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MTG Magus v.1.30

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MTG Magus
Created by Blood_Knight

Map Info:

MTG: Magus v1.30

UMS mini game strategy style map. Anyone familiar with Magic the Gathering will catch on very quickly, At this point I am still updating the map. All critiques welcome.


Magic the Gathering consists of 5 primary colors; White, Blue, Black, Red, Green.

Each color has its own unique attributes and effects. White is the color of holy law and grace. Blue is the color of illusions, and wisdom. Black is the color for death, and ambition. Red is the color of fire, and courage. Green is the color for life, and creation.

There was a map called MTG Magus back in the starcraft 1 days that proved to be very successful. I have devoted some time in re-creating the such in the War 3 world. If you were fortunate enough to try MTG Magus in those SC days... You will fall in love immediately. If you are new to this custom map it will prove to be a different kind of challenge.

This map is comprised of a unique spell casting system which is designed to create a unique form of strategy and game play. This map has a lot to take in, so I have created an in game index that should hopefully help clarify confusions, or remind even the experienced players of a particular units' functions. To view the index at anytime time type: -index

Map Details Fully Explained:

Map Explained:
  • Welcome to MTG Magus. MTG is the acronym for Magic the Gathering. Magic the Gathering is a table top card game that was introduced to the world in the early 1990's by Richard Garfield. This man's invention took the world by storm and rose to become an instant phenom on this planet. Until today this game continues to dominate the table top card gaming world. Although Mr. Garfield decided to sell his rights to Wizards of the West Coast a few years back. And now wizards has taken it to whole another level. To see what the card game is all about visit www.wizards.com

    ***Quick note about MTG***

    The original MTG card game is a turn based table top format game where each player will follow a sequence of phases during their turn to play their individual cards. Then passing their turn, and it continues until a player is defeated. Each player has a total of 20 life points, and you must use your constructed deck to beat your opponent's life total down to 0. There are other misc ways of winning, although I will leave the in depth ruling of the actual game up to you to research if you become interested.

    Unfortunately true MTG fans will find the nature of the War 3 world and MTG world are different. This map does not follow the same protocol. War 3 is designed to be a multiplayer live action game which makes things difficult to follow the nature of a turn based game like MTG. Can an MTG map be created in the War 3 world that follows a turn based protocol? Well yes, but the programmer(s) will have a full plate of work, and will likely want to get paid... So instead of a turn based format, this map utilizes the magical effects, and different kinds of creatures that originally spawn from the table top card game to create a unique format of strategy and game play in this mini map UMS war 3 game.

    On with the Map...


    At map initialization the hosting player will be given a brief moment to select AP (all pick mode) or AR (all random mode). Each active player will then choose their color and the screen will center on your home base area and main HERO unit(urza battlemage). Your main hero unit is your only life line and is also the key to using your home base functions.
    If this unit dies, you are defeated.

    Each home base area is comprised of a few different structures that allows this map's unique game style and strategy to take action. Each structure has a nearby circle of power which your main HERO unit(urza battlemage) must stand on to open the functions of that particular structure.

    (Special) Base Flag - Each home base area has a flag which provides basic spells that are very important to over all strategy, be sure to check your flag asap.

    (A) The Spell Book - Each color has a unique spell book comprised of spells that identify with the nature of your chosen color. To open your spell book, move your main hero unit to the nearby circle of power and the book will become active. At that point you can review all of your potential spells and their respective costs. I have also included a brief instructions for spell casting in the book as well.

    (B) The Summoning Structure - Each color has a unique (barracks like) structure with many different creatures. To activate this structure move your main hero unit to the nearby circle of power and the structure will then become active. As you review each summon you will see their respective costs, and different abilities they carry. Most units build very quickly, although you will have to watch your food limit, and units can only be summoned while this structure is active. These units are considered *summons*

    (C) Enchantments - Each color has a unique structure that allows the creation of a continual magical effect called an enchantment. To review your enchantments bring your main hero unit to the nearby circle of power. Enchantments are very powerful and offer important leverage to overall strategy. Although each player may only control 1 enchantment at anytime, and the structure representing an active enchantment is placed just inside the casting players home base leaving it slightly more susceptible to enemy ambush. An enchantment's effect will only continue as long as it remains intact. If it is destroyed, its effect will diminish with it.

    ***side note on enchantments***
    I hope to add more enchantments (but the map is already littered with a lot to take in)

    (D) Planeswalkers - Additional hero units with extraordinary power, they consume a lot of food but if given the opportunity to level, these units can easily rival an enemy battlemage. This additional hero summoning structure is always active and does not require the use of a circle of power.

    (E) Urza's Incubator - Each player has an additonal structure that will auto activate after a certain game time has passed. This structure will add a small amount of resources at timed intervals. It also offers a few basic items to amplify hero units. If your incubator is destroyed it will leave you heavily handicapped for the remainder of the battle, but it does not mean that your are defeated. This unit will require some attention, and is also primary target structure for the more veteran players. If this structure is destroyed it can not be replaced.

    (F) Urza's Scope - An important structure that offers a free area of effect detection every 30 seconds. Allows you to see enemy invisible units, or spy on a target destination briefly. Another primary target structure for veteran players. If this structure is destroyed it can not be replaced.


    At this point you should have an idea of what each home base is made up of. Although, you will notice a few different timers. These timers indicate 2 different things.

    (A) Autospawn timers - Autospawns are standard units that will spawn at timed intervals. You will notice 3 timers (on the multiboard) representing levels 1 thru 3. Lvl 1's will always spawn and have no requirement. (Lvl 1's can also be absorbed for mana, review your Flag for basic spell Absorb at your home base) Lvl 2's will require you to have 5000 or greater gold in order to spawn. If your total is less then 5k, they will not spawn regardless of the timer reaching 0. Lvl 3's will require you to have 15000 or greater gold in order to spawn. If your total is less then 15k, they will not spawn regardless of the timer reaching 0. There are a few spells & effects that can and will manipulate player timers.

    (B) Spell cooldown timer - This timer I am hoping is fairly straight forward... If you cast a spell from your spellbook, this timer will appear and begin. Another spell can not be cast until the this timer once again reaches 0 and disappears. There are a few misc ways of manipulating this timer as well.

    Now we have hopefully covered the home base area, and the visible timers. Again any of this info can be reviewed in game by following the glossary index. At anytime type: -index


    The middle area offers a very hot spot of action and requires immediate and constant attention. It is comprised of the special unique shop that offers a very powerful inventory of weapons and armor to amplify the hero units. This area can be controlled by any player (but only after it becomes active after a few mins of game time) While a player controls this area, it offers bonus food supply, bonus resources at timed intervals, along with free experience for any hero units you may control. It will also amplify certain spells from each color's spell book, and enable each players MEGA spell while they control it. Control for this area can, and will change frequently throughout gameplay. And take note, many spells are directly designed to manipulate this area. For example: Each player has a mid destruction spell that pretty much eliminates most units occuyping the mid area. Although this area requires your attention, too much attention could result in your defeat...

    Artifacts are comprised of 2 seperate categories;

    (A) Artifacts - Are neutral structures that offer a continual effect as long as they are active and intact. They are similar to enchantments in the aspect that each player can only control 1 at anytime, and they are placed in the middle area outside of the controllers home base leaving them very suseptible to enemy ambush. Each player has access to all 16 different artifacts at anytime. These structures will play a very important part to overall game strategy. These structues are designed to have a tremendous impact and may cause opposing players to gang up on you if you summon one. To review any artifacts information just click on the structure. These units are located at the top right area of the map.

    (B) Artifact Creatures - Powerful neutral warriors that each player has access to. These units offer a wide variety of abilities that most normal summons do not contain. These units are designed to help balance a battlefield where your color may lack in ability these units will easily make up for. To check an artifact creatures costs and abilties, just click on it. These units are located near the upper left area of the map.


    Gold is classified as MANA in this map. A leaderboard will always display each players current total of resources. The primary way to gather resources is by making kills. The more aggressive player may reap the reward of a brimming resource total. But the veteran player may punish the aggressive player by countering an attack using units that easily kill large numbers of weak ones. Stronger units are worth a higher total of income than weaker ones.

    Income is also manipulated by many other misc factors. Unfortunately this is where the inexperience will bleed a new player. But like any game, it must be learned before it is mastered. Many different spells may effect a players mana total, along with artifacts, artifact creatures, and even enchantments will disrupt a players mana total. To make things as brief as I can... Know that your mana total is never safe. If you have a strategy in mind, or you just want to mass summons, then do it. Or a more veteran player will take advantage of your lack of mana usage.


    I have already mentioned an index above. To access the index just type: -index
    Some of the things that the index will cover are the following:
    (i) Resources
    (ii) Autospawns
    (iii) Timers
    (iv) Camera
    (v) The Middle
    (vi) Artifacts & artifact creatures
    (vii) Mass Attack


    Hopefully I have covered the basics of what this map entails. I will leave it to you gamers at this point to find your strategies... your favourties... and anything that will improve your odds against the opposing players. The basic fundamental is protect your main hero unit(urza battlemage) at all costs. Defeat the other enemy urza battlemages, and try using your different spells and/or options to bring about your opponents defeat. It will take some time to learn about all of the available options, so if you are new to this battlefield... Don't fret... you will probably be defeated and quite easily at that. Get up, dust yourself off, and try again, or maybe even another color.

    I wish you all good luck, thank you kindly for trying my map, and if anyone that has gone through this breifing still feels something needs further explaining, do not hesitate to ask.
    I hope to have a forum up, with screen shots and full descriptions soon.

Change Log:

- Terrain modified
- Removed another 500 doodads to reduce more game lag
- Removed many models & skins to reduce map size
- Reduced the max number of autospawns for each player
- Removed the mana blasters at the middle area
- Each Urza Hero was nerfed to create better balance for the early game
- Reduced map size to hopefully improve with DL and LAG

- Removed some more doodads
- Removed a few more models & skins to reduce map size
- Incubator mana generation rate increased to push action
- Blue Urza Hero nerfed to create better balance for the early game
- Red summon Keldon Warlord replaced with Moutain Ogre unit
- Red planeswalker Chandra nerfed slightly
- Removed some abilities and triggers to reduce map size

- Artifact creature Clockwork gnome nerfed and cost increase
- Fixed a bug with White Enchantment Field of Souls
- Urza Incubator & Urza Scope hit points doubled

- Artifact Winter Orb amped up to deplete mana faster
- Low lvl summon units' costs increased slightly
- Green Summon Dryad's Healing wave spell now auto-casts

- Each Urza's movement speed greatly reduced
(speed reduced to replicate the SC MTG main hero movement)
- Handicapped main hero units to force other early strategies
- Added Urza gear; Cape, Gloves, Boots. Found in the Incubator
- New items greatly enhance main hero for powerful later game
- Reanimate ability cooldown +5 secs
- Phoenix Egg re-hatch +5 secs
- Increased the movement speed of every unit, excluding heroes
- Black Summon Sacromancer re-animate is now re-incarnate
- Black Summon Endrek removed; Plague Rats added
- Autospawn timers reduced by 5 secs to push action
- Autospawn locations moved to push action
- Terrain modified, to enlarge green, black and white bases
- Modifed some of the summons costs

- Red Spell Lava Spike damage +500
- Blue Spell Reality Twist grabs 10 units from each player instead of 7
- Rebalanced many artifacts
- Rebalanced many summons; (especially the hit points for gold cost ratio)
- Autospawn units hit points increased
- Removed angel magic from Serra Angel
- Rebalanced some of the summons' abilities

- Rebalanced the enchantment costs
- Black enchantment contamination depletes 750 minerals instead of 500
- Green summon Llanowar Elf adds 10 mana every 6 secs instead of 10 secs
- Green spell fog gives a 50% chance to miss instead of 66%
- White perimeter defense castle's now have the ensnare ability
- Blue perimeter defense towers now have evasion & slow aura
- Blue spell Brainstorm decreased chance to roll stronger summons
- Rebalanced some of the artifact creatures costs, hit points, and damage
- Artifacts; Obelisk & Dungeon costs both reduced by 5k for playability
- Artifact Dungeon now adds 500 damage to enemy Urza's every 15 secs

- Rebalanced the autospawns and increased their movement speed
- Increased the gold bounty for all units to help push mana totals
- Fixed a few texts on different abilities that were not up to date
- Rebalanced artifacts reducing HP and armor. they die easier now

- Red enchantment; Mana Flare cost redcued to 9k
- Red enchantment; Orcish Oriflamme cost increased to 12.5k
- Red enchantment; Orcish Oriflamme now boosts all red units immediately
- Green enchantment; Roots of Life cost reduced to 10.5k
- Green enchantment; Doubling Season reduced to 15k
- Black enchantment; Gloom now depletes green & white by 75 mana instead of 50
- White enchantment; Circle of Protection's range increased
- Rebalanced the armor for every non hero unit, everything dies faster
- Reduced food cap to 45 and increased food cost for many units
- Red Spell; Earthquake cost increased to 12k
- Increased the spell cool down time for many spells

- Artifact; Cursed Rack mana depletion is now 3500 instead of 2500
- Removed another skin to reduce map size
- Added Green Enchantment; Wanderlust
- Wanderlust damages enemy heroes that leave their home base areas

- Fixed a bug that left dummy casters on the map after initialization

- Fixed a bug with artifact Cursed Rack
- Red enchantment; Mana Flare now costs 7k instead of 9k
- Red spell; Forced March was changed; Summos kobolds to attack middle now
- Red summon; Ghitu Slinger replaced with Dwarven Miner (credit to Radagash for model)

- Changed the defeat trigger to prevent game disconnection if a hosting player dies
- If your Urza hero is killed you can still stay in the game to learn & use the -index
- Single player mode can be used for learning, game will not end like previous versions
- Changed and added some texts in the Quest Log (F9)
- Changed and added some new victory triggers
- Hero Urza ability; Teleport Home casting time is now 5 secs instead of 6
- Added a banish option to remove a defeated player if they become annoying
To use banish type: -banish & the color of player (white, green, black, red, blue)
Example: -banish white OR -banish red
A player can only be banished after their Urza hero has been killed

- Fixed item Urza's Cape so the blink ability works fine now

- Increased the costs on some of the items at the middle shop
- Black enchantment; Contamination depletes 1000 mana instead of 750
- Black spell; Raise Dead cost increase to 7500 and a 60 sec cooldown
- Black enchantment; Recurring Nightmare changed and cost reduced to 7k
- Recurring Nightmare now creates invisible ghost assassins near enemy heroes
- New icon for Green enchantment; Wanderlust
- Added black enchantment; Infernal Darkness
- Infernal Darkness causes the game day time to always be night, auto triggers
the shadow ability for many black units, boosts all black units movement speed
and HP regen, and reduces all enemy units armor by 5 (most units have armor 3)

- Few minor balances
- Fixed icon for green enchantment; Wanderlust
- Fixed victory triggers

- Emerald Dragon's Shroud removed for Emerald Scales ability
- Shivan & Emerald Dragon abilities now use mana
- Arch Angel's HP lowered from 3500 to 3000
- Fixed spell book activation triggers to hopefully be more stable
- Added to the Quest Log (F9) and added a new log that covers spell casting
- Black Spell; Dark Ritual cost is now 350 instead of 500
- Red Spell; Relentless Assault improved, also adds all koblds now as well
- Red spell Forced March removed, added new red spell; Mana Clash
- Mana Clash is a randomized spell that either adds mana or damages your hero
- Added white enchantment; Land Tax
- Land Tax adds 150 mana at 15 sec timed intervals, and steals 2500 mana
from the player who controls the middle area every 45 secs.

- Previous casting system removed (players having to type out text)
- New casting system added; click icon to cast it (user friendly ;))
- Basic Spells can now be found in the Home Base Flags
- Fixed a few minor leaks that I missed
- Removed the 'Earthquake' red spell for the new red spell 'Shatter'
- Black Spell Death Pact changed to reduce % life instead of damage
- Improved descriptions and tutorials
- Enchantment Land Tax modified due to glitching
- Dialog button windows added to simplify spells that target specific colors
- Middle destruction spells changed, they no longer cause instant death
(hoping to add to a longer gameplay with this mod)

- Few minor balances
- Fixed a leak I missed
- Improved descriptions

- Fixed a glitch with Blue Urza's ability Evacuation
- Fixed a glitch with Red Spell Mana Clash, and added text for each roll

- Reworked all of the items in the Arena Shop; middle area special shop
- Removed all the staffs; replaced them with the ever so popular 'Swords' equipment


  • callahan, bloody turds, pyramidhe@d, Ampharos_222, Kuhneghetz, HappyTauren, Cavman, Tranquil, Forgotten_Warlord, Pyritie, donut3.5, Wraithling, Tarrasque, eXciTe, EziKieIth, shockwave, Dionesiist, Mc !, frankster, ironmaiden, Stanakin Skywalker, RED BARON, May Shadow, sPy, Champara Bros, Shamanyouranus, JetFangInferno, DonDustin, Radagash
  • CRAZYRUSSIAN, WILL THE ALMIGHTY, dionesiist, 67chrome, Discipline, 4eNNightmare, Mr.Goblin, Stanakin Skywalker, HappyTauren, antihero, Marcos DAB, NFWar, Tarrasque, ExN, bigapple90, Destructor [DoR], PeeKay, Elainiel, viiva, MC !, Anachron, War_Golum, Devine, CloudWolf, KelThuzad, Palaslayer, Orthon, -Stygian-, frIkY, The_Silent, freezer, Hellx-Magnus, Golden-Drake, Dmazzz, Big Dub, ZolfKimbley.BG, Kola, 0123456789, OgeRfaCes, ike_ike, Blizzard Entertainment

  • Sunchips, paladinjst, Pretor, Usedwell, Thrikodious, Truth Troll UA

Author's notes:

The map has begun to find a nice balance, although it is a lot to take in. I advise running the map in single player mode to read & learn about all of the different options you can pull on with each color. I am looking forward to any and all feedback that any players are willing to provide to help improve this battlefield.

Trigger notes, bugs, leaks...

I believe I have 95% - 99% covered and there shoudn't be any problems. But if you come across any issues, please let me know so I can fix them. The map is protected at this point, it took far too much time to put this together, although I am willing to share the unprotected version with other mappers that are interested in helping to improve this map. Would love to hear from a good terrainer if they would like to amp things up.

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates

mini-game, arena, strategy, MTG, magic the gethering, Red, Blue, Black, Green, White

MTG Magus v.1.30 (Map)

Vengeancekael: Private Message Date: 2012/Feb/18 13:55:29 Reasons: Other: Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object...




Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
Launch problem?

Rufus, I am not sure why you would have difficulty launching the map... I have tested it many times, and the only time I have ever had difficulty launching a war 3 map is while using a computer that does not meet the games minimal requirements... Is anyone else having a similar problem, please let me know asap. Meantime I am re-terraining the map right now and continuing to work on balance as well. Will have a much better version up soon. Am also working on a ROC version as well for the TFT haters:goblin_jawdrop:
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
Updated v1.12

I have once again updated the map.

- Many balance changes
- Added a mass attack
- Fixed many loose triggers... and I will probably find more...:goblin_cry:

If anyone is taking an interest, I am still looking for testers and other areas where I could improve the map
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
update coming soon

I am working on v.1.16...

Putting a lot of work into all of the hero units, adding custom spells and balancing their abilities according to colors.

***Off topic***

I was fortunate and very shocked when I stumbled upon Grey Archon's version of Sc MTG. It generated quite the popularity, and it was very well done. Good terrain, well executed triggers, and a bit of customized spells to give it the extra flavour. The only dissapointment from my point of view, was the lack of options, and no matter how many times you run it... It always seems to play out very similar. Not to mention I was surprised to see so little in the map... Only 4 artifacts, only a few spells for each color... and not much thought put into the main Wizard unit... being they were all the same... for the exception of one basic ability that differed them. Many of the primary spells from the SC version didnt even make his version... None the less, Grey Archon's map is still quite good, and if you are reading this you may want to check out his map as well. (MTG sc)

This map I am working on is similar, although with many, many more options. In my version, I have stayed a but truer to the SC version by including very critical spells that forced players to make risky choices in the moment. For example the middle destruction spell, which will end many games for some. Not to mention the ever important Urza's incubator which adds mana, and will offer a wide variety of items to amplify the hero units. Also, I have included 16 artifacts, 10 artifact creatures, and each color has many enchantments as well. My spell casting system is a little different that Grey Archon's version, and I have also added a middle element, which creates a high priority spot, and forces constant split focus from each active player.

The downside to this project, I am still learning the war 3 editor, and my current skills at this time are inferior to that of what Grey Archon has displayed. Although I continue to work at this project, and I hope by version 1.30 it will find stable ground, nice finished terrain, and give each player a unique gaming experience. At that point and time, I hope to put together a forum with screen shots explaing each gaming aspect of each color.

If you were a fan of Grey Archon's version, I am sure you will be a fan of this one as well.

Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
Hey Vengeancekael,

Thank you kindly for approving the map, I have requested for a terrainer and some other help already... Although my lack of rep I suppose has really left any support thus far fairly static. So now that the map is approved I hope to find some assistance. I am still looking for someone to assist with the terrain, if anyone is up for the challenge. I am also open for idea changes, and still need testers (although I am struggling with hosting on TFT ever since my new modem came in... I can host on ROC but not TFT... wonder why...?) to hopefully assist in finding a good balance. I will look into multiboarding the different timers and the mana total for each player. (still kind of new to advanced triggering) I will also add a few more game modes soon as well. Options to void the middle area, or just the shop perhaps, double mana mode, triple mana mode, slow experience mode, some other kinds of handicap modes as well, any feedback is more then welcome.


Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
your description relies on people knowing what you're talking about when you refer to the starcraft 1 map

i almost thought you were catering to people who haven't played this map when you said 'if you haven't played this map in starcraft' but then you diverted to something along the lines of 'well there's tutorials so good luck'

screenshots are also very nice
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
your description relies on people knowing what you're talking about when you refer to the starcraft 1 map

i almost thought you were catering to people who haven't played this map when you said 'if you haven't played this map in starcraft' but then you diverted to something along the lines of 'well there's tutorials so good luck'

screenshots are also very nice

If there is any misunderstanding I will glady clear it up to the best of my ability. I will add a more in depth break down for newer players explaing the basic map fundamentals. It will be up in the next 24 hours, keep an eye out for that. Regarding screen shots, and a detailed forum I am still in the process of compiling the such, and I hope to have all of that ready in the near future.
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
If there is any misunderstanding I will glady clear it up to the best of my ability. I will add a more in depth break down for newer players explaing the basic map fundamentals. It will be up in the next 24 hours, keep an eye out for that. Regarding screen shots, and a detailed forum I am still in the process of compiling the such, and I hope to have all of that ready in the near future.

Full map tutorial now available
Level 2
Feb 28, 2008
i'm using mac and i launch the map , and it crash , i need to force quit the game , you have some problem with this map , because i cant play it on mac
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
i'm using mac and i launch the map , and it crash , i need to force quit the game , you have some problem with this map , because i cant play it on mac

Emmanuel I wish I could help you with this problem regarding your MAC...
Although I am not very familiar with MACs. From what I do know Macs users encounter a lot of problems while online gaming to begin with. There are many online forums discussing numerous issues with gamers complaining about their macs and the problems they encounter while gaming.

To this point, you are the first to person to have this kind of a problem. I am pretty sure there is nothing causing this map to crash. I have been working on it for over a year now, and have tested it on 4 different CPU units as well... Not to mention if a hive moderator has tested it and approved it to be working, then I don't know what to tell you...

The only thing I would recommend is testing my map again on a different machine, an up to date functional CPU (non-mac computer) and see if you encounter the same problem. Chances are, you will not.
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
I suggest you find a terrainer to improve the terrain a little bit.
Also how about you put all of those timers in a multiboard.


v1.19 Multiboard up and operational... Although I decided to keep the spell timer seperate, although it now appears and disappears when required too. So, I think you will find things looking a little more up to the HIVE's standards now :thumbs_up:

Still hoping to find a terrainer :xxd:

Thanks again for the approval, and let me know if I should mod anything else. Will be putting a lot of time into compiling screen shots and opening a forum, and creating an effective game balance with other testers as well.
Level 2
Feb 28, 2008
Emmanuel I wish I could help you with this problem regarding your MAC...
Although I am not very familiar with MACs. From what I do know Macs users encounter a lot of problems while online gaming to begin with. There are many online forums discussing numerous issues with gamers complaining about their macs and the problems they encounter while gaming.

To this point, you are the first to person to have this kind of a problem. I am pretty sure there is nothing causing this map to crash. I have been working on it for over a year now, and have tested it on 4 different CPU units as well... Not to mention if a hive moderator has tested it and approved it to be working, then I don't know what to tell you...

The only thing I would recommend is testing my map again on a different machine, an up to date functional CPU (non-mac computer) and see if you encounter the same problem. Chances are, you will not.

This is so true alot of map doesnt work on map and it cause of some dooddad , or trigger , or skin i don no but it mpa related , i no that's blizzard problem , cause why it work on pc and not on mac , and i ask blizzard for this and they answer me oh it a old game , yea ritgh i play sc2 and it does this same thing on 2 map , so it blizzard problem the game is badly made for mac , that all i can say , and playing on mac at wc3 is risky cause everything time you click on something , in a new map could lead to crash , ........

thx for your answer it kind to you , i post my remark cause i when i saw this map i was OH ! yea that seem cool , but crash on mac ......... i will try to port wc3 to play game normaly ............ thx
Level 2
Feb 28, 2008
v1.19 Multiboard up and operational... Although I decided to keep the spell timer seperate, although it now appears and disappears when required too. So, I think you will find things looking a little more up to the HIVE's standards now :thumbs_up:

Still hoping to find a terrainer :xxd:

Thanks again for the approval, and let me know if I should mod anything else. Will be putting a lot of time into compiling screen shots and opening a forum, and creating an effective game balance with other testers as well.

for the terrain can't you use some randomizer ? that generate it everytime the map load so it could be basic and different everytime ... just saying hope it help
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
This is so true alot of map doesnt work on map and it cause of some dooddad , or trigger , or skin i don no but it mpa related , i no that's blizzard problem , cause why it work on pc and not on mac , and i ask blizzard for this and they answer me oh it a old game , yea ritgh i play sc2 and it does this same thing on 2 map , so it blizzard problem the game is badly made for mac , that all i can say , and playing on mac at wc3 is risky cause everything time you click on something , in a new map could lead to crash , ........

thx for your answer it kind to you , i post my remark cause i when i saw this map i was OH ! yea that seem cool , but crash on mac ......... i will try to port wc3 to play game normaly ............ thx

There are many custom models, icons, and a few skins in this map. I was thinking it may be related to the problem you are having... But again I am no MAC expert. The only other advice I could leave you with is if you are an avid online gamer... You would probably want to invest into a custom built gaming CPU. There are many small business owners that are computer programmers that will easy do this for you. I had my personal machine built for a little under $1400. That includes 3 terra of memory, a quad processor, and a very good video card. Let me tell you I rarely experience any problems while online gaming. And even if you do follow this advice, you still may have problems running some older games... I have game called Majesty which I can not run on my custom machine, it crashes the computer. So if I want to play that game, I have it set up on an old lab-top using windows 2000 as the operating system.
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
for the terrain can't you use some randomizer ? that generate it everytime the map load so it could be basic and different everytime ... just saying hope it help

Not a bad idea, I used to create a lot of SC 1 maps with a similar approach. Randomization always gives a very high replay value. Although randomizing terrain in war 3... not sure if thats possible... I guess it would be more of randomizing doodad placement instead. As cool as that may be, it would require a hell of a lot of work, and it may cause some bugs with this map. I really don't think I will attempt any heavy randomizing for this particular map. This map focuses on a unique style of gameplay which should hopefully create a different outcome each time gamers square off. But I am a big fan of randomizers, I created a map called 'Shadowgate' for SC 1 which is all about randomizing. It ranked 2nd place on staredit.net awhile back. If anyone would like to try it, just msg me and I can email it to you. But that is for starcraft 1. It is a point and click turn based single player RPG with every factor of the map randomized. I may attempt to rebuild it either war 3 or SC 2... but I am not ready to turn to the galaxy editor just yet.
Level 5
Aug 24, 2010
Well I test played the map.
It snowballs really fast so I never got a chance to test the planeswalkers or the items in the middle.
You need to add the miscellaneous spells that can be used by all colours like in the original namely the one that kills all enemy units in your base. That one is probably the most useful to stop snowballing.
Also it would be alot easier if you could just click the skill rather than having to type its name
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
Well I test played the map.
It snowballs really fast so I never got a chance to test the planeswalkers or the items in the middle.
You need to add the miscellaneous spells that can be used by all colours like in the original namely the one that kills all enemy units in your base. That one is probably the most useful to stop snowballing.
Also it would be alot easier if you could just click the skill rather than having to type its name

I appreciate the feedback blacksheep. I can understand your point of view regarding the fairly accelerated snowball effect. I am still in balance testing stages, and I will definately keep your critiques in mind.

The ability your referring to is Purging Scythe that was 30k minerals in the SC version. I thought about that ability, and I may add it in the near future. Although if you have browsed the artifact section, you will find many artifacts that offer similar and other kinds of dominating effects, including this similar ability your mentioning here.

Regarding spell casting, if there is enough requests for that, I will make the change. This system I am using is a bit different I know. But it leaves no room for error, where people can easily misclick. Your spell will only fire if you spell it properly :grin:
Level 5
Aug 24, 2010
should get rid of the mana blasters in the middle
also red seems to be the best by far but if it didnt snowball so fast the other colours might have time to compete
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
should get rid of the mana blasters in the middle
also red seems to be the best by far but if it didnt snowball so fast the other colours might have time to compete

Hey thanks for the interest blacksheepwall... Would like to have you join me for testing if your up for it. I am currently testing on Garena as much as possible under handle: Galaxy_Mage

To tell you the truth you got me thinking about the blasters now... I nerfed the damage on them so there not so lethal... But removing them completely.. Hmmm... Will need to think about that.

I have nerfed red a few times now, but the red urza is quite a powerhouse in the early game yes. I can handle most good red players with any color, although it does take some critical timing and really knowing your options to ward off the Red Urza early game. I will continue to nerf red slowly and/or amplify the other colors to assist against a rushing Red Urza. Although you have to keep in mind (real game of MTG) red is suppose to be a rushing color and much weaker in the late game... I feel I have achieved that goal and that is important to the color laws of each. For example I played a pretty good red player while using green, I managed to ward off all of his rushes and get my urza to 11, and by then the red urza was no longer any threat for green urza at all... Simply massed up on bears, cycle of life a few times, and attaked him dead with the assistance of Green Urza's 6 ability Craw Wurm & roots combo.

An another note; kudos and thanks to you I decided to add a couple of basic spells for each player:
- Purge = for 20k you can kill all non-hero enemy units in your home base area
- Study = For a low cost of 2k you can add experience to your Urza
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
I played ur game is nice! But why this game so lag ....

I wish there's no lag...

I have been researching lag issues with custom mapping and I believe I found some things I can do to help reduce the lag in this map. At this point and time I have over 3200 objects, which are mainly doodads. I will be reducing that by 90 - 95% also, I will preload all dummy casters and most likely remove a lot of the current special effects. Keep an eye out for 1.25a. All of those changes will be made to greatly improve gameplay. The update will be up in the next 3 to 5 days.
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
I have removed over 1200 animated doodads, preloaded all dummy units, and removed many special effects substituting them with dummies...

I am hoping the lag issues with the map greatly improve, if not I will do another major object reduction and probably remove all special effects from the map.

Please give me any lag feedback from 1.25a
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
I have returned, and I hope to bring this map UP even more. I will see what I can do in regards to screenshots, and hope to get things smooth.

1.26 has had some major changes, so take a peek if you were already a previous player of the map.

One big change is I have nerfed each URZA hero creating a better balance for the early stages of the game. Red Urza had too much advantage being able to unload flame waves like crazy. He cant use it, until lvl 3 now :thumbs_up:

Any feedback is welcome.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
NICE, gonna see this, but i say too you now, its a good idea too make it work like a RPG, were you can make your own deck and save it, just an idea :3
EDIT: this reminds my off magic tactics, it would work better if you add desk costumation, and something too work whit cards but nos as units, as abylites inside a spell book instead. So it keeps more like the original magic card games i still play whit my friends :3
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
NICE, gonna see this, but i say too you now, its a good idea too make it work like a RPG, were you can make your own deck and save it, just an idea :3
EDIT: this reminds my off magic tactics, it would work better if you add desk costumation, and something too work whit cards but nos as units, as abylites inside a spell book instead. So it keeps more like the original magic card games i still play whit my friends :3

Believe me when I say I totally hear you... Although if you read the full map details you will find I have already explained the direction I have taken with this map, and the reasons for it. But it is nice to meet fellow MTG fans, and if your up for creating that sort of map, go for it!
Level 3
May 29, 2012
Its a good map.

If you improve this map.... in the future it will be SUPPER GOOD!!!!!

10/5 to me oops i mean 5/5 :nehap:

Have a good day
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
Its a good map.

If you improve this map.... in the future it will be SUPPER GOOD!!!!!

10/5 to me oops i mean 5/5 :nehap:

Have a good day


Thanks for the vote of confidence, I have put in a lot of time, and I will still update the map regularly. I have finally found a few terrainers interested in givng the map a face lift, and once that happens, I will put up some screenshots
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
Hey Hive!

I am back after a few months of being very busy, and I have decided to improve this map I started over a year ago. I have given it a MAJOR reworking now for 1.29 and on. Thanks to user BLACKSHEEPWALL I have re-invented the casting system to make it much more user friendly and easier for newer players. And now, I am hoping to improve the overall flow, rework the terrain to really polish this mini-game.

This is where I need a little help. I am looking for a few people who would be interested in helping me play and improve this map if they can spare some of their time. I play on Garena at the moment under handle Galaxy_Mage. If anyone is interested plz message me on Garena or let me know otherwise where War 3 sees a lot of traffic. Bnet seems to be a bot hosted world where only TD's see any traffic, and Garena seems to be moving in the same direction. Is there other options out there where people are looking for unique UMS maps? Would love the insight if anyone knows =)

Lastly I would greatly appreciate someone who enjoys terraining, and if they would like the opportunity to revamp the terrain for this map I more then welcome you. My terraining skills are quite poor unfortunately. Anyone interested plz reach out, otherwise I hope you all enjoy this unique mini game.
Level 3
Mar 17, 2012
This game is unbalance. The Red skills are too overpower,enchantments and everything of RED n Green overpower weak. TOO MUCH OF UNBALANCE.... I have no idea to write, too much and cannot remember.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
This game is unbalance. The Red skills are too overpower,enchantments and everything of RED n Green overpower weak. TOO MUCH OF UNBALANCE.... I have no idea to write, too much and cannot remember.

could always look back at the map, recollect the ideas of what you wanted to say, perhaps store them on a piece of paper or electronically temporarily and then share them here
Level 5
Jun 18, 2011
This game is unbalance. The Red skills are too overpower,enchantments and everything of RED n Green overpower weak. TOO MUCH OF UNBALANCE.... I have no idea to write, too much and cannot remember.

I appreciate feedback whenever someone takes the time to leave me some. Although I really wish I could say something optimistic in regards to your post...

But your feedback is nothing more then a mindless rant, concluded with how empty your mind really is... It sounds like you tried the map once or twice, and you have not taken any real time to explore or learn it whatsoever.

If you read the briefing before download you will begin to understand this map is not something that can be learned very easily a few times through. I advise that you retry it, and find a few other gamers that are at a similar skill set in regards to this map, play through all the colors, and I am sure you will find see any color can take advantage of the early, and/or late stages of the game with different strategies.

But if you decide that you want to learn a little more, perhaps broaden the emptiness of that mind. If you read up on Magic the Gathering and learn the rules and properties of the game, you will discover that RED is the color that holds key advantage in the early stages of play, I feel I was able to give that slight advantage to red while creating this map.

I do not wish to be arrogant or come across rude to anyone, and again I appreciate your feedback, but to be honest you do not deserve a response for the nonsense you have written here. People spend a lot of time working on maps and different projects on the Hiveworkshop. Unfortunately you will not always like every map you play, or you may feel things are unbalanced when you are losing, or things aren't going your way. But should you choose to leave feedback for someone in the future I would advise you take time to think out what you might want to say. If your intention is to better someone, or help someone improve their project, it would be much better to let them know what is on your mind instead of just insulting a map, and then letting everyone and anyone who reads your post how empty your mind is...

Not to mention a moderator even responded to your feedback before I got to it, that should be a serious clue...

Negative REP NeedNottoknow