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My warcraft 3 is not installed

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Level 2
Dec 24, 2007
I have 2 computers and one of em has a serious virus that u cant delete. The one with the virus was the one with the w3 installed so i put it on a drive and then put it on my other comp. I could not install it because i cant find my cd key. so its in a file. i can still access it but i cannot extract models from it by any program. What do i do????? cause im trying to make a real cool rpg. If there is no way can someone upload a couple regular models and maybe a program that i can use to model them.
Level 2
Dec 23, 2007
I think your screwed unless
A. You buy an other copy of warcraft
B. You start windows (if your using windows) in safe mode, download avg and scan. If that doesn't work start windows in recovery mode.
Level 2
Dec 24, 2007
ive done all those things reformating and all that. i guess ill just bye it again. How much does it cost? 30 $? i mean i still can download other peoples models and put em in my game but i think it will be more fun if i made them myself.
Level 2
Dec 24, 2007
i dont have w3 installed its in a file so the programs are always auto directing to the file it goes in when installed so it doesnt find the right filr to make models.
Level 2
Dec 24, 2007
kk wooooooot i did it
i think
havent tried yet but i dloded the reg editor some guy maade and its info is the exact thing of what my problem is so i think itll work.
Level 2
Dec 24, 2007
okay now i got the problem again for vertex modify and the other stuff oinkerwinkle made are missing the registry comdlg32.0cx or it says that there might be a component missing in registry. i neehelp fixing or making these registrys.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
How can you make an RPG if you do not even have WC3 installed?

If you mean "I want to export the models to make a separate RPG game." then that is illegal, the models are only free to be used as long as they are used in WC3 (or any other games blizzard says you may use them).

If you mean "WC3/WE no longer runs properly", then thats because it still thinks its on your old computer and thus is also missing registeries and stuff that is vital for it to function. I have got it to work via direct copying thou.

Use a third party MPQ extractor and extract all the files from the MPQ so that they can be use. This will definatly work.

If none of these are what you are after, what exactly are you after?
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