and such allied, you simply create forces and add a computer player to each team.
In case of DotA, in later versions these computer players are located as the observer players, which is the reason why the AI acts buggy in dota games with observers sometimes.
Especially for infos about DotA I'd recommend browsing the playdota-forums..
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