I'm making a map, and i need help on the following things on how to make it work. When I test them and find it 100% works, then ill screenshot the triggers and post here.
1) Vote system to kick a player, also to "duel" against each other, and the duelers are in teh same team , so i guess that for that little time, they will have to change alliance. Also, while they vote, is it possible to pause the whole game, or pause all the units, and maybe triggers.
2) Hero Specific Items, like ranged units can only use certain items, etc.
3) Be a certain level in order to use an item
4) Players don't attack each other or allies, if they do make a penalty, like a timeout or something
5) How can i change a hero's model when it turns to lvl 30, but keep its items and stats?
Thats all for now, thx in advance
1) Vote system to kick a player, also to "duel" against each other, and the duelers are in teh same team , so i guess that for that little time, they will have to change alliance. Also, while they vote, is it possible to pause the whole game, or pause all the units, and maybe triggers.
2) Hero Specific Items, like ranged units can only use certain items, etc.
Answer by Raszul
HeroType specific items
i gues you want to use lets say 3 restricted kind of items and one that is free for all.
make each of these 4 types an 'itemclass' (so all melee items are lets say 'charged', all reanged 'campaign', etc)
then, whenever a hero 'aquires an item' check whether the itemclass is an allowed one. if it is, do nothing, else drop the item and 'display text to player' to indicate he wanted to use a forbidden itemclass.
3) Be a certain level in order to use an item
By Raszul
- a unti aquires an item
//the item is one with a level-requirement
//do this if-sentence for each item
- if
- - itemtype(of item beeing manipulated) = ...
- - level of (hero manipulating item) <= ...
- then
- - drop item
- else
- - do nothing
4) Players don't attack each other or allies, if they do make a penalty, like a timeout or something
By Raszul
- a unit is attacked
- owner of (attacking unit) is an ally of (owner of attacked unit)
//insert the trigger for the penalty here
5) How can i change a hero's model when it turns to lvl 30, but keep its items and stats?
By Raszul
Somehow, make a Bearform/Metamorphosis skills, replacing and when its Lvl X , order the hero to use it, but make it permanant
Replace Unit Triggers: It'll change the model and keep the stats (If the second model has same stat growth and base stats as original hero) Only problem with this is that all his abilities become 'unselected' and you have to rechoose them all over again >.<. This will also keep level. (Replace-unit trigger)
Thats all for now, thx in advance