- Joined
- May 9, 2012
- Messages
- 19
Hi guys i'm still new on world editing i start like a month ago and i'm learning mui to create spells and systems like casting bar but my system has bug and i dont know how to fix it any help will be appriciated tho
- Unit - A unit Begins channeling an ability
- Conditions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- ChannelInteger[0] Equal to 0
Then - Actions
- Trigger - Turn on Loop <gen>
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
- Set ChannelInteger[0] = (ChannelInteger[0] + 1)
- Set ChannelInteger[1] = (ChannelInteger[1] + 1)
- Set ChannelCaster[ChannelInteger[1]] = (Casting unit)
- Set ChannelPoint[ChannelInteger[1]] = (Position of ChannelCaster[ChannelInteger[1]])
- Unit - Create 1 Progress Bar (Dummy) for (Owner of ChannelCaster[ChannelInteger[1]]) at ChannelPoint[ChannelInteger[1]] facing Default building facing degrees
- Set ChannelDummy[ChannelInteger[1]] = (Last created unit)
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg_ChannelPoint[udg_ChannelInteger[1]])
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
- Time - Every 0.03 seconds of game time
- Conditions
For each (Integer ChannelInteger[2]) from 1 to ChannelInteger[1], do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Animation - Change ChannelDummy[ChannelInteger[1]]'s animation speed to 41.67% of its original speed
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- ChannelRuns[ChannelInteger[2]] Less than or equal to 0
Then - Actions
- Set ChannelInteger[0] = 0
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- ChannelInteger[0] Equal to 0
Then - Actions
- Set ChannelInteger[0] = 0
- Trigger - Add to Finish <gen> the event (Unit - A unit Stops casting an ability)
- Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
Loop - Actions
For each (Integer ChannelInteger[2]) from 1 to ChannelInteger[1], do (Actions)
- Events
- ChannelInteger[0] Equal to 0
- Unit - Change color of ChannelDummy[ChannelInteger[1]] to Red
- Animation - Change ChannelDummy[ChannelInteger[1]]'s animation speed to 0.00% of its original speed
- Animation - Change ChannelDummy[ChannelInteger[1]]'s vertex coloring to (100.00%, 35.00%, 35.00%) with 0.00% transparency
- Unit - Change color of ChannelDummy[ChannelInteger[1]] to Light Blue
- Animation - Change ChannelDummy[ChannelInteger[1]]'s animation speed to 0.00% of its original speed
- Animation - Change ChannelDummy[ChannelInteger[1]]'s vertex coloring to (75.00%, 75.00%, 100.00%) with 0.00% transparency
- Unit - Kill ChannelDummy[ChannelInteger[1]]