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My Art Gallery...(Paintings)

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Level 17
Aug 20, 2007
When I was 5th grade (Now 7th)
I had an art class, and with the directions of my art teacher, I made some paintings... I would like to share it... After 2 years...



Based on favoritism







(My first one...)

7.1 Mpixel of it

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Level 35
May 22, 2007
I shall disregard that last ignorance, as a bi product of your spam encased head.

For the work, it is excellent for a fifth grader...infact, it is excellent for a High School kid.

Though the proportions and shape are a little wonky. Especially on the cat's head.
Level 17
Apr 11, 2007
These seriously look stolen...

I mean.. Why is there always a shadow where someone's likely to stick a watermark?

Heck knows, you coulda printed these out and took pictures, making a shadow over any signatures then putting them here...

A 5th - 7th grader producing something like this my ass...
Level 18
Apr 15, 2004
I do not think you painted all of them. Some of them are far too complex for a fifth grader to paint not to mention the subject of some of them clue me into these not being yours.
The lighting in several of them also clues me into them not being yours as the styles are not consistent and the quality is not consistent.
Painters ARE consistent, and prodigies even more so. Not to mention prodigy painters do not vary in quality as much as you seem too. Look at the last landscape compared to the first two shown, COMPLETELY diff quality and style.

Did you find these pictures around the house and take pictures of them?
Or can you provide us with proof as in paint something new and take photos of it as a WIP.
Level 17
Aug 20, 2007
Of fine, some of them were made at 4th grade! Happy?

I don't know if you read the second sentence of my thread but it said "With the direction of my Art Teacher", he didn't really want to help us by doing it by himself or something like that...

Why are they each so different? Because I snatched paintings from a book and repainted them, so I am not original...

And what does Prodigy mean anyways??? :con:

Here are some HIGH QUALITY 7.1 MPixels of my paintings... Happy? (Though its like night mode, (But I didn't switch it) I guess its too sensitive to movement!
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
You guys have no proof he stole these, they are very good, and until something turns up, they are his.

So, let me get this straight, these are all copies of paintings? You looked at another painting and painted it for yourself? Regardless they are really good! You have a talent for sure.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
I can see that in two different versions:

1) You copied paintings with a copymachine
2) You copied over paintings by using paint equipment.

But I guess you'd use the second one, m'kay, case closed.
Level 6
Nov 11, 2007
nice paintings, and ppl remember everyone is innocent until proven otherwise
Level 8
Sep 9, 2007
I think they are really good. Although I think it is unlikely that you did them in year 4/5 I know that is possible. Certain talents, such as Maths, Music and various arts are able to be seen in very young children because they do not need life experience.

Perhaps you could do another in your spare time and take photographs of WIPs. If you need to copy something, take a photo of a sunset or something and use that.

Seriously nice work.
Level 1
Feb 16, 2008
Well the paintings were little old style for me. I didn't like them so much but you can improve them by drawing something new style, not old cats\flowers etc.. But still I liked your way to do them and they were pretty. You get my +art rep :)
Level 5
Aug 27, 2007
Okay, so, it just happens that the person who claims to have painted these was in fifth grade at the time.

When I was 5th grade (Now 7th)

But if he never said that, I would be willing to bet there would be fewer accusations of thievery. Instead of being accusatory, it might be a better idea to be glad that he chose to give his age at all. Prejudice is a bad thing, and prejudice by age, I've found, is one of the most annoying types. We could all be better without it.

If, though, all the people accusing him of stealing these paintings are actually correct, then... So what? If they're stolen, then this is a desperate reputation call, and reputation doesn't really mean anything anyway. It may be best to remain silent so as to not sound paranoid if these paintings were created by VicBoy.

Of course, VicBoy, it would really be best if you acknowledged from the start that these were copied. It would have prevented all of this mess. Still, congratulations on these and keep at it.
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