ok iv got a spell that needs to show a fire vortex around the hero(caster) with 250/275/300...AOE. and when the units are inside they take dps and every x seconds the a fireball from the middle of the vortex will do instand damage to a random unit within 300/325/350 AOE
here is what i need help with
here is what i have so far please tell me what ill need to add to make it work
here is what i need help with
- the effect for some reason when u move the vortex moves realy creazily around you indead of staying in the right place (also if u have any better ideas for the effect please tell me)you will see what i mean when you test
- also how to deal the dps in the loop(i have forgotten the process its been a long time)
- what would be a good dummy spell to use for the fire balls that deal instant damage
here is what i have so far please tell me what ill need to add to make it work