My tools doesnt work - Something about dll files...

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Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Hey all, amargaard's here. Here comes a "long" text:

STATUS: I have a problem and that is why I have posted this thread in here. To solve the problem... Last time I called for help here on HIVE (No Zip program - Nothing works) a lot of nice people answered all of my questions and my problem was quickly solved. I Hope that there's still nice people in here ready to help...

STORY: I have for some time used the Adobe-photoshop-program to make icons for my own maps. I took some melee Blizzard Warcraft III Icons and edited them to what I needed, then after some time I wanted to see what others think about my work so I uploaded them here, not knowing that editing Blizzard Icons was against the HIVE-rules. They quickly became rejected - all of them...Then I thought I could make models or skins instead, because I really needs some new models in my maps. With Models and skins I don't think there's such rules, so I downloaded Magos Model Editor...

BUT: When I "ran" the program an error box appeared, saying that I couldn't start it without a special dll file. In the same folder as the Model Editor there's a dll file - the one that it said was missing.

Then I tried some other tools, but same problem! I even tried to copy the dll files into my Computer-system, but still the same result... What am I suppose to do?
Level 14
Sep 1, 2008
What is the dll file?
Search it on Google, download it and put it on C:\WINDOWS\system32
And run it, it should gets well...
Usually it is d3dx9_41.dll
If you're just too lazy, then :
Download it and remember to put it on

Waiting for reply...
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Hmmm... I have done that before, the dll-file is d3dx9_35.dll... (!) ... Wait, I haven't tried to "run" it... Will do that now :) Thanks :)

EDIT: I cannot run it... Don't think the dll-files can be "run" anyway >:D ... Did you mean that I should run the Model Editor?? I have already tried that a thousands times... Hmmm... Think I'll try download "d3dx9_41.dll" (EDIT: That didn't work) too, though it isn't that file it said was missing :-/

- Amargaard / ANM / Jalokin95
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Download the d3dx9_41.dll then put it on system32
Run this script on cmd
regsvr32 "C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_41.dll
Run War3ModelEditor...
If the error persists gimme the error message, because it may be d3dx9_39.dll

Woowowoooaah... This was a little too fast...
When I run Magos model editor it says I need "d3dx9_35.dll", but as I said, that one is already installed... (!) ... Anyway, I have downloaded "d3dx9_41.dll" too and put it into system32 together with all my other dll-files. Here comes a rough translation from my own language of the error message:

This program could not start, because d3dx9_35.dll were not found. The Problem will maybe be solved by reinstalling the program again.

In System32 I have the following files (and alot more of cause): d3dx9_27.dll, d3dx9_32.dll, d3dx9_35.dll & D3DX9_41.dll (Just downloaded the last one from the link you gave me).

What do you mean by running the script? What is the "script" and what is cmd?

- Amargaard / ANM / Jalokin95
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Level 14
Sep 1, 2008
Nah, I remember...
1. Download the d3dx9_35.dll
Remember! d3dx9_35.dll
2. After that put it at C:\Windows\system32
3. Try to run War3ModelEditor
4. If it still can't then put d3dx9_35.dll AT the same directory with War3ModelEditor.exe
5. Try to Run War3ModelEditor again
6. If it still can't then what is the error?
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Nah, I remember...
1. Download the d3dx9_35.dll
Remember! d3dx9_35.dll
2. After that put it at C:\Windows\system32
3. Try to run War3ModelEditor
4. If it still can't then put d3dx9_35.dll AT the same directory with War3ModelEditor.exe
5. Try to Run War3ModelEditor again
6. If it still can't then what is the error?

1. Did that once... already got it inside my computer...
And, yeah, it's d3dx9_35.dll I got. As you can see I wrote which I got.
2. It is already inside C:\Windows\system32.
3. It can't... If I miss the file it can't and if I have the file it can't... Same-same
4. Do you mean I am supposed to put d3dx9_35.dll inside the same folder as the Magos Model Editor? Where, inside the War3ModelEditor folder, should I put it then? ... I haven't tried this :-/
5. ... Still needs to know where I should put d3dx9_35.dll inside the War3ModelEditor-folder... :-/
6. I don't know if it can do it... Haven't tried some of the other steps. What do you mean by: "what is the error"? Should I know it since you ask?

Anyway, thanks for using time on N00Bs like me... When I / We / You have solved this I gonna +rep you!

- Amargaard / ANM / Jalokin95
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Hmmm... I dont know :-/

Right now I'm at my Granpa's Computer... xD ... Will check when I'm comming home toninght. Maybe that's the problem...!? Where can I get it - just google or...??

EDIT: Now I'm home... Didn't have it - Downloading... ... ...

EDIT 2: IT WORKS!!! IT WORKS!!! :D :D :D :D Thank you S4nji! :D :D :D :D Now, just wait and you will see some new models from me soon (I only needs to find out how to use it now!)... :D
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Level 13
Feb 18, 2009
I had trouble with d3dx9_35.dll, but thanks to you, i downloaded and put in System. Rep+
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
No problem... There's always help to get in here on HIVE, though I didn't start this thread to help others than myself (I didnt plan to) it is good that it can help you anyways :)

And by the way: Thank you for +repping us... Means a lot to me 'cause I haven't much reputation in here yet :)

- Amargaard / ANM / Jalokin95
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