09:55, 17th Jun 2011
Status: Rejected
Green icons. Poor gameplay.
Status: Rejected
Green icons. Poor gameplay.
CreditsI've used quite a lot of other people's spells to make this map quickly in time for my Winter Holidays
...and many more.
- Death-Blade for "Ice-Wall"
- cyberkid for "Napalm Dump"
- nIcesuit for "Whirlpool"
- Paladon for AOE Knockback
- Nightmare Moon for "Nature Walk"-->converted to Sludge Strike
- Diablo-dk for Recipe System-->very easy and no GUI knowledge required
- Bluebay for "Mind Control"
- lh2705 at The for "Forcenova" and "Storm Bolt Barrage" and Knockback"
- Tinki3 also at THN for "Overgrowth" converted to Flash Freeze, "Chain Frost" and "Death Pulse"
AI & Kill Streak & Deny System taken from Epicwar "Dota V. Untex 1.3 AI" by Untex (really horrible and plan to make a priority system)