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Mystery Of Friza 1.6

Basic information. The game is called Mystery Of Friza is 22.2 mt big file. The size is big, because of own music(14), models(5-10) and images(5).

About the game. Mystery Of Friza is huge single players custom game that includes great story, 27 optional guests, 13 reguired quests, 4 different heroes, 14 own musics, more than 50 cinematics and many many more... in other words, this is a huge single player RPG map. Completing this game takes from 4 to 15 hours.

I made this game 2007 January so this is really old game(actually, this is my third map). Making the game took me 6 full month and I have spend LOT OF time to making the game. The game has 1206 units, 609 regions, 193 cameras, 6093 doodads, 8117 other doodad, 832 triggers, 207 variables and it's 255 x 255 map size.

The Story. The Story tells about Friza, who has been sent to prison two years ago. He is a professional killer, who works for money. He is very bored in prison, because nothing new happens there. However he escapes from the prison with his secret powers...

What kind of players I recomend this game? For the players that have hours time to play the game and like to increase own hero leveling it, making quests, buying items from the shop and finding secret places. This is a single player game, so if you are hardcore multiplayer gamer, this is not for you.

Yes, I also know that this map is far from perfect but I really put effort to the map 2 year ago. I'm now far better making maps and my english skills are increased a lot of that time. I hope you can understand that everyone have started from somewhere.

Also, because this is very old game, and I'm working with my campaign I will not update this map anymore, unless you find a major error.

However, if you are kind and you like to translate stuff. I can give you all texts from the map and you translate them to better english. Then I will add the texts to the game.

This map is not my first map. Try my other maps.
you can see my other maps.

The map is protected, to save space. If you want unprotected version, make an email, or contact me with MSN.

Version 1.4:
- Added Tome Seller with:
- Tome of Agility
- Tome of Intelligence
- Tome of Strenght
- Manual of Health
- You can no longer click to unnecessary buildings
- Decreased Cheese Of Life's life attack from 33% to 25%
- Fixed some bugs in end cinematic
- Fixed some memory leaks
- Fixed huge amount of grammar errors
- Fixed some minor bugs
- And much more.. just don't remember :<

Version 1.5:
- Fixed main quest where you need to find 4 summoners
- Terrain is no longer see able, it is now black

Version 1.6:
- Added two boxes to the player. Write "-mb" to move your boxes around your heroes.
- Now Kobolg King won't resurrect anymore.
- Some other minor fixes.


Mystery Of Friza 1.6 (Map)

VGsatomi: Approved. High quality rps that obviously has some time put into it. Good story, terrain, triggering, everything.




VGsatomi: Approved. High quality rps that obviously has some time put into it. Good story, terrain, triggering, everything.
Level 1
Jul 25, 2007
good map so far, but ive found it a bit slow going. attack speed is kinda slow and contributes to the slow going. i feel that better models could have been chosen for the heros, but the current ones are ok. spelling also needs fixing but who gives a shitt. haha. gj so far, but we'll see how it goes.
Level 2
Jul 31, 2007
I like the map so far(nearly completed), though I have to point out that the mage is vastly more powerful than the other heroes. At level 7 I was able to kill level 28 creeps without too much of a problem, and against anything my level...well, they died a very quick death(fireball+lightning ftw). I'd look into making them a bit more even in the future, as while playing the mage so far has been a breeze(even against annoying magic-immune units), my fighter and assassin are having a very hard time doing much of anything.

Nice choices on the OST, by the way; &quot;The Legend of Dragoon&quot;, where most of the songs come from, is one of my most favourite RPGs and had an excellent soundtrack(easily on par with the likes of Yasunori Mitsuda or Nobuo Uematsu).
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Tevin: Yeah. I have to nerf the mage little bit. I really like the game The Legend Of Dragoon, it has very good musics.

Powerfreak: If you think you are slow, buy boots of speed and some gauntlets to make your attack speed stronger. I know I have to fix some spelling.

I'm now in England alone and I'm here learning the english for two weeks :p (I'm from Finland)

Thank you for comments.
Level 3
Aug 16, 2007
In the end this are at least my votes:

Good sides:
The story is great...
The terrining is great too...
Optional quests are interesting, sometime buggy but nothig serious...
good combo for heroes
Awsome cinematics
Good managment of details
Special color effects on letters are realy great!

Bad sides:
Some grammar hmm... errors...
small range of items (some are buggy too)
Cinematics tooooo long and sometime useless
too much non-trigger spells (80%-90%), there coud be some other abilitys that give a little more excitement to the game
too much NPC doing nothing...
some bugs here and there

Warrior too easy, Elementalist coud be enpowered a little, and crossbowman too...
In the end...
just fix that little buggys and all will be great...

GJ Aeroblyctos :p
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Thank you, D@B@R for your comment. I try to fix those problems soon as I can. I try to make the game better, but because I have so much games nowadays, it is hard to upload maps all the time. :D

It would be good, if you, or someone else can tell exactly item, cinematic or other bugs so I can fix them lot easier. Otherwise I have to check every single and that's painful, really!
Level 4
Dec 24, 2005
Really good made singlplayer rpg!! Really liked it. But i also got a few bugs... and a really BIG bug, too...

- At the quest &quot;Release other side&quot; the game stucked!! i invated the shaman first but the other soccres, mages i invated to summon me don't counted in quests and the summon dont start when i enter the summon circle. SO I CANT FINISH THIS MAP.. and im so near at the end im really angry about this want to know how it ends :-(
- Sword of Doom: The effekt: armor reduce every hit on enemy by 8 dont work!!
- Theres a stuckpoint at the bridge in Rivertown near the Sword of Light

- make unneeded buildings and other thinks you dont need to click unclickable with locus
- decrase dialog time for rest and teleport video time ... you need to do this often and it starts to stress later
- many of the combining items are really useless and i think sometimes not better then the uncombined versions
- Cheese of life with 33% life steal is too strong or too cheap ... this item really pawns (dont lost life since i buyed it)
- Decrase number of animals you often stuck at them
- Dont let enemy units enter cities ...
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
You must have 4 summoner to go forward. How many you have now? And what? I just looked the triggers and it should work. Please look again and you must do their quests before they want to summon your other side. If you still have the bug, let me know. I will give you a password how to go forward.

&quot;- Sword of Doom: The effekt: armor reduce every hit on enemy by 8 dont work!!&quot;
=&gt; Should work. You have to remember that this item is like a orb. So if you have other orbs or Poison Sting it won't work.

&quot;- Theres a stuckpoint at the bridge in Rivertown near the Sword of Light&quot;
=&gt; What do you mean? You can get the Sword of Light in other way. It's just a secret way! :p

Thanks for the bugs and suggestions, I will repair those and think about those suggestions. I will send new version soon as possible. Today or tomorrow.
Level 4
Dec 24, 2005
I made the quests for each of the 4 summoners and they moved all to the circle... but in quest the summoner count is still at 1. When i move to the summoner circle they stay all there but nothing happen...
-I only have Sword of Doom as an Orb in my hero inventory and it dont work, dont ask my why. Theres only one orb circling around my soword.
-With stuckpoint i ment i tried to get the sword of light in direct way go ahead the bridge then suddenly i came bit nearer to the sword then before and was imprisoned at this position. Only stuck command saved me then. The secret way i found later...
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Can you tell me, Kill3rbeast exactly, what sorcerer's and wizard's and in what order did you ask them to summon the other side. Also did you do more than 4 quest for the that &quot;Release other side&quot; quest?

About the Sword of Doom. Are you a Ranger with Poison Sting ability? If you are, it won't work. If you are not, it's a bug that I will repair for next version.

I will also check the stuckpoint.

Thanks, Kill3rbeast
Level 8
Jul 10, 2007
Add a better black fog, because right now it's too easy to see the whole map and it ruins the experience of what's ahead.

The music presented in the game doesn't fit a professional killer.

Overall, it's a decent RPG, a lot more decent than those stupid ORPGS.
Level 1
Sep 13, 2007
I can't finished the &quot;helping old warlock&quot; quest. I killed him but the quest won't complete, so when I go to the Orc Summoner, nothing happened... and I notice that the number of summoner isn't increased, it keeps 0/4 but I already get 3 of them but the Orc one...

that's too annoying, I played assasin for about 15 hours grinding and enjoying, but in the end, it's like that... :(
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
There is six different summoner, but you only need four summoner for completing the main quest &quot;Release Other Side Of You&quot;. The wizards and sorcerer's are: Priestess Of The Moon(Kheioz Ring), Priest Of The Sun(Pig Roast, very good!), Sorceress Kate(no quest, just 100 gold), Light Bringer Jasmine(10 Magic Stone), Priet Altzo(Message To Alchemist), Shaman Gardal Grimsight(Helping Old Warlock).

Oh yeah, my mistake the quest helping old warlock bugs. You cannot complete it. I will fix to next version. I'm terrible sorry about this. But there is still 5 other summoners and you just need 4 summoners.

What do you mean about black fog, SantaBla? Do you mean I should decrease the sight radius?

I will also check if there is other bugs. I have not tested the game for many months, maybe now is the time!
Level 4
Dec 24, 2005
SantaBla ment that you can see the whole map... you just can't see units but the whole terrain is seeable (only a bit darker)... Open Scenario -&gt; Map Options and disable Masked areas are partially visible. I also think this is a good idea.

-Ok i now know why Sword of Doom dont worked ^^ It was the Cheese of Life. My hero is assasin not ranger so this was not the problem.
-I have one mini suggestion: Change loadingscreen text color. The contrast is really bad

The Quest helping old warlock works O_O I finished it and the first mage i invited to summon me was the shaman Gardal Grimslight. Maybe this bugged the quest. Then i invited Sorceress Kate and Priest of Moon and Priest of Sun... how i allready said they moved to the circle but wasnt counted in quest. Or its the assasin classe. What Maywell said seems to be the same bug i have.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Okay. So, I will check all the triggers about that quest throughout. If I see anything I will repair. If I don't find anything, I will do the triggers from be the beginning. They must be repaired. Thanks guys for telling this bug. Hope I will get more bugs.

I will also fix these for next version:
- Terrain seeable
- Loading screen
- Some other grammar erros

Ahh, almost forgot. If you are stuck in quest where you have to bring 4 wizard/sorcerer to the summoning circle and you cannot go forward please PM me or send email about it. I will give you a cheat to go forward! :p
Level 1
Sep 13, 2007
This map's great! Nice works! Actually, I love the story. But a little bit down when knowing that you just kill the Prophet like that :) Well, I wish the map size can be bigger, eh... 9/10
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
DemonicElf said:
Not enough storage available to process this command

WERandomGroupSet (.?AUWERandomGroupSet@@)
When did this happen? Did you try to open the game with map editor? If yes, then there is nothing wrong.

I have never seen this kind of bug. It must be the new map protector program which did this. I will soon upload the game with old good protector. Hold on. It's just pain to upload the map here because it takes 1 hour and after that my computer crashes. =/
Level 1
Nov 1, 2007
incredible Map, Aeroblyctos

Huge respect for your effort. The best single Player map I've seen so far. Especially the music is great!
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I suggest nerfing the Assassin. Combining his bloodlust and critical strike is way too good. I almost beat the Prophet when you first meet him and he is supposed to be too strong. If I used any potions I would have I'm sure.

Other than that, great map! Maybe the best single player RPG I've played for WC.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Gilles said:
I suggest nerfing the Assassin. Combining his bloodlust and critical strike is way too good.
Okay, I will nerf it in next version.

Gilles said:
I almost beat the Prophet when you first meet him and he is supposed to be too strong. If I used any potions I would have I'm sure.
Aha! I will make the Prophet lot stronger in next version!

Gilles said:
Other than that, great map! Maybe the best single player RPG I've played for WC.
CapTo[R said:
apToR]incredible Map, Aeroblyctos
Gilles said:
Huge respect for your effort. The best single Player map I've seen so far. Especially the music is great!
Thanks for saying such a such a nice comments! I precious that.

Gilles said:
I recommend this map.
This means alot to me!

All these comments gives me power to do my new project: The Chosen Ones- Campaign. It will be my best game ever, and it's also RPG game, but this time CAMPAIGN.
Level 2
Jan 5, 2008
This is pure awesomeness.Bows to you.

Only one thing.Battle with that (Forgotten One) creature is somehow &quot;unfair&quot;.He spell-attacks you no matter where you are. I entered his pit and he blasted me like a pansy-ass buttmuncher I was.

Make some kind of range for his spells.Please?

And Assassin's Shadow Braver is totally useless in Datcher Dungeons when you're in vicinity of cave entrances.
Level 1
Mar 19, 2008
this game is cool... but there is one problem... where can i find the troll warlord... its hard... By the way tnx tnx...
Level 1
Jun 13, 2008
Fabulous Map

I like the aspect that no matter from which town and Abraltar City you enter the shop, it always brings you to the same area, as I use the shop area to keep all the items, and I can have access to those items from any town and Abraltar City. lol

I used the assassin and discovered one major bug which made me godlike. If you Teleport Strike, and turn on the Invisibility Strike while teleporting around, you'll become magic immune and have 105 percent evasion. (In other words, you cannot die.) The effects stay with you until you do a proper teleport strike. But I didn't use this cheat as it would have taken out all the fun.

This map is great. I spent 12 hours to fully complete the game with a level 39 assassin. (Got all the medallions, did all the optional quests, had the full set of Holgro and combined the 2 swords into the Sword of Ultimate.) He was carrying the Sword of Ultimate, Hammer of Stun, Ranger Shield, Cheese of Life and Holgro at the end of the game. I left all the other items in the shop. lol. I highly recommend this map and give it 10/10.
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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
What should I say? It's a honour to see such a commets about the map guys. I really have to thank you guys. I spend days and days to working the map and now finally I got something to return: very nice commets. This gives me more power to work with my maps and especially my campaign.

After 1.9 alpha in my campaign I will fix all problems you guys said and make new version of this game. So it's in 2 weeks.
Level 5
Sep 6, 2007
"i come hero with the word of the ship commander: "Where is the fucking wheat?" " lol
i love this map
Edit july 1st 2008
where i buy this damm magic stone where!!!!!! (i seen in all shops that i know in map, only fund the magic ball on marketplace)
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Level 3
Jun 17, 2008
Fantastic map, i enjoyed every second of it, except for the cinematics which you couldn't skip and were too long. i give it a 10/10; everythng from the items to the terrain to the storyline is perfect. but how do i get the sword of light?

Nevermind, i found the sword of light, but how do you combine it with the other sword?
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Level 8
Apr 26, 2008

How I can get the Sword Of Darkness in the prison? The magic wall cannot be destroyed by attacking on it! :eekani:

Same problem with Sword Of Light too, i can't pick it up cause man and woman in river town are blocking... :cry:

And that optional quest where you need to kill troll chieftain, leader says that troll chieftain is there where you killed trolls, normally troll chieftain has trueshot aura? Well I saw 2 trolls which were under the effect of that aura, but there was no-one who HAD that aura! Is chieftain invisble or what? :con:

Oh yes and make those guards (example those who guard example in observatory pass to upper floor) invulnerable, anyone can kill them :grin:!
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Level 10
Aug 10, 2007
Terrain: 70%
Fun: 50% (got bored after 30min,most while this INGAME pictures)
Story/Name/Discription: 80% (Story bit,hmmm....)
File 20mb o_O did u used a map optimizer maybe? 10min download?Record on Hive!
Overall 5/5 cuz you realy worked hard...
Level 3
Oct 5, 2008
I'm stuck at this mission. How can i continue :(

"This is strange again.People in observatory doesn't know me anumore amd also they won't tell me nothing. What should I do now?"
Level 3
Oct 5, 2008
tnx, its continuing , oh i forgot to say thanks to you for made this wonderful map , when i finish this "campaign" , i will play Chosen One :)
Level 1
Sep 9, 2008
I'll give a proper review later (and suggestions if you'd like,) but so far it's 8-8.5/10.

BUG: if your storage boxes are too close to the elves guarding the road into the elven area, they will be removed from the game along with the guards when you proceed with the related quest. This might also occur with the human guards you encounter earlier.
Level 1
Dec 19, 2008
nice map i liked it alot. i have played nearly all of your maps, and im stunned of your skills.
the only thing i can do is give you a 5/5 10/10
Level 2
Dec 30, 2005
I enjoy playing this map, but there is still some bugs:
Assasin can get 100% evasion and magic immune, if while casting teleport strike go invis.
After killing elven chief i left my boxex in his room, after i finish quest, they dissappear, with 1 quest item, so only 25/26 quests(in status it show 25/27...mmm)
Quest of summoner gathering count in statistic, but wasnt mark as done in quest menu)

Anyway, great work.
Level 3
Dec 23, 2008
Howdy! Very interesting map, and I enjoyed playing it. The terrain is quite decent, there's a good number of quests to be done, you don't need to do "that" much farming for a RPG map and the cinematics in particular are very well done.

That being said, I still give it 4 out of 5, and actually closer to 3 than 5. While there's virtually no bugs or flaws in the map itself, there are a quite big number of spelling and format errors and NPC's with names so large that it looks awkward on screen. I think I noticed spelling errors in almost every second line of text I saw.

I also found the heroes a bit wonky, their abilities, with the Assassin as the exception, seemed to follow no real theme. It seemed a bit like the heroes had gotten their abilities given to them a bit randomly, and the inclusion of heavily scripted, imported abilities made it feel a bit strange, since you had heavily scripted abilities alongside abilities that are standard WC3 hero abilities with little or no alteration from their base ability. It made it very obvious which abilities where yours and which were imported.

I would put a lot more work into the heroes, since a lot of the replayability of a map comes from trying new heroes, and the heroes simply weren't unique enough that I wanted to play the map all over again with a new hero.

When you only have four heroes, put a bit more work into their abilities and general feel and theme to have them stand out more. All three of the non-caster heroes had a "Increases attack speed for X seconds" ability, the Ranger had a very peculiar "Cone of Fire" ability that didn't seem to fit the hero at all, the Assassin's direct damage ability (Shadow Brawler I think it was called) had too long of an animation for a level 1 ability, when you consider that it will be used quite often it can be annoying to have to sit and look through a 2 second animation every time when the ability is merely a straight-forward direct damage ability.

You should also make sure to use the same format in the Text - Tooltip - Learn - Extended. All of the abilities used the standard WC3 format of describing the abilities, but in some abilities there was space between the lines describing the effect at each level, and with others there wasn't. I would also suggest using icons that have an auto-cast variant for the abilities that can be set to auto-cast (like the Assassin's attack speed ability).

You also have quite a problem in regards to inventory space, especially since you can pick up quest items to quests you haven't even gotten yet (magical ore, magic mushrooms and so forth). In the end I had to drop all of the quest items for the quests I hadn't found yet in the city, so I could actually have something useful in my inventory.

The mana tubes and health tubes are a good idea, to have something that allows you to quickly regain health outside of combat. The problem with them is that you rarely have the inventory space to carry them around, and it happens quite often that you are low on health and mana and don't have any of them with you. Especially in the start where you haven't discovered any of the cities yet, I found situations where I was low on health and mana and didn't have anything I could use to recover quickly, so my only option was to find a safe spot for my hero and go watch television for ten minutes to regain health. A good idea would be to replace the base abilities of the heroes with a "Rest" ability that basically gives you the benefit of mana / health tubes for free so you don't have to just stand around waiting for health and mana. I know that health and mana management is a part of making a map challenging, but it should only really be a challenge once you're in combat, outside combat you shouldn't have to stand around for ages waiting to recover.

All in all, as mentioned, I give the map 4/5, with an arrow down. While it did have a great number of spelling errors and other problems as described above, it was very fun to play, the quests were quite abundant, the terrain was pretty well done and it was clear that quite a bit of work had been put into the map, which should always be rewarded. I wouldn't have been able to comment on the things above if I hadn't found it enjoyable enough to play for an extended period of time.