On my map, I use gamecache to save a hero in single player. Recently, when I restored a Hero saved in such way, it lost 36 attack speed and 36 movespeed. I tested everything, that's not items, not abilities, not hero skills, and my own function GetAttackSpeed returns the value that must be true, but the real test with timers shows that my hero has 64% attack speed by default instead of 100%, and that's his basic movespeed is 204 instead of 240 (1 agility on my map gives 1 attack speed and 1 movespeed). I dropped all items and locked all skills (SetPlayerAbilityAvailable) for that tests. I created that hero once again, he was ok, his attack speed was 100%. I tried to load and overwrite the save, but it didn't help. It looks like my saved hero's agility (it's value is 45) is somehow decreased by 36: I see 45 of it, but really it is 9. I even tried to change his agility by triggers, but when his visible agility was 46, the real was 10, so that's not agility. Did anyone encounter such a bug?