- Joined
- Feb 17, 2013
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- 1,329
Ok, I just downloaded a simple multiboard from epicwar.com. Yes, it's fine and I like his multiboard which updates kill, death, level and gold. But the thing is, I want to change or add a column which shows the reviving time of the hero (30 seconds). But I don't know how to change that. And also If a player leaves the game, the reviving status will change to "leave". Here's the trigger. I really appreciate if someone fix this. If you can provide a sample map, I'll be glad.
Thank you!
If you want my map, I will give it to you but I will remove some features to avoid spoiling.
Thank you!
EDIT: I uploaded my map. I hope someone will fix my multiboard.
Player Color
Map initialization
Set P_C[1] = (|c00FF0303 + (Name of Player 1 (Red)))
Set P_C[2] = (|c000042FF + (Name of Player 2 (Blue)))
Set P_C[3] = (|c001CE6B9 + (Name of Player 3 (Teal)))
Set P_C[4] = (|c00540081 + (Name of Player 4 (Purple)))
Set P_C[5] = (|c00FFFC01 + (Name of Player 5 (Yellow)))
Set P_C[6] = (|c00FEBA0E + (Name of Player 6 (Orange)))
Set P_C[7] = (|c0020C000 + (Name of Player 7 (Green)))
Set P_C[8] = (|c00E55BB0 + (Name of Player 8 (Pink)))
Set P_C[9] = (|c00959697 + (Name of Player 9 (Gray)))
Set P_C[10] = (|c007EBFF1 + (Name of Player 10 (Light Blue)))
Set P_C[11] = (|c00106246 + (Name of Player 11 (Dark Green)))
Set P_C[12] = (|c004E2A04 + (Name of Player 12 (Brown)))
Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time
Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Player - Add 1 to (Picked player) Current gold)
Create MB
Time - Elapsed game time is 1.00 seconds
Multiboard - Create a multiboard with 6 columns and 13 rows, titled LAMAS Heroes 1.0 - ...
Set MB = (Last created multiboard)
Multiboard - Show MB
Multiboard - Minimize MB
Multiboard - Set the display style for MB item in column 0, row 0 to Show text and Hide icons
Multiboard - Set the display style for MB item in column 1, row 0 to Hide text and Show icons
Multiboard - Set the display style for MB item in column 1, row 2 to Hide text and Show icons
Multiboard - Set the display style for MB item in column 1, row 8 to Hide text and Show icons
Multiboard - Set the display style for MB item in column 1, row 1 to Show text and Hide icons
Multiboard - Set the display style for MB item in column 1, row 2 to Show text and Hide icons
Multiboard - Set the display style for MB item in column 1, row 8 to Show text and Hide icons
Multiboard - Set the display style for MB item in column 6, row 1 to Hide text and Show icons
Multiboard - Set the width for MB item in column 0, row 0 to 2.00% of the total screen width
Multiboard - Set the width for MB item in column 1, row 0 to 1.00% of the total screen width
Multiboard - Set the width for MB item in column 1, row 2 to 7.00% of the total screen width
Multiboard - Set the width for MB item in column 1, row 8 to 7.00% of the total screen width
Multiboard - Set the width for MB item in column 2, row 0 to 7.00% of the total screen width
Multiboard - Set the width for MB item in column 2, row 2 to 1.00% of the total screen width
Multiboard - Set the width for MB item in column 2, row 8 to 1.00% of the total screen width
Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 6, row 1 to UI\Feedback\Resources\ResourceGold.blp
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 0, row 0 to |c009596970
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 2, row 0 to |c00959697Empty
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 1, row 1 to <Empty String>
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 3, row 2 to <Empty String>
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 3, row 8 to <Empty String>
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 6, row 2 to <Empty String>
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 6, row 8 to <Empty String>
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 6, row 0 to <Empty String>
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 3, row 1 to |c007EBFF1L
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 4, row 1 to |c00FF0303K
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 5, row 1 to |c000042FFD
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 1, row 2 to P_C[1]
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 1, row 8 to P_C[7]
Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 4, row ((Player number of (Picked player)) + 1) to |c00FF03030
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 5, row ((Player number of (Picked player)) + 1) to |c000042FF0
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 2, row ((Player number of (Picked player)) + 1) to P_C[(Player number of (Picked player))]
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 2, row 1 to <Empty String>
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 2, row 2 to <Empty String>
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 2, row 8 to <Empty String>
Gold MB
Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
Player Group - Pick every player in (All players matching (((Matching player) Not equal to (!=) Player 1 (Red)) and ((Matching player) Not equal to (!=) Player 7 (Green)))) and do (Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 6, row ((Player number of (Picked player)) + 1) to (|c00FFFC01 + (String(((Picked player) Current gold)))))
Kill Die MB
Unit - A unit Dies
((Dying unit) is A Hero) Equal to (==) True
(Owner of (Killing unit)) Not equal to (!=) Player 1 (Red)
(Owner of (Dying unit)) Not equal to (!=) Player 1 (Red)
(Owner of (Killing unit)) Not equal to (!=) Player 7 (Green)
(Owner of (Dying unit)) Not equal to (!=) Player 7 (Green)
(Owner of (Killing unit)) Not equal to (!=) Neutral Hostile
(Owner of (Dying unit)) Not equal to (!=) Neutral Hostile
Set Die[(Player number of (Owner of (Dying unit)))] = (Die[(Player number of (Owner of (Dying unit)))] + 1)
Set Kill[(Player number of (Owner of (Killing unit)))] = (Kill[(Player number of (Owner of (Killing unit)))] + 1)
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 4, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Killing unit))) + 1) to (|c00FF0303 + (String(Kill[(Player number of (Owner of (Killing unit)))])))
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 5, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Dying unit))) + 1) to (|c000042FF + (String(Die[(Player number of (Owner of (Dying unit)))])))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
((Dying unit) belongs to an ally of Player 7 (Green)) Equal to (==) True
Then - Actions
Set Total_Kill[1] = (Total_Kill[1] + 1)
Set Total_Die[2] = (Total_Die[2] + 1)
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 4, row 2 to (|c00FF0303 + (String(Total_Kill[1])))
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 5, row 8 to (|c000042FF + (String(Total_Die[2])))
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
((Dying unit) belongs to an ally of Player 1 (Red)) Equal to (==) True
Then - Actions
Set Total_Kill[2] = (Total_Kill[2] + 1)
Set Total_Die[1] = (Total_Die[1] + 1)
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 4, row 8 to (|c00FF0303 + (String(Total_Kill[2])))
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 5, row 2 to (|c000042FF + (String(Total_Die[1])))
Else - Actions
Killed by NPC
Unit - A unit Dies
((Dying unit) is A Hero) Equal to (==) True
(Owner of (Killing unit)) Equal to (==) Neutral Hostile
Set Die[(Player number of (Owner of (Dying unit)))] = (Die[(Player number of (Owner of (Dying unit)))] + 1)
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 5, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Dying unit))) + 1) to (|c000042FF + (String(Die[(Player number of (Owner of (Dying unit)))])))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
((Dying unit) belongs to an ally of Player 7 (Green)) Equal to (==) True
Then - Actions
Set Total_Die[2] = (Total_Die[2] + 1)
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 5, row 8 to (|c000042FF + (String(Total_Die[2])))
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
((Dying unit) belongs to an ally of Player 1 (Red)) Equal to (==) True
Then - Actions
Set Total_Die[1] = (Total_Die[1] + 1)
Multiboard - Set the text for MB item in column 5, row 2 to (|c000042FF + (String(Total_Die[1])))
Else - Actions
Icon MB
Unit - A unit enters (Playable map area)
((Entering unit) is A Hero) Equal to (==) True
(Owner of (Entering unit)) Not equal to (!=) Player 1 (Red)
(Owner of (Entering unit)) Not equal to (!=) Player 7 (Green)
(Owner of (Entering unit)) Not equal to (!=) Neutral Hostile
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Deeplord Revenant (Intelligence)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNDeepLordRevenant.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Field Engineer (Intelligence)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNachievement_character_gnome_female.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Pyromancer (Intelligence)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNSorceress.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Paladin (Strength)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNHeroPaladin.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Gnoll Overseer (Strength)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNGnollKing.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Suicide Squad (Strength)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNMortarTeam.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) White Knight (Strength)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNCaptain.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Assassin (Agility)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNBanditSpearThrower.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Centaur Archer (Agility)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNCentaurArcher.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Spirit Walker (Intelligence)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNSpiritWalker.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Raider (Agility)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNRaider.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Pandaren Brewmaster (Strength)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNPandarenBrewmaster.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Demonic Nun (Intelligence)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNBanshee.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Necromagus (Intelligence)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNNecromagus.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Plague Doctor (Intelligence)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNVialHeart.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Dark Wizard (Intelligence)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNBanditMage.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Archdruid (Intelligence)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNDruidOfTheTalonBETA.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Huntress (Agility)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNHuntress.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Cat Druid (Agility)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNNE.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Lurker (Agility)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNDranai.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Troll Warlord (Agility)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNForestTrollShadowPriest.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Bitterwood (Strength)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNCorruptedEnt.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Lord of the Tides (Strength)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNSeaGiant.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Ogress (Strength)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNOgrefemale.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Razormane Quillboar (Strength)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNRazorManeChief.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Fairy (Intelligence)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNForestCreature.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Polar Ursa Champion (Agility)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNPolarFurbolg.blp) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Unit-type of (Entering unit)) Equal to (==) Ranger (Agility)) then do (Multiboard - Set the icon for MB item in column 1, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Entering unit))) + 1) to ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNShandris.blp) else do (Do nothing)
Lvl Up MB
Unit - A unit Gains a level
(Owner of (Leveling Hero)) Not equal to (!=) Player 1 (Red)
(Owner of (Leveling Hero)) Not equal to (!=) Player 7 (Green)
(Owner of (Leveling Hero)) Not equal to (!=) Neutral Hostile
Multiboard - Set the text for (Last created multiboard) item in column 3, row ((Player number of (Owner of (Leveling Hero))) + 1) to (|c007EBFF1 + (String((Hero level of (Leveling Hero)))))
If you want my map, I will give it to you but I will remove some features to avoid spoiling.
Thank you!
EDIT: I uploaded my map. I hope someone will fix my multiboard.
Last edited: