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Moving because of Black Mold...

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Level 8
May 7, 2007
Our family has moved a bazillion of times, most of the times for stupid reasons. But now, theres Black Mold in this house. So once again, we are moving. We just got into our new house a few months ago, and are moving to another location not to far from here.

It turns out the people that sold the house to us didnt tell us mold was growing till we found out, underneath the sink was black mold. I hate moving more than anyone probably in this world. We have to move all the stuff out of the house, once again, after we got all unpacked.

So, tonight are movers came, as we found out, the mold was NOT toxic. But they are making us move anyway.

Anyone else think we should have to move after they didnt tell us there was black mold in the house? Then tell us its not toxic?

Thought I'd share in off-topic because this is really stupid.
Level 9
Oct 15, 2006
Some mold is toxic, other molds are edible, you should have been notified of the/any mold because dehumidifying the house and treating it can cost a bundle.

My advice is to reduce your posessions. When it comes time to moving out and on with your life you'll find many reasons not to keep your... teletubby, etc. And with a job you'll buy stuff that you want and will be more wise about it, instead of all the simpleton things you were handed and had little say in it's importance/meaning to you.

(A TV you bought with your own money from your own hard work is going to mean more than one you were handed to keep you from yapping about not having one, or a better one : )
Level 9
Oct 15, 2006
some molds and plants thrive on an acidic atmosphere. For instance, to help azaleas grow just throw used coffee beans on the base and it helps the soil become acidic. It's why there are soil testers. So throwing acidic liquids on it MAY help it thrive, but may not, i am no mold-expert.

The human body gets sick in an acidic environment (internally), and most foods make it acidic. However, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), converts to an alkaline base within the body. Alkaseltzer, seltzer water, baking soda, spritzer water, club soda, all the same thing, neutralize the body making it alkaline. Keep your body alkaline and you'll never get sick! "Drink plenty of OJ!"

Yeah, so, back on topic, if you want to get rid of it just keep the place dry. If it's a bathroom keep the window open a bit. If there is a large suface area of it growing (as seen on most roofs) just pour bleach on it. When bleach is diluted it becomes salt water, it's why bleach never works when other cleaning agents are added to a wash, so it won't be harmful after the mold dilutes it. Just put it in a spray bottle.

By the way, that trick of putting bleach on rooftops to clean the mold is a tip that is being sold online for like $50, and anyone could make a wealthy business out of it.
Level 16
Apr 2, 2008
I had black mold in my house once i got walking lmouna from it i pucked till it was blood coming up lucky for me i did not die.

i have no idea how to spell the desies the doctors say.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Yes, you post in a month old topic to contribute really nothing, congratulations

Also, work on your spelling. Unless English isn't your first language or you have dyslexia, its awful. I mean, you should feel embarrassed by your typing
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