Need a good terrainer to help me with my new map!

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Level 15
Jul 19, 2007
I'm working on a new AOS map named "War of the Zodiac Signs" but I really suck with doing terrains and have no good idea how to make it and would like some help to create a good terrain for it.. The terrains can be abit like the DOTA map's terrain but a little shorter and simple and with only 2 roads instead of 3 like in DOTA. Anyone pls?? Ofc I will give rep!
Level 23
Dec 20, 2009
You might want to consider giving more details about your project in general and about the theme/optic of the terrain you want to have done. Also, screenshots are a nice thing, of what you have and of the project in general, because we all love to look at pictures...
Level 15
Jul 19, 2007
You might want to consider giving more details about your project in general and about the theme/optic of the terrain you want to have done. Also, screenshots are a nice thing, of what you have and of the project in general, because we all love to look at pictures...
Well I actually have no good idéa more than that I want it to look abit like the dota-map but a more simple version with only 2 roads. I'm totally worthless about terraining..
Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
The titleset that I created the map with. I've already begun creating heroes but I haven't done much on the terrain..

Uhhhh... That answer makes no sense. You nee to know atleast what tileset you want to use (or did use? :confused:), otherwise no one can really help you... :sad:

Another thing is Dota type maps often have far more complex terrain then thier simple layout lets on, lots of hills, peaks and low land crossings threw rivers and streams.

I'm sure someone can help you, I'd offer myself but I honestly suck at terraining save for a few good days when I feel creative... lol :grin:
Level 15
Jul 19, 2007
Uhhhh... That answer makes no sense. You nee to know atleast what tileset you want to use (or did use? :confused:), otherwise no one can really help you... :sad:

Another thing is Dota type maps often have far more complex terrain then thier simple layout lets on, lots of hills, peaks and low land crossings threw rivers and streams.

I'm sure someone can help you, I'd offer myself but I honestly suck at terraining save for a few good days when I feel creative... lol :grin:
The titleset is Lordaeron Summer, the titleset u always get in the begginning when u create a new map. I don't mean it should be exactly like the DOTA-terrain I just want it to be a simple AOS-terrain with only 2 roads instead of 3 (like in DOTA) ofc there can be some small roads in the forests, but I only want 2 big roads where creeps are walking to enemies camp and fightning.. I've already created the map and begun making some of the Heroes but I haven't done much with the terrain and if someone wants to help me design the terrain like I wanted it, I will send the map..
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