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My like first attempt to make nice terrain:D

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Level 3
Sep 15, 2007
a tropical river. so what u think for first try? oh and btw I didn't read tuts:D i have learned myself some


  • Tropical river.jpg
    Tropical river.jpg
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Level 6
Jan 5, 2008
Save the files as JPG, PNG or GIF plz!

Couldn't make it any clearer...

But before you repost them and they are rdy for some serious comments, here are some tips:

Screen 1) It just ends... try adding some background, and use Left Click(or right click...)+Scroll to make it expand further backwards

screen 2) natural paths aren't that straight:wink: And add some height variation
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
They look nice, and they are easy?!

It's good at the top, but poor at the bottom. There is bare grass tile. It's an ugly tile, and it's the only one used. Either variate it, or cover it with plants.

Other than that, the top part looks good. You seem to have read some tutorials.
Level 15
Dec 24, 2007
I think i started with a river, they're easy for beginners.

Anyway, a few tips:

1) Try to use better tile variation, solid grass doesn't look good when it's everywhere!
2) Use the smooth tool on the sides of the river, it's really rough.
3) Grass doesn't grow under water, throw a rock tile under it.
4) Never show the end of the map, it just doesn't look good.
5) Please crop your pictures.
It's ok, for a first terrain.
Level 4
Feb 10, 2008
Other than being an ugly tile, it just doesn't fit with the plantlife or scene in general. Also I don't think mushrooms really grow that close to rivers, and add something in the way of a riverbank.

Asides from that, everything that deathcom3s said.
Level 3
Sep 15, 2007
k i will think on those things on my next terrain:D thinking about doing a forest or something maybe.
Level 6
Mar 12, 2007
Just to reitorate what others said... Use tile variation!! Just using grass makes it look bad, and is an easy thing to fix.
The whole forest part looks okay, but too cluttered with trees. PAdd some more plants and other stuff to make it look like a forest. The river is too strait, make it bend and wind through the forest. Finally, height variation will make this thing look better. Just work on your terrain some more and slowly it will get better.
Level 7
Aug 10, 2004
Just going to throw out some basics. Press X and V for cinematic and in game view. Also, remove your bush list, previewer, and minimap from the screen. Tile variation is also very important to a terrain. Also, rather than making your entire map sunlight rays, make several small regions and edit them to have that weather effect.
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