Multiboard issue

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Level 8
Dec 9, 2009
I'm having some trouble with a Multiboard

I'm trying to make it display each unit in a unit group

Unit Group______Value

I want it to add a slot when a unit is added to group, and remove the row of a unit that dies.

Do i have to recreate the entire board every time a unit joins / leaves the unit group?
Level 8
Dec 9, 2009
I don't see in how in GUI I could find out which row belonged to a unit without having a ton of variables

Each player will have a different multiboard
Level 8
Dec 9, 2009
Ok, i got a lot of it working

It shows up different for each player
I can add rows to it with each enemy that attacks
I can change the name gray when something dies

things that are NOT working:
I cannot change whats in column 2, it just doesn't work.
After resetting the board back to 1 it won't let me change row 2 but will work on rows 3 and 4 (Row 2 stays blank, Even destroying and remaking the multiboard doesn't fix this) (Works perfect for 1st time, but after that it doesn't the same trigger is making the board display)
If I clear a board, and try to change the size of each column it doesn't work and is all bunched up.
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Level 8
Jan 8, 2010
what can't you change in column 2? the number value? it's better if you save the value to a variable and change the value in the multiboard everytime the value of the variable changes. it will need a lot of work, but it's usually the best way regarding manipulating values in a multiboard. you can also use hash if you don't want many variables.
Level 8
Dec 9, 2009
Column 2 is working now, the main problem is now that the 2nd row is blank after the first time used

It gets reset to what it was, but after the first time that 2nd row is blank no matter what I do.

I've tried everything I can think of..

I even tried destroying the multiboard and remaking it.

How I went about making it is:
1 Integer Array, starts with value of 1
Each player has this to remember how many rows the multiboard for them has
When a unit enters combat with them, it adds 1 to integer array and adds that unit to the list
Saves the row in a hashtable for the unit so I can recall
When a unit dies i load the hashtable value and change the name of the unit gray.
when all units are dead the multiboard is set to 1 row (title)
integer array set back to 1 (set to 1 so it doesn't overwrite 1st column)
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