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Need help with a trigger :)

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Level 7
Jan 13, 2008
How u making a trigger like this
u start with start location with a building like this....

1. Start location gona be a circle of power.
2. No peons or peasants.
3. and Defeated when ur hero die.
4. Win when u kill all the enemies.
Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
1. DELETE Melee Initialization

2. Put a Circle of Power on the start locations

  • Defeat
    • Events
      • Unit - A Unit Dies
    • Conditions
      • Unit-type comprasion - Unit-type of (Dying Unit) Equal to (whatever Hero you want)
    • Actions
      • Player - Defeat (Owner of(Dying Unit)) with the message (write "F*ck you if you want")
  • Victory
    • Events
      • Player - Victory (or whatever the event is, it does exist)
    • Actions
      • Player Group - Pick Every Player in (Enemies of (Triggering Player))
        • Loop - Actions
          • Unit Group - Pick Every Unit Owned By (Picked Player)
          • Loop - Actions
            • Unit - Kill (Picked Unit)
And, you should indeed listen to Kaitech and make ONE thread for your questions from now on.
Level 7
Jan 13, 2008
I gona make this to my thread...

1 more thing. when i try my hero LOTR Map it says out of stock when i chose sum of the heros how i take it away :S
Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
For hiring, you have three important values:

Stock Maximum - The maximum count of units that can be hired at once. Set it to 1.

Stock Replenish Interval - the time in seconds, after which a new unit will come for hire.

Stock Start Delay - The time in seconds that passes from the game start until units can be hired. Set it to 1.
Level 7
Jan 13, 2008
how u make so u can level up higher on creeps because when i change in gameplay constants it doesent level up in game just to level 5 :S
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