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need help to find the best way

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Level 9
Jul 10, 2011
hey all...

i need your help to find the best way like the title already says :D

i wanna do the following :

in a forest there are green lights between the trees "blocking" the only ways through.
(like this : (x = tree ; o = light)xxxoxxxxxoxxxxoxx)
so these lights are parts of a puzzle. this puzzle should work like this :
there are lines of trees and these lights between like in the example and just one of them let you walk through the rest ports you back to the beginning of the forest (so far no problem).
here the problem i have appears and the reason why i opened this thread.
behind each line are creeps and i want to prevent the creeps from walking through the lights. i could pause them and unpause again whenever a player unit enters the region sure...but is there an easier way/better way to solve this?

also the right light changes every 4 minutes....maybe its important for the solutions^^

thanks in advance

greetz clapto
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
I remember a system that had creeps find their paths using terrain types, I can't seem to find that system now. Might have been on wc3c.

You could:
- Make a trigger that reorders creeps when they come near the light
- Change the creeps' movement type to flying, and make the opening block flying units, and the rest of the trees block both ground and flying.
Level 9
Jul 10, 2011
first of all thanks rulerofiron99 :D +rep

but your solution wont work for me...

using terrain types would force me to make lines of certain terrain types which would look really bad.

using triggers to reorder the creeps when they come near the lights wouldnt work either because the lines are small and evertime a creep would pass a light it would get reordered.

and changing the movement to flying and so on would force me to place several more doodadds (pathing blockers) and i want to avoid adding more things than needed. (but ill use that method i think....at least if nobody has another solution which is more fitting)
Level 2
Aug 3, 2012
You could say on the trigger for the porting... conditions triggering unit = hero = true... or have the units have the orc burrow ability till the hero enters the region they are in and then remove the ability (orc burrow removes the ability to attack its just a fix to remove the ability to attack)
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